Appal Energy wrote:

> Preach it Brother Rabello!

        Grief!  Even my sisters don't call me that!

> Always wondered how so many Christians could shuck off environmental 
> responsibility - as if right to life in the future is somehow different 
> from right to life in the present.

        I think most people only swallow what they're fed with a spoon.  I 
once got in trouble among certain parishoners for teaching out of the 
Bible in a church school, so I walked into the pastor's office with my 
Bible and a pair of scissors.  I put the Bible and scissors on his 
desk and asked the pastor to cut out the parts he didn't want me teaching.

        Am I afraid to make a point?

        I didn't keep that job, but in retrospect, it wasn't worth having. 
Too many people turn off their brains when it comes to faith.  The 
drummer in my praise band has a tee shirt that reads: "Jesus, I love 
you, but save me from your followers."

> There are a few good beans and it's getting better. Just looking for a 
> day when the glass is two-halfves full.

        Keep the faith, Todd!

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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