I wonder if Lukashenko got his voting equipment from Diebold or ESS? Also, is this a preview
of what's to come in the USA? We did have a preview when those goons were flown down to
Florida in 2000 to storm the building doing a recount, to stop the process. And then in 2004,
especially in Ohio, we had an election stolen and given to King George the W.  Peace, D. Mindock
P.S. Thanks to Pat Berg for the link.

Belarus Police Deter Thousands of Protesters

MINSK, Belarus, March 25 — Riot police dispersed a fresh challenge to President Aleksandr G. Lukashenko on Saturday, blocking thousands of antigovernment demonstrators from reaching the central square in the capital and later arresting a top opposition leader.

The leader, Aleksandr V. Kazulin, was seized as he marched with hundreds of supporters on a prison where opposition members are held. The police also shoved and beat many of the protesters while they gathered on the sidewalks in the capital's center. Dozens of people were arrested, the opposition said.

Before the police seized Mr. Kazulin, one of the candidates who had challenged Mr. Lukashenko in the recent election, the two sides had been jostling throughout the day to show their strength, and the opposition displayed surprising resolve in the first hour.

Despite hundreds of arrests during the week and a police crackdown in which many of the most active members of the opposition have been detained, at least 6,000 people appeared at noon in central Minsk, where they were met by phalanxes of riot police with clubs. Some demonstrators carried flowers. They chanted "Truth! Truth! Truth!" and "Freedom! Freedom!"

After being blocked from October Square during a tense hour of confrontations with formations of riot police, the crowd dispersed and reassembled at a nearby Yanka Kupala Park, where another opposition leader said they would not cease in their campaign of civil disobedience against Mr. Lukashenko and his autocratic government.

"What is going on in Belarus can be compared to the storm of a fortress," said Aleksandr Milinkevich, the principal challenger to Mr. Lukashenko in the election this month. "This was the first storm. We will use peaceful methods. We will surround that fortress and we will not retreat."

In time, he said, "We will turn that fortress upside down."

Later, when demonstrators led by Mr. Kazulin marched on the prison, participants said the police dispersed them using stun grenades. Mr. Kazulin was arrested by a team of special forces officers who rushed him and snatched him from the crowd, witnesses said.

The police also arrested Mr. Milinkevich's spokesman in a separate confrontation. He was later released. The charges against Mr. Kazulin were not immediately clear.

The unauthorized rallies continued a week of small but intensive public defiance against Mr. Lukashenko, who is often called Europe's last dictator and whose police state, an island of Soviet nostalgia and Communist ideology, is feared by citizens for its brutality.

Mr. Lukashenko was re-elected on March 19 in a vote the West and the opposition regard as rigged, and the United States has called for a new vote and said it will impose penalties against Mr. Lukashenko and his top officials. The European Union has also said it will seek penalties.

For the first time in 12 years of Mr. Lukashenko's rule, people have carried out sustained demonstrations against him, including four nights of continuous protests on October Square, before the riot police conducted a mass arrest of hundreds of demonstrators early on Friday morning.

Mr. Milinkevich had called for another demonstration on Saturday, an unofficial holiday celebrating a brief period of Belarussian independence in 1918.

The turnout on Saturday in the face of police violence suggested that the opposition had far more support than Mr. Lukashenko had conceded in his derisive public remarks.

The protesters, who have modeled their effort in part after freedom movements against Communist or post-Soviet governments in Poland, Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and elsewhere, were young and old, men and women. They called loudly for a new way of life, free of state repression and with integration with the West, which Mr. Lukashenko loathes.

In a move reminiscent of Soviet times, the authorities said protesters were not allowed to walk on October Square because the ice on the skating rink there was being removed for spring. The demonstrators rejected the explanation as another official lie.

They massed on the sidewalks near the square, waved flowers and banned Belarussian flags, and shouted at the police: "Shame! Shame! Shame!" As their numbers grew they began to push, at one point forcing a line of police half a block backward, and almost reaching the square's edge.

But the police reinforced themselves swiftly, and thick lines of officers jogged into place and stopped the advance. The demonstrators also briefly blocked traffic two times at one of Minsk's main intersections, but were forced away within minutes by police charges.

More police reinforcements arrived, and began plunging into the crowd in platoon-sized formations, separating it into smaller groups that were then forced to move away.

Many demonstrators in the front rows were beaten, punched or kicked, but the officers did not seem as interested in arresting them as they were in clearing them from Independence Avenue, one of Minsk's principal streets. Once the crowd backed away the officers did not pursue it. As the demonstrators gave ground, they jeered at the dense formations of officers, clad in black, on whom they said the government had spent extravagant sums to protect itself from its own people.

"This is where our money goes," said Galina Apalko, 23, a student, before being chased back half a block by a rushing line of police.

Another protester cursed them as they rushed past her.

"These special forces — they are black cockroaches," said one stooped and elderly pensioner, who gave only her first name, Maria. "They are hirelings. My parents were oppressed. I am oppressed. I hate this power."

Mr. Milinkevich said in an interview in the evening that it was possible the authorities might arrest him as well, but that he would continue to organize peaceful resistance.

He disapproved of Mr. Kazulin's march on the prison, saying that marching on a secure building was too provocative, and that demonstrators should try to assemble in public spaces. "I am categorically against such actions," he said. "It is important for us to show that we are not aggressive, that we are for only peaceful acts. Then we attract more people and we can grow."

Mr. Milinkevich said the opposition's next attempt at mass public assembly would be April 26, the 20th anniversary of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, which blanketed much of Belarus with radioactive waste.

He said he would be working with volunteers to mobilize more people to demonstrate on that day, using his supporters to spread the word in small meetings, e-mail messages and fliers. Gathering public supporters here is difficult, as students have been threatened with expulsion and workers with dismissal for participating in opposition events.

There is also virtually no independent news media in Belarus, and television is run by Mr. Lukashenko's centralized state, making it difficult for opposition organizers to circulate word of their actions. Still, Mr. Milinkevich has been confident in recent days, saying that Belarussians are shedding their fear, and that Mr. Lukashenko will be chased from power before the end of his five-year term.

As has been the case all week, state television belittled the opposition and the demonstrators, saying on the news that they were agents of foreign governments.

"Today, the ex-candidates who lost the elections call on a storm of state offices, the forced seizure of power and a push to bloodshed in the streets of Minsk," the presenter on BT television station said.

"As it became known to us from informed circles, the organization of riots in the streets of Minsk is taking place in accordance with the instructions received from the European Union."

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