Hi Mike

LOL! Sorry, not laughing at your expense, but it tickled me.

Journey to Forever and the Biofuel list are closely associated but 
not the same. The Journey to Forever website is about much more than 
just biodiesel and biofuels, that's just a part of it, and the 
website is just a part of the project, lots about which isn't yet on 
the website. I spend most of my time working on the project itself, I 
guess that's why it tickled me. If only that's all it was! (Naah, not 

Anyway, the JtF website and the Biofuel list are not directly linked, 
you can't search the one from the other. Searching the JtF website 
for www.earthpolicy.org or earth-policy won't find anything, there's 
nothing at our website about it.

The Biofuel list has two archives. There's one at the list's own website, here:
The Biofuel Archives

It comes with the mailing list software.Check it out, it's useful, 
but it's not searchable. When we moved the list to its current host 
we had a lot of trouble finding an archiving service that could 
import a large existing archives so it could be searched. That's the 
Mail Archive, they're great, they were really a big help. That 
archives is not at the list's website or at the JtF website, it's 

I gave you this link:


That's an "alias", the real url is this one, at the Mail Archive site:


Much too long! A lot of emailers break these long links in 
transmission so it doesn't work. You can put it back together again 
though. Less trouble with very long urls is to use the SnipURL 
service instead, here:

SnipURL - Snippetty snip snip with your long URLs!

Paste in the long link and it'll give you a short alias url like the 
one I gave you. It's quick, and they're permanent so it won't result 
in dead links unless the original long link dies.

Hope this helps.

I'm glad it wasn't a snake!



>I had searched for just "earth policy" and "earth-policy", and came 
>up with zero
>hits the first time. I figured if those did not turn up anything in 
>the data base
>then narrower terms like www.earthpolicy.org would not turn up 
>anything either so
>I stopped the search.
>Now I am really puzzled!
>I just went and re searched those same terms and got lots of hits. Only
>difference is that I searched from a different starting page this time. Both
>pages had a search tool but this time I used the page at the link you gave me
>As I recall I used:
>for the original search I did and it still does not show any hits for "earth
>Therefore, I guess these two are not directly connected, do not 
>entirely overlap,
>or use a different search engine???
>So where is the best place or page to search from?
>Never mind, I Just figured it out, it is at the bottom of the newsgroup emails
>(the part I never read anymore because it never changes). If it was snake it
>would have bitten me!!!!!:
>A thousand apologies.
>P.S. I left the dribble, confusion, "journey" listed above for anyone else who
>missed this little item like I did for so long. Maybe it will help some others
>avoid my error.
>Keith Addison wrote:
> > Hello Mike
> >
> > Thanks. I know them well, Lester Brown's group. Quite a lot of
> > material from them has been posted here before.
> >
> > http://snipurl.com/ody7
> > Search results for 'www.earthpolicy.org'
> >
> > Here's a recent one, posted by Chip on 7 March. Check the rest of the
> > discussion at the thread links at the end of the page, interesting.
> >
> > http://snipurl.com/ody5
> > [Biofuel] Interesting Read
> >
> > What did I say about that... "It's just that he [Lester Brown]
> > doesn't get it on a few counts. He doesn't seem to see that there are
> > alternatives. He's been doing good work for a long  time, though I
> > always felt his thinking was a bit corporate - not pro-corporate,
> > just that he sees things in the same mould, as if there's nothing
> > intrinsically wrong with the system, it just needs a bit of
> > tinkering. I've never been impressed with his views on energy."
> >
> > Read that whole thread if you want to know why I said that (I was
> > defending him).
> >
> > Thanks again.
> >
> > Keith

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