"If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of 
fighting a foreign enemy."   --James Madison 

Mike McGinness wrote:

>Greetings all,
>I recently watched the PBS broadcast, interview  whose transcript is
>below. It is about our own government (USA) breaking the law and spying
>on its own citizens, in general. It speaks for itself.......It also says
>a lot, in my opinion as to why so few in the USA spoke out against the
>war in Iraq, until recently. They were afraid to labeled as traitors,
>including the democrats in congress. I think and hope that tide has
>changed here as I am seeing more and more of this sort of report getting
>into the news lately.
>>Transcript, March 24, 2006
>Here is a short bit to wet your appetite for reading the whole
>>BRANCACCIO: Welcome to NOW, on the road this week in Central Florida, in 
>>sight of what military officials call "the home
>>game." Before the attacks of September 11th, the U.S. Armed Forces paid 
>>attention to threats outside our borders.
>>Now our military is expanding the way it watches for potential threats here 
>>at home. The Pentagon, working with local law
>>enforcement, now has secret databases to keep tabs on possible terrorist 
>>activity. And it is surprisingly easy to get swept into the
>>system. In some cases, it's been as easy as joining a peace march here in 
>>The program is called TALON, and as we found out, it's operating without much 
>>in the way of Congressional oversight. Bryan
>>Myers produced our report.
>>BRANCACCIO: October 4th, 2002. An alarming report works its way thru a 
>>sheriff's office in central Florida. A confidential source
>>warns the Brevard County authorities that a planned peace protest at nearby 
>>Kennedy Space Center may turn violent. Calling the
>>protest group "sinister," the source warns "something special" is in store.
>>The day of the rally, captured on home video, sheriff's deputies and NASA 
>>security officials are everywhere, ready for the worst.
>>PROTESTER: I came today to protest against the anti-weapons and nuclear power 
>>in the space program.
>>BRANCACCIO: The "sinister" protestors. Funny, maybe, but something very 
>>serious is going on here. It's the story of just why the
>>authorities got so nervous about a bunch of law-abiding citizens. It turns 
>>out, the confidential source who raised the alarm was our
>>own United States Air Force.
>>PRESIDENT BUSH: I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear...
>>BRANCACCIO: After President Bush was re-elected in 2004, Jeff and his fellow 
>>activists had an idea: hold a so-called "counter
>>inaugural" at the local city hall where they would publicly reaffirm their 
>>liberal values. 34 others joined them for what would be a
>>peaceful rally.
>>NALL: At some point, we were there after the ceremony had sort of ended, and 
>>we were holding signs, somebody says, "Look over
>>there, what's going on? There's an officer with a camera pointed right at us."
>>BRANCACCIO: The local police didn't see the rally as so innocent. In fact, 
>>it's the police tape you've been watching. Nall enlisted
>>the local ACLU to find out what was going on. He learned the videotape was 
>>the tip of the iceberg. Over the years, the local sheriff
>>had written hundreds of pages of reports about Nall's group and others.......
>Please browse to:
>for the rest of the story.
>Mike McGinness
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