On 4 Apr 2006, at 08:54, robert luis rabello wrote:
>       This may be true.  But I also remember polio, whooping cough and
> other nasty, debilitating diseases for which there was no cure and no
> effective treatment before vaccination.

Don't look now but Whooping Cough is still around.  Polio was  
decreasing by the time the vaccine was released.  My public health  
instructor used to say that more lives were saved by proper  
sanitation than all the vaccines in the world.  I think she was right.

Also, people that are vaccinated still come down with the diseases  
they were vaccinated for.  Huh, how about that?

> She's lucky she didn't grow up among a large population of other
> children who likewise DIDN'T get vaccinated.

But she did.  Rural Malaysia and lots of kids don't get vaccinated.   
Pretty filthy conditions with the chickens running around everywhere.

> I have spent many years in classrooms and I have YET to see a child
> adversely impacted by vaccinations.

Maybe the disabled children weren't in your classes.  They might have  
been too disabled to make it in.

> My own children have been
> vaccinated and routinely get their booster shots.  Neither of them
> suffer from health issues or learning problems, nor have any children
> in my extended family.

So you say.  You might be mentally omitting.  Also, who is to say  
what will develop?

> There has to be a better solution to this issue than either blithely
> believing every vaccine is harmless, or espousing a desire to rid the
> world of vaccines altogether.

Here we agree.  Like I said, I'm not an anti-vaccination wacko but  
they just aren't safe enough for me or my family.  Me?  Lots of  
problems.  I don't know that I blame the vaccines but I don't think  
they helped all that much.  I certainly got plenty of childhood  

You do it your way, I'll do it mine.


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