No, the 3rd one is not met or at least I don't think so.  It is NOT spreading easily.  If it were there would have been 10's of thousands of deaths by now, not just a few hundred.

I don't believe all the cases have been caught.  There has been the opportunity for it to spread.  I do believe that if we saw thousands of deaths in a location we would hear of it.  

Like you said earlier Chip, not trying to be contrary but I don't believe something just because those in authority tell it to me through the media.


On 6 Apr 2006, at 21:30, Chip Mefford wrote:

The WHO (who could be pawns of big -insert whatever here-) calls

a pandemic when 3 criteria are met:

-the emergence of a disease new to the population

-the agent infects humans, causing serious illness

-the agent spreads easily and sustainably among humans

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