You got it Gary, they have adopted the Bush policy of pre-emptive strikes by
walking into the Texas bars and looking for and arresting people who are over 
legal blood alcohol limit for driving before they leave and get on the road. 
jail them for public intoxication.

PreCrime is now a fact here in the great State of Texas! Actually I heard there
was enough political backlash that they are now rethinking their position on
Pre-Crime here in Texas. Of course the DEA has been into PreCrime for years now,
guilty until proven innocent, another Bush I and II legacy.

Lucky for me my only real vice is eating healthy, raw organic vegetables.

Mike McGinness

"Gary L. Green" wrote:

> Speaking of beer, and I was, ... Mike, I read they are going into
> bars and arresting people for being drunk.  Pre-crime.  I never
> thought I'd see it in my life time.
> On  09Apr, 2006, at 2:40 AM, Mike McGinness wrote:
> > However, this Texan would rather see him sent to Iraq to fight his
> > own war. We don't need him back in Texas, and we can't leave him in
> > Washington either. By the way I voted against the republicans and
> > the Bushes since 1990, so don't blaim me.
> >
> > Mike McGinness
> __

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