Mike, forget about tinkering with the voting system, it's not going to help.

>Sometimes we win!!!!!! But if enough people are fed up with Bush and they vote
>for the other people, all the gerrymandering in the world won't help them this

WHAT other people? You mean the other Business Party?

Why don't you listen to Bin Laden? He quoted Bill Blum at you 
recently. This is what Blum says:

"If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the 
United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize to 
all the widows and orphans, the tortured and impoverished, and all 
the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. Then I 
would announce, in all sincerity, to every corner of the world, that 
America's global interventions have come to an end, and inform Israel 
that it is no longer the 51st state of the USA but now -- oddly 
enough -- a foreign country. I would then reduce the military budget 
by at least 90% and use the savings to pay reparations to the 
victims. There would be more than enough money. One year's military 
budget of 330 billion dollars is equal to more than $18,000 an hour 
for every hour since Jesus Christ was born. That's what I'd do on my 
first three days in the White House. On the fourth day, I'd be 

That's it, get it done, deal with the assassin problem first. Votes, 
good grief. Fool me three times? Or is it 43 times?




>Nice web site.
>I have no doubt that US electronic elections will all eventually end up with a
>paper trail,  and an independent startup certification test of the systems by
>independent means. The paper trail would be produced at and stay at the voting
>site to verify the electronic votes at that site. Trying to get 
>voters to retain
>hard copies of there votes and get them all to surrender them for a 
>recount will
>never happen. It would violate the voting privacy laws here and too many would
>never surrender the paper work thus affecting the final count.
>Election fraud is not new and will continue to be a problem. That is 
>why we the
>voters must take part in the election process and in the policing of the
>elections. For instance, the election laws allow both parties and 
>independents to
>place (I think they are called) "poll watchers" at each election 
>site to insure
>that the election judges do not deny eligible registered voters the right to
>vote. They are also there to ensure that the vote count is accurate and not
>tampered with.
>As I said election fraud is not new. Back when Kennedy beat Nixon in 1959,
>Kennedy's running mate, LBJ had his friends in Texas, specifically 
>Duval County
>vote all the dead people in the county cemetery, thus carrying Texas 
>and Kennedy
>into office in a very close election. No Doubt the Kennedy's bought 
>the election
>in Chicago (Mayor Daily as I recall) as well. They did not have 
>electronic votes
>back then. I still recall that a Houston journalist went to Duval county to
>investigate the alleged vote fraud after the election. The Duval 
>county coroner
>signed his death certificate (the journalist) showing the cause of 
>death to be
>suicide. He shot himself in the back with a shot gun, twice!
>Voter fraud can tip the scales if the election is close, but if the 
>election is
>not close and everyone gets out and votes even some election fraud will be
>overwhelmed by enough MAD as HELL voters who have had enough and decide to go
>cast their votes.
>Gerrymandering is also a favorite way to rig the vote by incumbents. And the
>latest gerrymandering here in Texas has just been overturned by a court!!!!!!
>Sometimes we win!!!!!! But if enough people are fed up with Bush and they vote
>for the other people, all the gerrymandering in the world won't help them this
>Republicans are usually elected when the voting is light, i.e. poor 
>turn out by
>the rest of the voters when they get too apathetic about the election process,
>the issues and whether or not they think it really makes any 
>difference who gets
>The next 2 elections here in the USA could determine the future of 
>life on this
>planet and our survival. If we do not vote then we have  no one to blame but
>If we all vote and the polls show a landslide for democrats and 
>independents and
>electronic votes show otherwise then the public outcry will be loud 
>and will be
>heard. The close election in Ohio, and the Ohio polls, 2 years ago 
>were too close
>to prove election fraud to enough of the public. However, we and the press are
>going to keep a much closer eye on this election. Also, if there is 
>fraud maybe
>someone on the inside will get fed up and spill the beans to press.
>So get out and vote this time! Make a difference! Be a poll watcher 
>in your local
>election, it is a volunteer thing! Join a local voters rights activist group.
>Mike McGinness
>Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
> > Just my opinion .. nothing more
> >
> > If the ballet system doesn't include a write-in and ALSO A PAPER TRAIL I
> > wouldn't trust it .. I'm hearing .. and believing a lot of 
>information about
> > electronic ballet systems that can be tampered with .. as if they haven't
> > "been" there and done "that".. (as in tampered).
> >
> > As if loads of people are going back and handing in their paper receipts of
> > their individual elected choices .. it's hard enough to get them 
>to come out
> > and vote!!
> >
> > This particular governing system has been in office enough time to have
> > influenced .. and/or .. sorry .. (stronger words) .. to have corrupted the
> > whole system.
> >
> > .. we are .. in general .. totally ignorant of technology ..
> >
> > sorry but I just had my computer .. taken out and cleaned .. uggh .. can't
> > find anything .. and I know I'm not unique in this arena.
> >
> > I read somewhere .. perhaps this list .. that we, as American 
>citizens could
> > not pass judgment against the citizens of pre-war Germany as the 
>Nazi's were
> > taking control.
> >
> > .. I do feel a camaraderie with those individuals who .. perhaps .. stood
> > against what was happening with their country.
> >
> > My little "spit" into the darkness .. please check out our new website:
> > http://allcreatureconnections.org
> >
> > Mary Lynn
> > Mary Lynn Schmidt
> > TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained
> > Minister .
> > Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
> > Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
> > The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> > http://members.tripod.com/~MLSchmidt/
> >
> > >From: Mike McGinness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >Reply-To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > >To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> > >Subject: [Biofuel] New American Bumper stickers
> > >Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 14:52:18 -0500
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >A friend of mine sent me this today. Thought many of you would appreciate
> > >some of them.
> > >
> > >And, perhaps there is hope in 2006!!!!!! I am seeing a strong movement
> > >here in the USA to replace the republicans THIS year! There seem to be
> > >dozens of issues getting current media attention that are creating a huge
> > >backlash against the republicans right now, or at least against Bush that
> > >have even the republicans turning on him as the election approaches. The
> > >republicans that are facing re-election to the Senate and House are
> > >distancing
> > >themselves as much as possible from Bush and Chainey!!!!!! I am seeing
> > >it in the news on a daily basis!!!! If the election were held today many
> > >experts, including democrats, republicans and pollsters, all say they
> > >believe
> > >the democrats would take over the House and possibly the Senate. If this
> > >trend continues, then this November's election could cripple the 
>Bush reign
> > >of anti-terror terror.
> > >
> > >Mike McGinness
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Great Bumper Stickers for 2006!!!!!!!!


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