>well Doug, at least you can spell if nothing else

Well, Terry, actually the list doesn't allow gratuitous insults. 
Unless you can spell out just why you think Doug is not capable of 
anything else you should apologise to him.

It seems that like most of us here he's able to figure it out for 
himself when a slimebag like Dick Chainey leads his gullible and 
somnambulistic nation on a path of oppression, corruption, aggression 
and destruction based on manufactured fear and an unending succession 
of totally obvious lies, raping just about every true American value 
in the doing and turning the US into the world's most hated nation.

That's apparently more than can be said for you. Since you're 
oblivious to anything else why don't you try reading bumper stickers?

Chainey? Sure, why not - he should have had the chain pulled on him 
back in Ford's day, though the toilet is hardly the place for 
hazardous toxic wastes. The toilet of history doesn't mind though. 
But Cheney won't be so lucky, history will not be so kind as to let 
him off with mere oblivion. He has to stand trial as a war criminal 
first, for starters. History won't be kind to those who supported him 



>doug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Terry Wilhelm wrote:
> > Not sure who you and your friend have for a Vice President, but the
> > rest of us support Dick *_CHENEY._*
> >
> > Terry Wilhelm
>I pray the gods that I'm excluded from the crowd of "us" that 
>supports Dick Cheney!
>doug swanson
>Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.

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