>SB1511 is a emergency bill being brought before the transportation 
>commitee on the 18th go here and read the amended text. 
>  This bill covers both ethanol and biodiesel. It is forcing the ARB 
>to act in relation to this bills passage. The ARB has been sitting 
>on renewable fuels for a long time, this makes them set standards 
>for the fuels by 2007 so they can come to market.
>  On the right of this page there is a button to send a email to the 
>committee. Please do so before the 18th so they can take it into 
>consideration at the hearing. These comments get entered into the 
>testimony record. Talk about your personal experience with the fuel. 
>If you run a co-op mention how many cars are members and how much 
>fuel per month you sell. Tell them you are part of the varience. 
>These are influential pieces of information. Also please copy your 
>comments to all your legislators, so they know you are involved on 
>this topic.

Stick your heads up, little 100 blossoms blooming, that's right, 
nothing to be afraid of - snippetysnippetysnip. Next!

Think I'll stay un-outreached.

They probably won't hear much from the ethanol crew, they're wise to 
this game. We don't even hear much from them here, though they're 
here and a-doing.

Cars are members, a email, involved on, varience, hm. Think I'll stay 
educationally undirected too.

May your revolution be a quiet one.



>find them here http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/yourleg.html
>  This bill covers both ethanol and biodiesel. It is forcing the ARB 
>to act in relation to this bills passage. The ARB has been sitting 
>on renewable fuels for a long time, this makes them set standards 
>for the fuel by 2007 so it can come to market.
>  Kari Lemons
>  Outreach and Education Director
>  Biodiesel Council of California

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