> No, I think this is an excellent case that
> proves that if there is no violence or the
> threat of violence then nothing gets accomplished.

Ahhhhhhh......, the old "inside every peaceful marcher is a rock-throwing, 
window-bashing, car-burning, cop-hating anarchist just itching to get out" 

That's enough chuckles for one night, lest I burst a stitch.

> I really think you are trying to paint me a color
> I'm not.

Well aren't you painting others a color that they aren't, or at least that you 
don't know they aren't?

> I'll get there and have something good to pass onto
> my daughter

Hopefully you'll be painting a less dark, although realistic, picture for her 
along the way as well.

Todd Swearingen

Gary L. Green wrote:

>On 15 Apr 2006, at 03:14, Keith Addison wrote:
>>Okay, let's take this recent chunk then, from Peter Solem:
>>>Today on the University of California, Santa Cruz campus, an
>>>organized group of student protestors succeded in shutting down the
>>>campus job fair until the military recruiters were forced to  
>>>leave! [snip]
>>Please apply your thinking to this case. Was it useless? Was it just
>>a riot waiting for an excuse to happen? Was it all a waste of time
>>and effort anyway because it didn't make Page 1 in the NYT and FauxTV
>>didn't run a special?
>It did make coverage, at least on the net.  If something is seen it  
>can be a benefit.  If it's not seen it can't.  I've never said  
>anything different.
>>How many hundreds of similar incidents have happened worldwide this
>I don't know.  None?  I hope more than that.
>>But it doesn't matter anyway because they didn't make Page 1 or
>>a FauxTV special either so they might as well not have happened for
>>all the good they did, right?
>No Keith, those are your words and your interpretation, not mine.
>>Do you agree with all that? You should do, it's what you've been
>>saying. Or will you say it's just an exception that proves the rule
>>or some such similarly specious nonsense?
>No, I think this is an excellent case that proves that if there is no  
>violence or the threat of violence then nothing gets accomplished.
>To read the above account of what happened, you would think they were  
>all sitting in a circle peacefully singing Kumbaya and We Will  
>Overcome.  Such is not the case.
>Take a look at the pictures on the net.  Look at what was really  
>happening.  Look at the ANGRY protesters right in the face of the  
>recruiter.  Look at the signs saying Fuck You, yes those words  
>exactly.  Look at the other negative messages also.  Look at the in- 
>your-face actions of these angry people.  People acting in an  
>aggressive manner.  I read a report that stones were thrown after the  
>Is this non-violent protest?
>Yes.  It is.  I'm sure this is just the way it happens many times.
>Please don't read anything that I've said to say that this is bad.   
>It's not.  Protest needs to happen.  The recruiters were there to  
>seduce young people to become cannon fodder for an illegal action  
>brought on by a fascist US government.
>I just believe that there is what we are told, and then there is the  
>way things really are.  I don't believe the squeaky clean images of  
>Ghandi, MLK or anyone else.   We see the protests, we see the  
>speeches, we don't see the back room discussions and deal making.
>>Meanwhile you're sitting there in your pontificator's armchair
>>suitably buttressed with cushions and comfortable assumptions and
>>telling yourself you're part of the solution not the problem eh?
>Keith, I really think you are trying to paint me a color I'm not.   
>That comment was a bit mean spirited.
>Am I part of the problem?  Yes, in ways I am.  I still burn gasoline  
>in my vehicle.  I don't have PV on my house nor do I have wind power  
>generators.  I do vote and I try and make correct choices but what  
>good does that do I sometimes wonder.  A 12 hour work day is the norm  
>for me, most times longer.  My free time is taken up with projects  
>that I'm doing with other companies.  I live in a house that is a  
>part of a row of houses and there is not much room for planting  
>things though I'm trying to grow some food rather than all the herbs  
>my wife and bro in law have got planted.  I'm facing resistance.   
>When I talk about getting a diesel for our next vehicle I meet with  
>I'd like to build a nice rammed earth / mudbrick/ strawbale earthship  
>house with PV and wind and everything be recyclable and have it be  
>it's own little ecosystem and have a positive impact on the planet  
>but I'm not there yet.  I'm still earning my money for retirement and  
>sending my kid to college.  I'm doing it in an economy where the  
>local currency is not very valuable.  I'm planning for the future,  
>I'm reading all the posts here and I'm gathering info from the  
>website.  I'll get there and have something good to pass onto my  
>daughter or sell to someone else interested in being clean or cleaner.
>Took me all day to type this between patients.  That's all I've got  
>to say this time.  Launch the missiles again.
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