Well, I was attacked by a pit bull while splitting wood this week on my 
land.  (The owner did pull the dog away before I split *IT'S* head)
After all the shots and what not, when I got a look at the wound which 
was way ugly, deep and full of who knows what I did consent to take a
broad spectrum antibiotic.  I'm eating yogurt too - hope it keep the 
good bugs up.

I think antibiotics are way over prescribed in the US.  I was a good 
American child and drank tons of milk and had constant ear infections.  
When I grew up I stopped drinking any milk and have never again had an 
ear infection.  My daughter doesn't drink any milk and never gets ear 

As for the raw food diet, I've done that, I personally felt great and 
did not lose an ounce, but I ate raw fish and grass-fed beef on it.  
When I tried it as stricly vegetarian I did feel like I had to eat all 
the time.

Garth & Kim Travis wrote:

>What is there to jump on here?  I personally only take anti-biotics when it 
>is life and death, but then I am allergic to most of them so it is a toss 
>up which is going to kill me.  A fever of 105, I would have dumped her in 
>an ice bath and called an ambulance.  Drugs do have their place, and yes, I 
>too hope she would give them to her child rather than see the child 
>permanently damaged.
>Bright Blessings,
>At 08:20 AM 4/16/2006, you wrote:
>>Naturally, there's a little shudder here.  What are grandparents for, but to
>>shudder?  I'm referring to my daughter who went down to 90 pounds on the raw
>>food diet, and nearly died of pneumonia because she refused to take an
>>anti-biotic.  That was an interesting week, changing her sheets four times a
>>day as she sweat into them, her fever going to 105, holding her fiery hand
>>and offering sips of water all night.  She would have held out, I think.
>>She told me later that she finally agreed to go to hospital because she
>>could see she was pushing me past MY limits of physical strength.  Will she
>>give her baby an antibiotic when it could save her life?  Hope so.
>>I guess Kim Travis will jump on me for that one.  That thread has already
>>had it's day, maybe.
>>Cheers, Jesse
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