Thankyou Tom.

>    You wrote:
>"So I'm also interested in what folks might have to say about filtering, and
>not filtering."
>     I filtered my WVO when I was doing small - 1L, 5L, 15L batches - but
>found it to be too time and energy-consuming when I began to run larger
>(91L) batches.
>     Before upscaling my process, I had already set up sources for WVO, and
>was getting far more WVO than I was processing.

I think if you want to have enough you have to arrange for too much. 
WVO isn't the only thing we have too much of. It's a bit like growing 
food, the problem is surplus. Do you make more biodiesel than you 
require as well, and if so what do you do with it?

>Cubies of WVO were filling
>up my shed.

Ah, another question - what exactly is a cubie? I don't think I've 
ever seen one. Sometimes we pump the WVO out of drums into 18-litre 
carboys but mostly we get it in the 18-litre metal cans it comes in.

>I got a few 55 gal drums to store the oil in and found that after settling
>in the cubies for a few weeks, the oil was very clear.  I now rely on
>gravity/settling and do not filter my WVO.
>     I allow the WVO to settle in cubies for a week. I then pour the top 80%
>of each cubie into a barrel and consolidate the bottoms of 5 cubies into 1.
>Most of this will be ready for the barrel the next week. I have 4 WVO
>barrels. One is settled and is used for processing, two are settling, and
>one is being filled. I pump WVO out of the settled barrel from the top 3/4.
>This oil is very clear and requires very little drying.

We do something similar, no filtering, gravity and settling work just 
fine. I think if people don't have the time to wait for it to settle 
it would be worth increasing the WVO supply and reserves to make the 
time. We need a couple more settling drums, I've got the drums, I'm 
about to weld together the stands. I don't pump it out of the top 
though, I use a bottom drain and a standpipe, drain the stuff at the 
bottom every now and then and resettle it the same way. I don't 
bother much with dewatering/drying, it's seldom necessary.

What's the average titration level of your WVO, Tom?

Do you filter your biodiesel before use?

Thanks again.



>                                             Tom
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 6:00 AM
>Subject: [Biofuel] Filtering - was Re: Vegtable oil sources...
> > Hi Jesse and all
> >
> >>Mike....
> >>Yup, I too want to know this, please?  We are still fumbling toward our
> >>co-op.  Naturally, I should just look at Keith's archives and SEE IT
> >>ALL!!!
> >>Jesse
> >
> > I'm not sure what all is in the archives, maybe not any definitive
> > answers. There's nothing about filtering at JtF. I've been sort of
> > sporadically working on a section covering filtering, as well as
> > collection and so on, for SVO as well as biodiesel, and I'd like to
> > finish it and get it uploaded.
> >
> > So I'm also interested in what folks might have to say about
> > filtering, and not filtering.
> >
> > Best
> >
> > Keith

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