A couple of weeks ago, I was requested to join a list no2nais4horses 
although I am not a "horse person" .. animals in general, yes .. mostly 
companion animals .. but not specifically horse.

The reason I received the request was because someone thought I had a fairly 
good handle on what was going on based upon things I wrote to other groups.

Having my ego stroked in such a manor, I joined and participated with ideas 
.. basically suggesting that all animal groups must join together.

.. one of my business partners (a "horse" person) strongly suggested that I 
stay away from the "horse interests" because (etc and etc) .. and of course 
I didn't listen.

But I've watched over these short couple of weeks and am sorry to say that 
everything I was told did in fact show itself.

This NAIS truly is international .. as is AVMA and the AMA (trade unions of 
pharmaceutical conglomerates) and I know this list is international.

.. so hoping to find a receptive core group of non-political .. don't want 
nothing for myself here mentality .. I'm trying to share the only thing I 
know will work with the widest possible audience.

I will forward other short e-mails I submitted to this group.

Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Schmidt
TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained 
Minister .
Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . 
Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

>From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [n2n4h] A possible plan??
>Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 01:10:42 +0000
>Sorry .. this is just a tip of what's out there and I put this together
>rather quickly .. but it can give you some ideas.
>I want to apologize up front because I've had some problems with my 
>.. it went out to be cleaned and came back with all my wonderful "things" 
>really good hiding places.
>I'll try to forward "supporting" articles when I can.
>I do have them .. somewhere.
>.. and I'd also like you to understand  is that what I may "talk" about is,
>actually, on subject .. it is "connected" to the whole .. and it is very,
>very important to take into consideration when discussing any type of
>strategy in the eliminating of this NAIS idea being pushed by the USDA.
>First .. Bird Flu is NOT being spread by wild birds migrating.
>Bird Flu outbreaks are not following any known migratory route .. a hugh
>amount of money has been spent in trying to convince you that a sick bird
>has the capability of flying thousands upon thousands of miles and landing
>among a bunch of turkeys in someone's back yard and infecting them and then
>getting up again and flying away ..
>.. very few wild birds have actually shown up sick or dead anywhere in the
>Bird Flu is only showing up .. at this point .. in crowded factory farms 
>extremely dense fowl populations in polluted areas of the world.
>A sick chicken, duck, turkey is discovered and the white suited, masked
>authorities run all around the neighborhood gathering up every single
>feathered livestock in the neighborhood .. sick or not .. and kills them.
>No release that I have ever read has indicated that any of the birds 
>up and killed has been sick and/or infected .. in fact there is a very LOUD
>"telling" silence on this subject.
>.. the majority of the owners of these birds are very poor people and their
>ability to earn a living and feed their family has just been hacked off at
>the roots.
>Tyson Meats has increased it's market share with this gift of the death of
>the poor of the world's ability to feed themselves.
>Tyson (and a few others) have increased their exports of meats to our
>foreign asian neighbors .. for a price .. and a great bonus for the
>company(s) shareholders.
>To protect our wonderful nation, our President Bush ordered 7.1 billion
>spent purchasing and stockpiling Tamiflu .. a product so worthless that
>according to those, non-politically connected viewpoints, Chicken soup 
>much better than Tamiflu .. and if you really want to protect yourself from
>colds and flu, use a saline spray.
>The patient for Tamiflu is held by a company names Gilead(or e??) .. Donald
>Rumsfield .. yup, you got it .. President Bush's pal .. was the CEO of
>Gilead until he was appointed by President Bush to rally our nation to lead
>our invasion against Iraq .. and yes, Invasion is the correct term because
>we were the one's who did the attacking .. Weapons of Mass Destruction is,
>was, and continues to be a baseless hoax and .. hopefully, as a nation, we
>will want to take our nation back again.
>Tamiflu was first received and given out in Japan and within a week to 10
>days the suicide rate jumped dramatically .. Sweden was the next country 
>.. once again, the suicide rate jumped dramatically.
>Tamiflu costs about $100.00 for a dosage (whatever that may be) and the
>label clearly states that it is not to be given to children under 1 year of
>There are now reports coming in that Veterinarians are now dispensing
>Tamiflu to young puppies .. a few weeks old .. that have been brought in
>with upper repertory and/or parvo suspected .. and of course those puppies
>do die!!
>It wasn't stated whether or not the puppies died by suicide.
>If Donald Rumsfield could have been considered a wealthy man prior to the
>purchase of 7.1 billion dollars of a product controlled by a company he 
>considerable stock in .. he's personal wealth has increased due to that
>stocks HUGH jump in value .. I'm not sure on this but I believe I read it
>was well over a 600% increase in value.
>60 or 70% of all pharmaceutical antibiotics, growth hormones are used in 
>farming industry.
>There are 5 conglomerates that control the food distribution world wide ..
>they control everything with the exception of the little mom and pop family
>farms .. a family that keeps 10 to 20 chickens .. a pig or two .. a small
>dairy farmer with 3 to 5 black angus grazing with the herd .. you get the
>The USDA is an agency, and as an agency it does not come directly under the
>control of our "elected" officials ..
>In one of the new england states a question was asked to a Dr. Wineland 
>-similar name) of the USDA regarding the legality of this NAIS plan .. his
>answer is an answer that should chill the blood of each and every 
>who reads it or hears it
>His answer was quite simple .. "They approved the increased budget" ..
>meaning congress.
>When a budget is presented, an agency can simply state that additional
>monies are needed to fund increase costs in expansion of existing budgets 
>it is an extremely large and broad statement.
>I've given a very small smattering of existing facts of present trends that
>are on-going .. and I once again strongly suggest that they are all
>USDA is not interested in written letters, protests, or anyone or group of
>people asking that they .. please, please .. don't do this .. ok, go ahead
>and do this but just leave out the horses, and/or dogs, and/or cats ..
>because once this thing gets rolling it will ultimately roll over
>To stop this thing must be done now at the beginning and the only way that
>can be done is to cut off all funding.
>I will plead with you to remember the effort to have legislative bills
>passed to protect american horses from slaughter for european dinners .. 
>yes, the legislation was passed and "worded" in such a way that allowed the
>USDA .. an AGENCY .. to slide around it by considering the continuance of
>horse slaughter by allowing the foreign owned slaughter houses to pay the
>inspectors directly.
>My suggestion would be to have the well publicized horse ride, but to meet
>with every 4H, Animal rescue (Dogs/Cats/Pigs/Parrots), every animal group,
>every Grange, every kid that ever showed a calf at the county fair ..
>If you have your ride then it must be expanded beyond just horses.
>The ride would be to demand congress cut 75% of the USDA budget immediately
>.. and the largest portion of that budget cut would come off of executive
>salaries and benefits.
>I say this in this way because I read a lot and have a "broad" idea of this
>trend .. who's behind it .. and I have a healthy respect of the lack of
>moral conviction within the hearts and souls of those lawmakers we have 
>to congress and the white house.
>The agenda is hidden .. you may never know all the truth and players .. but
>at this point the elimination of any funding to this agency must be pulled
>While USDA has available money outside an approved congressional budget, I
>don't believe they would have enough to continue.
>BUT .. there is a strong potential for the true money backers .. I'm 
>on pharmaceutical and the food conglomerates .. to try to slip out from
>behind the woodwork .. and attempt to push this program forward.
>This is an election year and these are professional politician .. I
>personally wouldn't trust any one of them with an election promise.
>This budget needs to be reviewed and cut prior to any election and if the
>individual seeking election and/or re-election can't manage to get this 
>then each state individually needs to send someone from a totally different
>party .. hopefully a 3rd party representative to Washington and/or their 
>individual state capital
>.. and I would carefully watch to make sure that another agency doesn't 
>up this little job.
>I will be sending some saved articles and old e-mail posts .. I hope you 
>will be able to see the connecting dots
>Mary Lynn
>Mary Lynn Schmidt
>TTouch . Animal Behavior Modification . Behavior Problems . Ordained
>Minister .
>Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Radionics . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
>Herbs. . Polarity . Reiki . Spiritual Travel
>The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> >Subject: Re: [n2n4h]Politics
> >Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 04:28:47 EDT
> >
> >In a message dated 4/24/2006 9:49:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > > I suspect the USDA will claim "broad based support" regardless of
> >anything
> > > we do.
> >
> >Perhaps but they did record the comments of every person who spoke out at
> >previous listening sessions (both for and against).  The problem then was
> >that
> >the vast majority did not know about these listening sessions.  That is 
> >they
> >manipulated their data.  They knew very few would know about those
> >sessions.
> >
> ><< I don't think we can worry about what they will say because they have
> >the
> >power to manipulate the perception. We have to focus on what we're saying
> >and
> >stick to it. Like a drumbeat.
> > >>
> >I agree that we need to focus on what we are saying but our ONLY
> >opportunity
> >to go on the public record as against NAIS will be to speak out at the
> >upcoming "comment period".  If they attempt to manipulate anyone's
> >comments, we have
> >legal grounds to go after them and the media would most definately jump 
> >that.
> >Has the thought occurred to anyone that just perhaps they are counting on
> >us
> >NOT commenting?
> >Karen
> >
> >
> >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

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