I attempeted to post this last week. Didn't come through due to glitches of some sort.

I made my first small batch last Wednesday, and it turned out OK; I thought it had a little too much soapiness, so I reprocessed it. 100ml methnol, 3.5g NaOH, 1.5hrs, as per directions. After settling, I had a nasty lump of gelled stuff. I thought maybe it was the cold, it did get down to 45-50 F that night. Brought the jug indoors overnight. Nope, still thick. Better, but still gooey.

Anyway, can you overprocess?  What happens if you do?





I'm thinking it was all the container I used. It was a LDPE container, and I think the finished diesel dissolved some plastic that the SVO the first time didn't. Add heat, and it dissolved even more. My original question is still valid though...can you OVERprocess? And what happens?

  And my second small trial batch is settling right now...so far so good.


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