
forget everything there

Ok, now what?

Appal Energy wrote:

>Yo dee ho Keith,
>>This offlist stuff these folks do here happens especially
>>if anyone mentions Aleks's Foolproof acid-base method,
>>they really hate Aleks, though they've never encountered
>>him in any way. He's at Journey to Forever but they're not,
>>you see. (They hate Todd Swearingen too.)
>"Sniffle..., smurf..., snif..., huckhhhh....."
>My feelings are oh so hurt.
>>As girl Mark and Ginny in Denver so helpfully pointed out,
>>forget everything there and start over.
>Doh!!! And then the self-appointed expert, at least expert enough as to 
>declare others less than capable - that would be the poor dear Ginny in Denver 
>- just couldn't seem to identify how or where she had fouled up a five gallon 
>batch and started asking for help from anyone who had some insight.
>Had she not forgotten everything she had read at JTF (as she's instructed 
>everyone else to do) it's rather doubtful that the dear would have found 
>herself in midst of such a problem without a clue as to how to extract herself.
>Oh well. People pick their own poison.
>I'd all but forgotten dear Mr. Legge. I still can't forgive myself for outing 
>him (not!) and his nom de plume. Funny that. I don't think he's ever forgiven 
>me either...., sniff..., smurf..., snuffle..., snarf.....
>Anyhow, thanks for the stroll down memory lane Keith. A nice, tidy, compressed 
>nutshell of a package of destruction that's really screwed a lot of people 
>that could have been doing a lot of good. Glad you still take some time to 
>check the bilge pumps and make sure the sewage and it's rats don't decimate 
>the entire grassroots biodiesel sector.
>Now if you'll forgive me, I'm headed to the pantry for a pint of black and tan 
>and then I'm off to fake another 325 gallons of acid/base biodiesel..., you 
>know..., Aleks' method that "doesn't work."
>Todd Swearingen
>Keith Addison wrote:
>>Please note the bit at the end:
>>"No further discussion please. As I said, we keep it away unless it 
>>needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only cause 
>>confusion and distraction, as intended."
>>Hello Jason
>>>they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at
>>Sure they are, but if a person wanders in there the first thing that 
>>hits them is this:
>>>Saint Tilly, DD; KE; Sewer Rat (by appointment)
>>>"I didn't have to fiddle with it, it worked just fine,
>>>but I fiddled with it anyway and now it works even finer"
>>>Keith Addison explaining his cosmic theory of the Foolproof Disaster
>>With ne'er a link to the original:
>>Re: [Biofuel] acid/base method for conversion of wvo to FAMEs
>>Nor to this, for instance:
>>[Biofuel] Water from Acid process
>>And nobody says "er...":
>>[Biofuel] Biodiesel test results
>>99.09% completion says the GC, way better than standard spec. So 
>>what's the disaster? This: "It doesn't work." Uh-huh. But I'll come 
>>back to that.
>>This is the barest tip of an iceberg, scratch it a bit and see what happens.
>>Like what's with the "Sewer Rat (by appointment)" bit?
>>A couple of days ago some mud got slung at the Biofuel list in a 
>>discussion at "wastewatts", the yahoo group moderated by Steve 
>>Spence, Dir., Green Trust. Stuff like this:
>>"It can have a certain view and the some long time members like 
>>everyone to march to a similar tune or your read the riot act. "
>>"The list owner ( Keith ), can not handle the truth, because it hurts to 
>>"... plenty of people have been banned because they disagreed with 
>>certain people on the list, and couldn't back up their disagreement 
>>with the "proper" sources."
>>"I would not parrot the "bush is the antichrist" partyline, and I 
>>wouldn't shut up, so I was banned. But keith will swear that it was 
>>done in the name of promoting open discussion - how Orwellian."
>>And so on.
>>A person named Chris Stratford started ranting that Keith is a racist 
>>and an anti-Semite and a Nazi and got quite violent: "... if I meet 
>>them in a dark alley only one of us will walk out... There are a 
>>bunch of other biodiesel groups, that actually have open debate... 
>>Keith has a great website, but if it was a choice between saving him 
>>or the rat from drowning, I will save the rat, and then throw it at 
>>So this clown at Infopop appoints himself the rat. Well I guess he 
>>should know, and he's in the right place too. I'm sure the wastewatts 
>>discussion is all over Infopop with the usual huge glee but I didn't 
>>bother to check, I never go there unless someone posts a url here.
>>I received the wastewatts posts as a subscriber but I don't read 
>>anything there either, someone pointed it out to me. I'd give you the 
>>link but dear old Steve in all his openness closed the archives 
>>unless you log in as a member.
>>These people at wastewatts got booted from the Biofuel list for 
>>demanding that other people's posts they didn't agree with must be 
>>censored because they're "off-topic". See the List rules:
>>People who do this quite often refuse to accept the reason for their 
>>dismissal, they're already furious anyway and it's so much more 
>>convenient to think that it's their opinions we "hate" and the 
>>dismissal was just an excuse while in fact we're really defending the 
>>evil views they want censored because we agree with them.
>>This is what happened with Stratford, nearly two years ago. It wasn't 
>>me who posted the stuff he objected to, I didn't even comment on it, 
>>and it was just a distraction anyway. But that doesn't bother Chris 
>>Stratford. He actually said this at wastewatts: "The point is that 
>>hatred based on lies is evil." Only true thing I've seen him say, but 
>>he was talking about me and the Biofuel list, not him.
>>Of course we have all the background on record in the list admin 
>>archives, so what really happened with all these people isn't just a 
>>matter of opinion. But it seldom bears much resemblance to what they 
>>say happened, and the more time passes the more lurid the story gets.
>>Chris Stratford is an American, he's pro-colonial Zionism, pro-War on 
>>Terror, pro-Bush. He's not Jewish, he's a Mormon, and apparently he's 
>>served as a missionary abroad.
>>Regarding anti-Semitism, this is what the thread he hated at Biofuel led to:
>>RE: Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Keith
>>Not exactly anti-Semitic. Give it a read, a lot of people said it's worth it.
>>The strange thing about Stratford is that was the second time he got 
>>booted, and for the same reason. After the first time, he admitted 
>>he'd been wrong, begged to be reinstated and promised to behave 
>>>Subject: RE: Fwd: FW: Feeling Patriotic?
>>>Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 10:40:56 -0800
>>>I apologize for any comments I made that contributed in any way to a
>>>dampening of what topics were being discussed on the biofuel list. If the
>>>list owner will deign to reinstate my membership I will refrain from further
>>>such conduct, on penalty of banishment. pretty please.
>>Reluctantly I let him back in.
>>>Subject: thank you
>>>Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2004 08:39:01 -0800
>>>Thank you very much for allowing me to explain and apologize. Thank you also
>>>for giving me a second chance.
>>And then he did exactly the same thing again. And got the boot again. 
>>With the results that we see now. He's ranted like this at other 
>>lists too, not just wastewatts. The guy's a joke.
>>He also said this at wastewatts: "Anyway, this is too political for 
>>this group, exactly what I am decrying about Mr. addison's groups."
>>Case rests.
>>[Biofuel] A little clarification
>>Wed Apr 19 2006
>>The other one is Greg Harbican, also an American, rightwing, he hates 
>>Michael Moore and so on, he doesn't really like Bush but he doesn't 
>>like anybody else either and he disagrees with everyone, even 
>>himself. He once told someone here who complained about "off-topic 
>>political BS" that many people see it as relevant to biofuels issues 
>>and as a result of reading these posts he'd learnt a few things and 
>>was a little more aware, even if he didn't always agree. But later 
>>Greg himself complained about all the off-topic political BS. When 
>>confronted with his earlier statement from the archives he said he 
>>remembered it but it was "incorrect"!!! He explained that he has a 
>>bi-polar condition and as a result people have difficulty 
>>understanding what he means sometimes. LOL! Not that a bi-polar 
>>condition is funny, but someone who uses it as an excuse for memory 
>>editing is just being a jerk. We had too many complaints about Greg. 
>>We put up with him for years but then he posted a mudslinging message 
>>about the Biofuel list at another list and we removed him from the 
>>Biofuel list. He knows that's what happened, he even said so. Nothing 
>>to do with not toeing a "bush is the antichrist" partyline. He's just 
>>another liar.
>>Meanwhile, back at the mudstorm at the wastewatts group, in reply to 
>>the question about oil types that got derailed by the hate stuff, 
>>someone posted some information from Journey to Forever and a link to 
>>more of it, to which someone else responded: "Very thorough article. 
>>Nice find!"
>>But after all the mudslinging about Nazis and so on the person who'd 
>>posted the JtF piece asked: "Perhaps someone would like to post 
>>alternate links to other, more neutral websites and resources for 
>>biofuel users?"
>>She was told: "Do try the Infopop forum And look at the biodiesel 
>>discussion groups there. It is far more relevent and useful that the 
>>old JTF biofuels peculiar politoco pretensions."
>>Steve Spence stood back and let it all happen, but then list members 
>>here have written to him in the past complaining about his stirring 
>>up slander himself at wastewatts against the Biofuel list. (I advised 
>>them not to bother.)
>>Mission accomplished, Steve wagged his finger at everyone and ended 
>>the topic, but it seems only after the wastewatts list owner called 
>>him to order.
>>Steve Spence's father is a rightwing fundamentalist evangelical 
>>Baptist Christian preacher, and Steve gets his politics from the 
>>pulpit. He used to be a member here too but he stormed out in fury - 
>>twice! - because he couldn't take what people were saying about 
>>Bushco and no WMDs or whatever but he didn't have any 
>>counter-arguments except that he hated it. He's welcome to think 
>>whatever he likes but it's a pity he can't be more honest about it 
>>and stop protesting so loudly after all this time (also two years). 
>>Not that it matters much.
>>The official sewer rat at Infopop and some other folks from there 
>>lurk around here at the Biofuel list archives like, well, like sewer 
>>rats, sniffing about and telling the same sort of stuff offlist to 
>>new members and inviting them to Infopop. List members complain about 
>>it. Here's one, we have quite a few, not only from this one, similar 
>>stuff from the Appleseed Queen and so on, whose biodiesel book Joe 
>>Street didn't seem to like much:
>>>>Please be aware that the vast majority of the biodiesel world holds 
>>>>Keith Addison and his Journey to Forever site in total contempt.
>>>>Keith Addison is a sick old man who begs for money on his Journey 
>>>>to Forever site, supposedly to help the poor and needy but he 
>>>>actually uses the money donated to him for his day to day expenses.
>>>>The Journey to Forever site is Keith's "Retirement income", 
>>>>is vastly out of date, and contains inaccurate and phony biodiesel 
>>>>If you are more interested in making biodiesel that listening to a 
>>>>Psychotic old man rant about the evils of the world, I suggest you 
>>>>join the Infopop biodiesel website at
>>>>Tell them a Kindly Elf sent you.
>>>>Squire Tilly KE
>>Here's another one:
>>>>>From: "girl Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>To: <zzz>
>>>>>Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:43 AM
>>>>>Subject: Biofuel post
>>>>>>Hi there,
>>>>>>I noticed your'e on your way to being yelled at by Keith Addison- this
>>>>>>happens occasionally as the man is crazy as a bat.
>>>>>>Many things he posts are considered controversial or, quite simply, 'crap'
>>>>>>by the rest of the biodiesel world. One such piece of info is the
>>>>>>so-called quality test that he linked you to. It's been completely
>>>>>>debunked as garbage by everyone else but he continues to defend it. he
>>>>>>also used to defend pH testing of biodiesel but now seems to have changed
>>>>>>his mind.
>>>>>>you'd be much better off at these otehr forum which are much better at the
>>>>>>'scientific method' :
>>>>>>Here's a website we're writing, with peer-review of information:
>>>>>>take care and good luck!
>>Her problem, once you blow away all the smoke (it's a LOT of smoke!), 
>>is that she'd said two things about washing biodiesel that were 
>>completely contradictory and she refused to explain it.
>>Her "Bubblewashing 101" article was posted at Journey to Forever, and 
>>it said this:
>>>"The bad news is that poor quality biodiesel can emulsify just from 
>>>the agitation of bubblewashing. The good news is that it's easy to 
>>>make good biodiesel. Even with problematic biodiesel, you can 
>>>predict emulsification in a simple "wash test", take steps to avoid 
>>>it, and easily fix it if it does happen. The even better news is 
>>>that bubblewashing emulsification isn't a problem for average 
>>>well-made homebrew -- you should be able to use even nasty 
>>>restaurant oil and still easily make fuel that won't emulsify under 
>>>bubblewash conditions...
>>>"Some people use a super-gentle "mist washing" method to take 
>>>vigorous agitation out of the picture. To me it seems that this 
>>>masks the real problem -- which isn't agitation, it's poor fuel 
>>>quality. I'd rather make sure I've produced fuel that contains less 
>>>soap and less emulsifying monoglycerides and diglycerides (MG and 
>>>DG), instead of decreasing the agitation to "ease washing". The 
>>>agitation produced by standard bubblewashing isn't very strong, an 
>>>average homebrew fuel should be able to handle it without 
>>Then came her Appleseed reactor, which was also at Journey to Forever.
>>Then Girl Mark answered a question here at the list about washing:
>>>either mistwash or bubblewash works fine for big batches, but the same
>>>rules apply as for small batches- more water is needed for misting and
>>>less emulsification happens, much less water is needed for
>>>bubblewashing but more chance of emulsification can take place.
>>>I actually use both now- mist for a few gallons (for a small 42 gallon
>>>batch I mist for 4 gallons) and then I bubblewash with good use of
>>>water recycling during bubblewashing. In my 350 gallon wash tank, my
>>>small aquarium air pump gives fine results, but not all of the air
>>>pumps might be able to handle such large batches. it looks like a tiny
>>>amount of bubbles are rising but it works really well- less
>>>emulsification than the same air pump agitating up a smaller batch.
>>Emulsification with an aquarium air-pump in a 350 gallon wash tank?
>>That's what the monster smokescreen was about, along with a lot of 
>>mudslinging, including at other lists.
>>In spite of the smoke, it emerged that the Appleseed doesn't work too 
>>well, the pump is too small, the process doesn't complete, you get an 
>>emulsion. Also the bottom drain plumbing makes separation difficult 
>>and you'll probably get some by-product in the wash.
>>But Girl Mark literally wouldn't hear of it, and since it obviously 
>>wasn't going to get fixed, out went the Appleseed, out went 
>>Bubblewashing 101, and before long, out went Mark.
>>Now she hangs around with Tilly at Infopop, fights with Josh Tickell, 
>>lurks around here, badmouths JtF and  flogs her book and her 
>>Appleseeds and so on - the "Open Source Reactor" she calls it, but it 
>>doesn't seem to have developed a lot in 18 months, same pump, same 
>>Bubblewashing 101 features at the allegedly peer-reviewed 
>>www.biodieselcommunity.org now, somewhat watered down, so to speak, 
>>but it's still completely at odds with what she said here. She 
>>doesn't say it's easy to make good biodiesel now, but she still says 
>>emulsions are easily avoided. So why doesn't she avoid them then? So 
>>much for the "scientific method". Appleseed crappleseed.
>>This is what she said a couple of years ago:
>>"Infopop is somewhat dominated by people with a different approach 
>>than I take - they tend to have an anti-quality control agenda... a 
>>persistent feud with proponents of journeytoforever's methods (the 
>>pro-quality camp which I belong to), for reasons that have little to 
>>do with biodiesel." - Maria "Mark" Alovert, "Biodiesel Homebrew 
>>Guide", Version 9 - May 8, 2004
>>This offlist stuff these folks do here happens especially if anyone 
>>mentions Aleks's Foolproof acid-base method, they really hate Aleks, 
>>though they've never encountered him in any way. He's at Journey to 
>>Forever but they're not, you see. (They hate Todd Swearingen too.)
>>If there's any "Foolproof disaster" to weigh against all the people 
>>all over the world who use the acid-base method with good results and 
>>keep telling us about it, including Biofuel list members, it's that 
>>other people have been put off trying a superior method which uses 
>>less chemicals and produces less waste by these idiots who don't use 
>>any acid-base process themselves and spend a lot of time discussing 
>>super-gentle mist-washing techniques and how to break emulsions at 
>>some or another branch of the Church of the Uncompleted Reaction.
>>About the only place where the acid-base method can be discussed 
>>sensibly without being shouted down by a bunch of noisy hooligans is 
>>here. It happened again at Anton Berteaux's Burnveggies group 
>>recently, and there was a wastewatts-style fuss at the Biodiesel 
>>Yahoo group last week:
>>>I started biodiesel investigation on my own by going to Journeys to Forever.
>>>As girl Mark and Ginny in Denver so helpfully pointed out, forget everything
>>>there and start over.
>>When someone objected, his post was deleted by the moderator and he 
>>was told not to make trouble.
>>It's easy to be destructive, it doesn't take any talent, and it only 
>>takes one or two people to wreck a good list.
>>What started all this hate stuff with Tilly at Infopop? Nothing. 
>>Seriously, nothing. A perceived insult four years ago that nobody 
>>else could see except Tilly, he got furious and went berserk and it's 
>>raged on ever since, joined later by the off-topic guys and so on, on 
>>the basis of my enemy's enemy is my friend.
>>That makes for some strange bedfellows. The person who did post the 
>>anti-Zionist stuff Chris Stratford objected to, an obsessed person 
>>named Luc, who definitely is anti-Semitic, got furious with me when I 
>>refused to allow him to post any more anti-Jewish crap (and 
>>anti-feminism crap and anti-gay crap) and stormed out, to join the 
>>hate group at Infopop, where he hangs out with Girl Mark and so on - 
>>the very people Stratford recommends if you want a good list with 
>>open debate. What a bunch of bananas. They really deserve each other.
>>Tilly the appointed Sewer Rat and his chums also accuse me of being a 
>>wanted criminal, an international fugitive from justice with warrants 
>>out for my arrest in five countries, according to Interpol they say, 
>>of making a fraudulent US$350,000 a year out of JtF donations 
>>(ROFL!!!!), of plagiarism and stealing the information at Journey to 
>>Forever from the Infopop group, often of racism (I'm a South 
>>African), they tell people I'm dying of AIDS, and I'm sure there's 
>>more but I can't remember what else offhand. Can't see any caps there 
>>that I could wear, so why would I care? It's got nothing to do with 
>>me or JtF or the Biofuel list or Aleks or Todd if some people can't 
>>keep their inner demons to themselves.
>>So. Nothing unusual about all this, it goes on all the time, if not 
>>at wastewatts then at one of the other flake groups (they tend to 
>>spawn a lot), and always at Infopop. Just giving you a sample.
>>Here's some more about the Infopop group - it's about quality and no 
>>quality, worth a read for its own sake:
>>Re: [biofuel] Bashing biodiesel (esp. homebrew) online
>>The jeers group loses no opportunity to spread their message, they'll 
>>use any platform they can get at, they've wrecked a number of mailing 
>>lists in the doing. We do everything to keep the whole non-issue 
>>away, I've never used JtF or the list as a platform that way. If you 
>>do find anything about it here, like this now, it's in response and 
>>then I cut it short. Anything at JtF about it is there for it's 
>>information content, what people say about mist-washing for instance. 
>>Beyond that it's just a distraction.
>>All this stuff would be very interesting if only it weren't so 
>>boring, and sort of devoid of light. The only interesting aspect 
>>might be what effect it has on us. The rather interesting answer is, 
>>none. No effect. Three years of hate-flinging has simply bounced off. 
>>Also not just an opinion, that's what all the traffic data and the 
>>feedback say. Eg:
>>biodiesel - Google Search
>>biodiesel mailing list - Google Search
>>(Actually that's very annoying! It's NOT a biodiesel mailing list!)
>>Ranking.com ranks traffic at the 900,000 Most Visited and Popular Web 
>>Sites, and it currently ranks JtF at #3 in its category of 
>>Education/Organizations, up from #5 a year ago and #8 two years ago. 
>>JtF ranks at #18,175 among all web sites, up from #43,542 eight 
>>months ago and #64,433 two years ago. It has 24,397 links pointing to 
>>it from other sites. In the past year JtF's monthly site traffic grew 
>>by 155% and the page visits total grew by 85%, and the starting 
>>figures weren't low.
>>I'm not too interested in "yield" data like this though, we're not 
>>competing with anyone, we don't promote JtF or the Biofuel list. The 
>>only real way to promote an Internet resource is to provide 
>>high-quality content. So the feedback is more interesting than the 
>>data, it gives us a glimpse of the real product. There's lots of 
>>feedback, and it's very encouraging.
>>Either way, no discernible damage by jeering. It's only damaging 
>>truths that could hurt us and there aren't any.
>>What I've said about the jeer freaks before is that this stuff is 
>>easily checked, anyone with half a brain can work it out for himself 
>>soon enough, and if not, what does it matter? After all, do you want 
>>those people here?
>>Tilly, John Tillman, doesn't care what he says, the next he'll deny 
>>it and say it again the day after. He's a thief, he stole his Dr 
>>Pepper bottle crap from Greg Yohn, the viscosimeter from Aleks Kac 
>>(they're also at the allegedly peer-reviewed 
>>www.biodieselcommunity.org). He spawns scores of clones, imposters 
>>that infiltrate groups to create the impression of support for their 
>>hero, but he's not too good at it and makes mistakes: "Hey Tilly, 
>>that's some great information you just posted!" - signed Tilly. LOL! 
>>Nobody ever crosses Tilly at Infopop because he's so vicious when he 
>>doesn't get his way. That was the insult that never happened - I 
>>failed to beg to be allowed to upload his Dr Pepper stuff at Journey 
>>to Forever, he didn't get his 15 minutes, and he's been hurling 
>>hatred ever since. The "Kindly Elf" turns out to be a thoroughly 
>>nasty little brat, aged 60.
>>I don't take any notice. If I come across it I take note, but no notice.
>>Some people find this all very disturbing. My point is that it's not 
>>very disturbing, it's just ugly. But people need to know about it, or 
>>they'll be misled.
>>So if you're going to send people to Infopop you should know where 
>>you're sending them. Go ahead, just wear a diving suit (not a 
>>No further discussion needed please. As I said, we keep it away 
>>unless it needs saying, now it's said, so leave it, or it will only 
>>cause confusion and distraction, as intended.
>>>>To my knowledge Keith tries to give the list a chance to respond to
>>>>every post and it's understood (IMO) that members who have nothing
>>>>but antagonism to offer, are removed. This is usually done with all
>>>>the transparency he can afford.
>>- Mike Redler
>>[Biofuel] A little clarification
>>There's nothing more worth saying anyway, it's just more of the same 
>>and it doesn't go anywhere. This all checks out, you can check it for 
>>yourself if you want to. The devil's in the detail though, as ever 
>>with smokescreens, it takes patience. Whatever, JtF, the Biofuel 
>>list, Todd, Aleks and I don't have to prove anything.
>>It was about time for an archives update on all this rubbish anyway, 
>>with any luck I won't have to do it again for another year or two, or 
>>What a lark is running the Biofuel list. I suppose it's all a part of 
>>Life's Great Golden Tapestry. Actually in quite a lot of ways it's 
>>just like running a newspaper, and that's a real buzz, warts like 
>>this one and all.
>>Keith Addison
>>Journey to Forever
>>KYOTO Pref., Japan
>>Biofuel list owner
>>>if i am reading these people's experiences right, the catalyst is made by
>>>partially breaking down a sugar molecule by heating it, and then introducing
>>>an acid (H2SO4). this creates a "nanobot" of sorts by attatching the acidic
>>>molecules to the pyrolized sugar near a basic branch, giving us the
>>>acid/base process on an infinitely small scale repeated trillions of times
>>>per second, and barely depleting the catalyst (theyre still debating useful
>>>lifespans of the material). i cannot vouch for any of these statements as
>>>true or false, but with all the research going on around the subject, and
>>>the fact that these people have attempted it, then it may have an extreme
>>>value if not interest.
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

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