---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 12:16:15 -0700
From: janine bandcroft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient List Suppressed:  ;
Subject: Left Coast Events - Victoria & Islands - May 8th, 2006

1.  what you can do about operation trident fury
2.  Monday May 8, OPPOSE Trident Fury 5 pm/ Peace Coalition meeting 7:30
3.  NUU-CHAH-NULTH WALK TO STOP THE VIOLENCE in Indigenous Communities!
May 5 - 14
4.  Humanists  and  Greater Victoria Seniors lectures - May 10, 21st
5.  next South Island Health coalition meeting - May 11th
6.  Antidote play/ fundraiser - May 12th
7.  Where's Noonan? - theatre - May 12-14th
8.  What is this thing called Iyengar Yoga? - May 13th
9.  Second Annual Gurlz Conference! - May 13th
10.  CommonBorders Annual General Meeting - May 13th
11.  Organic Plant Sale - May 13th
12.  Leon Bibb & Tuned Air Concert in Victoria - May 13th
13.  Saanich Fair - May 13th
16.  Communities Solidarity Coalition - mtg - May 15th
17.  Organic Islands Festival 2006
18.  Tuesday May, 16 -- Building an All Girls Secondary School in Malawi
19.  Rally for Childcare - May 16th
20.  Final two workshops in Helping the Helper series! - May & June
21.  Yaks, Camels and Hope - cooperative - May 17th
22.  Festival Volunteers needed - May 22, Victoria Day
23.  Saving Small Towns Conference - June 8 & 9, Cumberland BC
24.  Gather the Women-Weaving a World that Works - June 22, 23, 24th
25.  Designing Peacebuilding Interventions, Conflict Transformation, and
Reconciliation in Divided Communities - June 29, 30, July 1st


1.  what you can do about operation trident fury:

1.  call CFAX - 250-381-1161

2.  call CBC's Almanac - 1-800-669-3733

3.  listen to CFUV.UVIC.CA, 101.9 fm, 104.3 cable - Monday, May 8th 5-6
pm - Gorilla Radio, and Thursday, May 11th 11-noon - Winds of Change.
Both shows will focus on military related issues.  Chances are Medhi will
tackle it, too - Friday, May 12th 9-10 am.

4.  write a letter to the editor, for example:

From: Jan Slakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear friends,

Below is one letter-to-the-editor... I hope it may inspire more! (I'm
sending this to the local Gulf Islands Driftwood newspaper.)

Below my letter is a posting from Joan Russow, with a petition to send
e-mail to Minister of DND, Gordon O'Connor, as well as notice of a rally
Victoria. I hope there's a good turn-out!

all the best, Jan
Dear Editor,

Yippee! The Saanich Penninsula and surrounding land, sea and air are to
invaded with ships, planes and troops this week and next, and DND expects
"to generate over $2 million in economic spin-offs for the community".

And our kids will get to admire the daring young men flying the planes
consume as much gas in an hour or two as the average car does in a year.
we're lucky, they too will have a chance to take part in some future
of this NATO Trident Fury exercise. (If we're not so lucky, and this
exercise is intended to soften us up to the idea of having fighter planes
bomb our way to "peace", what is left of humanity may be struggling to
survive... You see, some of these planes have nuclear arms capability and
has become clear that the US government intends to use nuclear weapons
certain circumstances. I'm sure they don't want to start a nuclear WAR,
I don't think they planned to have their "shock and awe" attack on Iraq
into the quagmire it has become either....)

At least one of the types of Trident Fury aircraft is built by Lockheed
Martin. Canadians are learning a lot about this company, because our
government awarded it the census contract, and many people are rather
by that. They say that Lockheed Martin is a war profiteer, which hires
private contractors which torture people and which has violated the US
Export Control Act and many other laws. In sum, it seems to be one of the
world's most corrupt and nefarious companies. But heck, after all, we've
invested in the arms trade and the tobacco industry and who knows what
through our Canada Pension Plan. So why should we pay attention to people
like Mel Hurtig who urge us to put more effort into the census than usual
via websites like "vivelecanada.ca" and "countmeout.ca"?

Spring has sprung, so let's slap on some sunscreen and enjoy ourselves
before climate change and all that other boring stuff gets out of hand.
Sincerely, Jan Slakov

5.  circulate and sign the petition:

from: Joan Russow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On May 6th, a delegation of about 15 citizens with membership in many
community groups in Victoria went to Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt
at 10 am  to present a petition calling upon the Department of
Defence to cancel the Exercise Trident Fury scheduled to take place
in and around Victoria from May 8th to May 17.  The citizens drove up
to the entrance to the military base in a cavalcade of private cars
and were directed to wait at the entrance to the base. Two military
police with machine guns arrived. The citizens were escorted off the
property of the military base.  After a lengthy delay, the citizens
were allowed to read a petition (see below).
People are urged to sign the petition and e-mail it to the Minister
of Defence the Hon Gordon O'Connor.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a copy
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] SIGN-ON BELOW:  and make a comment on US
Department of Defense http://www.defenselink.mil/faq/comment.html


We the undersigned  citizens draw the attention of the House to the

Recalling that  under Article 20  SS 1 of the International Covenant
of Civil and Political Rights, the following obligation was incurred:

                 Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.

- Convinced that a display of militarism like Exercise Trident Fury
by states that are involved in offensive military actions constitutes
propaganda for war;
- Concerned that the Exercise Trident Fury is a flaunting of
militarism that in a time when Canada is playing an offensive role in
the US- led invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, a deep military
integration display in Victoria could increasingly create the risk of
the area being targeted and thus would seriously jeopardize the
security  of the citizens of Victoria, British Columbia and Canada.
- Aware that the Exercise Trident Fury involves participation of US
military hardware with nuclear arms capability at a time when the US
is becoming increasing willing to not rule out the use nuclear
weapons, and it has been revealed from highly documented sources that
the US has had operational plans to fight and win a nuclear war.
- Concerned that Canada's participation along with nuclear arms
capable US arsenal would thus demonstrate Canada's willingness to
condone the US threat to use or potential use nuclear weapons in
contravention of the 1996 decision of the International Court of
Justice that the threat to use nuclear weapons is contrary to
international human rights law.
- Noting with serious concern the potential short-term and long-term
environmental, psychological and health consequences of Exercise
Trident Fury.
- Affirming that the Exercise Trident fury violates the precautionary
principle and displays blatant dereliction of duty and gross
negligence on the part of the government

THEREFORE, your petitioners request that Parliament
CALL upon the Department of Defence to cancel the present and any
future Exercise Trident Fury


7.  attend a rally, and/or a meeting of the victoria peace coalition (see
item #2)


2.  Monday May 8, OPPOSE Trident Fury 5 pm/ Peace Coalition meeting 7:30

The Victoria Peace Coalition is meeting Monday May 8 to discuss community
response to the war game exercises out of Esquimalt harbour and Victoria
International Airport May 8-19. We invite participation from other groups
in planning an effective response.

In the meantime, an ad hoc group has organized a gathering tomorrow for 5
pm. Please read details below and join in the assembly at the base at 5
pm and/or the meeting at 7:30 pm.

DATE: MAY 8 2006
PLACE: CFB ESQUIMALT corner of Esquimalt Road and Canteen Road

 Victorians oppose Exercise Trident Fury

Esquimalt, BC-Victoria citizens will gather at  CFB Esquimalt at 5 p.m.
Monday to express their concern about Exercise Trident Fury, a joint
military  air and sea maneuvre involving Canada, US and NATO . The
Citizens are assembling at the corner of Esquimalt Road and Canteen Road,
at the entrance to the base.

Opposition to Exercise Trident Fury has already been communicated to the
Hon Gordon O'Connor, Minister of Defence, and a written question has been
formally submitted to Parliament by MP Denise Savoie. Concern has also
been communicated  to the US Department of Defense, and to  Lord
Robertson,  Secretary General of NATO.

For further information, please contact:
Campaign Opposed to the Exercise Trident Fury
Joan Russow, 250-294-1339
Ben Isitt   250 382-8494


Next Victoria Peace Coalition Meeting

Monday May 8
7:30 pm

BCGEU, 2994 Douglas

On the agenda: Planning a broad-based community response to Trident Fury
(military exercises)

The Peace Coalition usually meets second and fourth Mondays. If you
arrive and find the door locked, ring the buzzer on the wall to your
right. You can park in the lot in front of Lifestyles Market.


3.  NUU-CHAH-NULTH WALK TO STOP THE VIOLENCE in Indigenous Communities!
May 5 - 14, 2006

Cheyenne proverb: A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women
are on the ground. Then it is done, no matter how brave its warriors or
how strong its weapons.

To all Nuu-Chah-Nulth Nations

RE: STOP THE VIOLENCE in Indigenous Communities!

As Nuu-Chah-Nulth women and men we are regenerating our responsibility to
uphold our Sacred Laws. It is with this strength of spirit and out of
love for our communities, the land, justice, and freedom that we demand
the immediate stop of violence, be it physical, sexual, emotional or
spiritual abuse in the homes and communities of our women and children.
We are demanding the restoration of respect for the role women have, for
their ability to bring life into this world.

As Nuu-Chah-Nulth peoples we have resisted 200 years plus of violence at
the hands of the colonizers and their guns, canons and diseases. All
Indigenous peoples experience colonialism through the racist policies and
legislation of the department of children and family services, which
dictate to us whether we are 'fit' to raise our own children. The
travesty we face today is this rage and frustration turned inward; a
perpetuation of colonialism and violence within our own communities.

It is not acceptable to allow our women and children to be constant
victims of violent abuse. It is against Nuu-Chah-Nulth values, principles
and laws. This can only be addressed if we stand together and prepare to
address this issue in a meaningful way.

Join us in a walk to stop the violence from May 5-14, 2006. We will
travel through each of the NCN territories, ending up in Tla-o-qui-aht
for mother's day. Families are welcome, including women, men, elders and
youth. Join us in our struggle for freedom from violence and oppression!

For further information and to offer support please feel free to contact
me at (250) 386-0760 or by E-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
David Dennis (604) 868-4283 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cliff Atleo Jr. (250) 720-7203 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cuu, with respect and love, Chiinuuks (Ruth) Ogilvie

P.S. We are seeking financial support for this march to help with vehicle
rental, fuel costs, and food. We are also looking for drivers who are
qualified to drive large passenger vans. Please contact Chiinuuks, David
or myself if you can help in anyway. kleco, kleco!

From: "UBCIC Current Events" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


4.  Humanists  and  Greater Victoria Seniors lectures

The Greater Victoria Seniors will feature Ruth Reynolds and Tanya
Lamoureux  who will talk on Arthritis as it effects Seniors  on Wednesday
May 10/06 at the BCGEU, 2994 Douglas Street at 2 pm.  Free.    Contact

The Victoria Secular Humanists will feature Max Halber who will speak on
Cuba Revisited with a Song  on Sunday, May 21/06 at Swans, 506 Pandora
Ave. at 10:30 am.  Free. Contact  360 - 1068.

From: Max Halber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


5.  next South Island Health coalition meeting

This meeting will take place on

May 11 at 2 p.m.
at the BCGEU office
at 2994 Douglas St.  in Victoria.

All are invited to attend. The two main items of the agenda will be the
report back from the May 5 meeting of Provincial Reps. of the B.C. Health
Coalition and the development of the specific actions of the coalition
after the strategy discussion at the last meeting.

The B.C.H.C. meeting will be to put the finishing touches on the
Provincial Campaign on Privatization of Health Services and Home Support.

From: Phil Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


6.  Antidote play/ fundraiser

PUENTE Theatre and Anti-DOTE: Multiracial Girls and Women’s Network is
proud to present a fundraising event of Uthe/Athe  (Here & There) , a
one-woman show written and performed by Raji Basi
at Harry Hickman Theatre, University of Victoria
at 7:00 PM on Friday, May 12th, 2006.

 There and Here is based on Raji’s personal experiences, a young woman
born in India and raised in Canada, struggling to find her identity while
living in two cultures. It is a colorful, humorous & moving story, told
with song and dance. Raji asks for instance, “Why do Indians never talk
about sex, yet they are supposed to have written the ultimate book on the
subject, the Kamasutra?”

Raji Basi is an accomplished actor, singer and dancer, with impressive
credentials in terms of training and performance. She is directed by Lina
de Guevara of PUENTE, whose long career in theatre has focused on the
exploration of issues of displacement and identity. Working with the raw
material of Raji’s script, the two have managed to craft a personal and
intimate show, which traces Raji’s search for her authentic self in her
traditional family upbringing and in her community today – a journey she
tries to make without abandoning the culture she loves, the traditions
she admires, her deep roots.

Uthe/Athe dramatizes the sometimes funny, sometimes exasperating
predicament faced by immigrants living in Canada today – a multicultural
reality of modern Canada – and so invites its audience to reflect on
issues of identity and tradition, issues which involve us all. It is a
production that will appeal to all ages, especially young people, as it
offers a fresh perspective on their own struggles for identity and a new
understanding of the experience of difference.

In addition to Raji’s performance, there will be a short film screening
of “Claiming our Space”, an Anti-DOTE’s Gurlz Club production by
racialised girls on identity, intergenerational relationships and
claiming their space in Victoria’s landscape.  The girls worked with
racialised women in this year long project to explore the issues of
intergenerational communication on the topic of relationships in hopes of
understanding these multi-faceted perspectives on dating, sexuality,
family, friends, and culture.

Seating is limited and reservations are strongly recommended. Tickets are
$12.  There will be an auction and snack items for sale.  All money
raised will go towards sponsoring girls to attend Anti-DOTE’s 2nd Gurlz
Conference on May 13th, 2006 at the University of Victoria.

For more information, please contact Janni Aragon at Tel  (250) 477-5903.

From: Steven Lorenzo Baileys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


7.  Where's Noonan?

presents OLEANNA

by David Mamet

at the Metro Studio, May 12-14

Tackling David Mamet's most controversial play.

Where's Noonan? presents the explosive drama, Oleanna by David Mamet
(Untouchables, Glengarry Glen Ross, Wag the Dog). This contemporary
classic features two of Victoria's most dynamic performers: David
MacPherson ('M' Award winning actor from 'The Coming of Mr. Pine', The
Ambassador, 'Inanna') and Melissa Blank ('Confessions of a Catholic
School Girl', Love and Anger, Under Milkwood) as the college professor
and student engaged in a battle of words, sexual politics and power.

MAY 12-13, 2006, 8:00 PM
MAY 14, 2:00pm

Where's Noonan? presents OLEANNA
by David Mamet

Tickets $15 students / seniors / youth 25 and under
$15 adults advance, $18 adults at the door

Metro Studio Theatre, 1411 Quadra at Johnson, the northeast corner
Box office: 250-995-8793
(please leave email address)

In the no-man's land between misunderstanding and sexual harassment, we
watch with impotent dread as the relationship between professor and
student entirely breaks down, as their mutual respect evaporates and an
unbridgeable divide opens which can only destroy one or both of them.
This is the gender war, and more than that. It's the generation gap, and
more than that. It's the class struggle, and more than that.

Where Noonan? Productions is a newcomer to Victoria's vibrant theatre
scene. A joint project between Victoria's Theatre Veteran David
MacPherson and vivacious young up-and-comer Melissa Blank; Where's
Noonan? is a chance for the two to work on projects of their own.

"Melissa and I had discussed doing Oleanna for some time now. For
different reasons we have both wanted to do this play. Melissa
appreciates the challenges it offers actors, while I wanted to explore
finding the balance in the story. Productions always have to wrestle with
this show, how you make both characters sympathetic and justified in
their sometime extreme reactions. And besides, sometimes there are just
things you really want to do, but you can't expect anyone else to take
the risk with you", says MacPherson.

"It's great to have a chance to do the things you've always wanted to do,
and you don't have to convince a lot of people that it's a good idea;
even if it is a good idea, like Oleanna." Blank quips, "It will also be
exciting to be in the Metro Studio Theatre, a theatre suitable for a
project like this. Plus when you do it yourself, you have all the

Opening amid the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill controversy, Mamet's story
about sexual harassment sparked intense reaction. During its New York
run, audiences actually came to blows as they left the theatre. Audiences
hissed and booed at the entrance of a character at another production.
Time since has changed nothing! At a recent production in London, the
reviews give evidence that little of the bite has gone out of the show;

'more than just a play. It was a cultural beacon - one of the most
combustible, combative plays of its decade' ****

The Express - Mark Shenton

MAY 12-13, 2006, 8:00 PM
MAY 14, 2:00pm

Where's Noonan? presents
by David Mamet

TIX $15 students / seniors / youth 25 and under
$15 adults advance, $18 adults at the door

Metro Studio Theatre, 1411 Quadra at Johnson, the northeast corner
Box office: 250-995-8793
(please leave email address)

For further information or to arrange interviews contact David or Melissa

995-8793 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Giggling Iguana Productions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


8.  What is this thing called Iyengar Yoga?

Enjoy a free introduction to the ancient art and practice of yoga at the
Iyengar Yoga Centre on

Saturday, May 13
from 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM

Pre-registration is required. Please call or drop in to reserve your
space: 386-YOGA (9642), 202-919 Fort Street, Victoria; and visit

From: "Britta Poisson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


9.  Second Annual Gurlz Conference!


Anti-DOTE Multi-racial Girls and Women's Network will be hosting their
Annual Gurlz Conference: "What We Want: Claiming Our Space," on May 13th,
2006 taking place in the Student Union Building at the University of
Victoria.  It is a conference just for racialised minority and Indigenous
girls to meet girls like them and explore issues of life in Victoria as a
minority through fun and interactive workshops.  There will be workshops
Hip Hop dancing, art, learning to make films, belly dancing and more lead
Anti-DOTE's Sistahs and Aunties.

Anti-DOTE is non-profit organization in Greater Victoria, committed to
promoting the visibility and wellness of racialised Indigenous and
girls and women in our communities, schools, and social services
organizations. Anti-DOTE stands for Anti- Discrimination, Oppression,
Tyranny and Exclusion.  Our programs promote community development,
leadership and social change in the area of diversity and cross-cultural
understanding among young racialised women and girls. Through Antidote,
girls and young women are actively involved in the planning and decision
making process of youth-led initiatives, learning new skills, offering
peer-to-peer support, creating awareness and increasing their confidence
leadership abilities.

We held our first Gurlz Conference in 2004 and the participants stated,
"Wow, it is amazing to be in a room with some many girls just like me, in
school, I am always the only. but here I can be me."  The Sistah's from
Antidote named this conference "What we want: Claiming our Space".  This
a space for girls from diverse backgrounds to network and explore their
GURLhood with others who know what is like to be different in school, on
streets, in clubs and with friends.  The Gurlz and Sistah's of Anti-DOTE
created the format of the conference so it is for Us and by Us.  Please
us and bring a friend who shares the same experiences!
At the GURLz conference, our members and participants will have an
opportunity to showcase their year long projects during our May 12th
Fundraiser at the Harry Hickman Theatre at the University of Victoria at
6:30 PM and also the May 13th evening showcasing event at 7:30 in Vertigo
(University of Victoria, Student Union Building).

We would like to invite racialised minority and Indigenous girls from age
10-18 years to join us for a day of fun, discovery and networking. This
includes girls who are 1stand 2nd Generation immigrant, refugee, mixed
and First Nations, Metis, and Inuit girls.  Youth will have an
to meet other girls like them and "claim their space".  Lunch and dinner
will be provided and there is no cost to participate!

To register, please complete the registration form and submit via on-line

From: Alvaro Moreno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


10.  CommonBorders Annual General Meeting

You are invited to attend the CommonBorders Annual General Meeting! At
this meeting, the Board of Directors will report on activities since our
last AGM, and we will select our new Board for the coming year. Here are
the details:

Date:    Saturday, May 13th, 2006
Time:    1:30 - 3:00
Place:    Room 142, Murray and Anne Fraser Building (Law Faculty),
University of Victoria.

Following the meeting there will be an opportunity to raise a glass and
mingle with CommonBorders friends old and new at the Smugglers Cove Pub,
2581 Penrhyn Street in Cadboro Bay.

For more information, please call 370-9879.


CommonBorders Board of Directors

From: Linda Shout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


11.  Organic Plant Sale

Join us in supporting local organic growers with our 3rd Annual Organic
Plant Sale!

In this market-style event, growers will feature a wide selection of:

Annuals and Perennials
Veggie Starts
Ornamental and Native plants
Herbal and Medicinal plants
Compost Supplies

When: Saturday, May 13th
Time: 10am - 2pm
Where: 1216 North Park St, Compost Education Centre
Cost: Admission free, donations gratefully accepted.

Parking is available at Victoria High School, off Fernwood Rd.  We also
encourage folks to arrive by foot, bus, and bike - if you can discover an
ingenious way to carry home all your plants!

Call 386-WORM or www.compost.bc.ca for more info.

Greater Victoria Compost Education Centre
1216 North Park Street
Victoria  BC  V8T 1C9
Hotline  (250) 386-WORM(9676)
Business/Fax (250) 386-9678
Website www.compost.bc.ca

From: GV Compost Education Centre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


12.  Leon Bibb & Tuned Air Concert in Victoria

Our inspiring spring concert, The Art of the Spiritual, which we
performed to sold-out shows here on Salt Spring Island in May is coming
for one final show to Victoria. Leon Bibb is an amazing man (and he's 85
years old!) and truly not to be missed. He is a powerful and moving
singer and his generosity of spirit shines through and touches his
audience deeply. We share this concert with him; some he sings solo with
his band, some the choir performs on our own, and some we join forces and
joys and sing together.

Those of you who know me may already know of the great honour I
experienced in our May concerts when Leon, unbenounced to me, sang one of
my originals (which was in fact inspired by him in a workshop we had done
with Leon last fall). Then he invited me up to join him singing it as a
duet! This is a moment I will always remember. It is truly a high point
in my career.
Come! Join me in celebrating this wonderful man, this wonderful music
that is from his ancestral heritage, and the joy of singing and listening
to such inspiring sounds!

We will be performing at the lovely Belfry Theatre, at 2:00 pm, Saturday.
May 13th, 2006. (see attached poster for details)

NB: Our May 13th concert with Leon Bibb will be recorded by the CBC!

Bruce was recently approached by Vera Rosenbluth, who is writing Leon's
memoirs.  She's a freelance producer and will be putting together a
segment on Leon for the 2 hour national show, IDEAS.  She heard about our
concert and wants to record it for using in that program!  It may also be
used in a music program next February for Black Awareness month 2007.

Really hope you can make it! Call the Belfry for your tickets soon! (250)
Hope to see you there!
From: "lisa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


13.  Saanich Fair

For your information: The rural Saanich community associations are
hosting a small fair on May 13th at the Prospect Lake Community Hall
building on the long running flea market that occurs there every year.

We'll be setting up some farm stands, agricultural displays, and showing
others the work of our community.  There will be hay fort building for
kids, a time line of local history and also an electric fence display.  A
community mapping excercise will run throughout the day focusing on
agriculture, ecological and sustainability initiatives in rural Saanich.

This year is the 100th year of Saanich and an important one as we look
back into our past while planning for our future.  If you'd like to
participate please contact me.  There is still space available inside and
out and we could use the moral support from groups whose work helps
inform our community vision.  Thank-you.

Dean Rebneris




What do Mozart and Fred Flintstone have in common? Exciting vocal
harmonies, as you'll hear when Inspirata, a community choir
for women presents its annual Mother's Day Eve concert.

An eclectic program including songs by Annie Lennox and Sarah McLachlan,
some classic film tunes, and a few other surprises you're unlikely to
hear at traditional choral concerts.

Saturday, May 13th,
8 pm,
Fairfield United Church, Fairfield at Moss

Tickets: Adults $15.00; students, seniors and children under 10, $10.00,
available at Ivy's Books, Munro's Books, Long and McQuade or by phoning
Ally at 370-2995

A portion of the proceeds to benefit women in need through Artemis Place
and Results Canada

From: Sherry Lepage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


15.  Help out the Filberg Festival by attending a concert STACEY EARLE &

Help out the Filberg Festival by attending a concert. The Filberg
Festival is a fundraiser for the nine acre Filberg Heritage Lodge and
Park in Comox. The festival raises the money needed for the maintenance,
operation and restoration of the heritage lodge and grounds and also
celebrates excellence in Canadian arts and crafts and music, thus serving
a two fold purpose. Every year the cost of producing the festival goes up
so more funds are needed. Help out the Filberg Festival by attending the
Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart concert at the Stan Hagen Theatre on Monday
May 15th.

Filberg Festival Fundraiser Concert

On Monday May 15th accomplished songwriters Stacey Earle & Mark Stuart
will be featured at a concert to raise funds for the Filberg Festival.
This special concert will take place at the Stan Hagen Theatre at North
Island College, Courtenay Campus on Ryan Road. Doors will open at 7 PM
and  showtime is 7:30 PM sharp. Advance tickets are available at Sound
Advice Music Shop and Bop City Records in Courtenay. Tickets are $20 in
advance and $25 at the door. For more information please phone (250) 339
4705. In the past few years Stacey Earle & Mark Stuart have played in the
Comox Valley several times and received a very enthusiastic response from
the audience. Here is your chance to see this talented duo again, while
helping support the Filberg Festival.
(If you wish I can email you a jpeg of Stacey Earle & Mark Stuart)
(To arrange for interviews please phone Mark Stuart directly
at (615) 400-8932)
Stacey Earle, sister of country star Steve Earle, offers traditional,
stripped down country music. She says, It's just kinda people's music,
and there's a little something there for everyone. Her half gritty, half
twangy voice, is like a breath of fresh tumbleweed and she has a
deceptively simple approach to songwriting. Plainspoken, humble and
brutally honest, Stacey addresses the tough issues beneath the surface of
love, friendship, duty, responsibility and familial loyalty. Those
qualities and concerns have remained at the forefront of the her songs.

Stacey got her first taste of the music business when her brother Steve
asked her to sing backup on his album The Hard Way. A few weeks later,
 he asked her to play guitar and sing on his world tour. By the end of
the tour with her brother, Stacey was in love with the professional music
world. She began to write her own material and  found a gig hosting a
weekly writer's showcase at Jack's Guitar Bar in Nashville. It was there
that she met Mark Stuart, a fellow songwriter and musician who would
eventually become her husband and inseparable musical side kick. Over the
years Mark has played a major role as arranger, backing vocalist and ace
guitar picker, a wonderful complement to Stacey's endearingly evocative
vocals. Mark and Stacey now perform as a duo, spending most of the year
touring throughout North America.

Filberg Festival Fundraiser Concert
Stacey Earle & Mark Stuart
Monday May 15th, 2006
Stan Hagen Theatre, North Island College
2300 Ryan Road, Courtenay Campus
Doors open at 7 PM  -  Show starts at 7:30 PM sharp
Tickets: $20 in advance  -  $25 at the door
Tickets available at: Sound Advice Music Shop
& Bop City Records in Courtenay
For more information phone (250) 339 4705

bobbie blue (250) 339 4705   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: bobbie blue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


16.  Communities Solidarity Coalition

The next meeting of the CSC has been called for May 15th.

HEU Victoria Office
415 Gorge Rd E.
Monday, May 15th

Any agenda items can be sent to me as a reply to this email.

From: Bob Wilson


17.  Organic Islands Festival 2006

Web version at http://www.organicislands.ca/HTMLEmail/2006/issue02.html

BC's largest organic promotional event invites you to participate. Early
Bird by May 15.

>From the Director/Founder

 This week I am excited to report that over 35 exhibitors have registered
early! Thank you everyone! Keep it up... the next early bird deadline is
May 15.

And I am excited about the great support from our sponsors and
advertisers. Over  500,000 items of advertising will be distributed to
let British Columbians know about the great opportunity they have to
Discover BC's Organic Community. Press releases have been sent to almost
50 media outlets. More advertising and publicity means a bigger turnout
for the festival, and greater exposure for vendors!

We want to reach as people as we can and spread the word far and wide
about the benefits of going organic. You can help spread the word by
passing on this newsletter, by putting a link on your web site to:
www.organicislands.ca, or by adding the festival to online event

Yours for a sustainable, organic future,
 Deb Morse, Festival Director/Founder

Please read on to find out about:

1. Important Dates - New: Exhibitor Orientation Meeting May 30th
 2. Why to reserve early - Save money, get free stuff
 3. Who is coming to the festival - Your favourite organic winery,
 4. Thank you!
 5. The corporate takeover of the organic sector?... Walmart goes

1. Important Dates
May 15:
Reserve now. 15% price increase after this date.
May 24:
On-line reservation deadline. After this date, please phone us to check
May 30:
Exhibitor Orientation at Glendale Gardens & Woodland - Please RSVP.
July 7:
Set up your exhibit - 1 pm to 8 pm
July 8 & 9:
10 am to 5 pm - Show Time!

An Exhibitor Orientation meeting is planned for May 30, 2006, 4 pm to 6
pm at Glendale Gardens & Woodland, 505 Quayle Road, Victoria. Please RSVP
by return email or by phone (250) 656-8130 for this event which inlcudes
a tour of the gardens. More infomation about this in next week's

2. Exhibit at the Organic Islands Festival - Reserve before May 15
BC's largest organic lifestyle fair is once again set to celebrate
everything organic including: certified organic, wild/natural (non-gmo
and pesticide free), ethical/fair trade, health/allergy care,
eco-friendly, vegan

Early bird Prices: (Increases: 10% after April 15, 15% after May 15)

10' X 10' space: starting at $350*
 8' X 8' space: $300**
 Promotional Table: $225
 Non-profit groups: $110
 Farmers/wild food harvesters: $25 - special price for 2006

*Add $100 for prime corner
 ** Add $50 for prime corner

Early bird Benefits

        *       Save money - fees increase 10% after April 15, and 15%
after May 15
        *       Free stuff - free directory listing (name, address,
phone, email or web address) in the printed festival program and on
Organic Islands web site for up to 1 year
        *       Preferred location - reserve early and get the spot you

Reserve online. OR see map of the gardens Need advise about choosing an
exhibit space, please contact Deb.

Rentals available: (please reserve before May 24)
 8' or 6' table - $17
 2 chairs - $8
 Canopy style tent - $50 (provides 8' X 8' coverage)
 Electricity (selected locations only)- $30 connection fee, plus usage

3. Exhibitors and Sponsors - Update
The list of sponsors is growing! New sponsors include:

100.3 The Q!, Garden Wise Magazine, Common Ground Magazine, Garden West
Magazine, Village 900, and numerous organic friend sponsors. Find out
more about promotional benefits available when you make cash/in-kind
contributions ($100 to $500). Contact us about becoming an Organic Friend

New vendors added since last newsletter:
Kenta Farm, Sooke Harbour House Hotel and Restaurant, Barking Dog
Vineyard, Summerhill Pyramid Winery, The Pinch Group at Raymond James
Ltd., Free Spirit Botanicals, Valhalla Farm Herbs N'Things, Indigo Moon
Silks at Moon Woven Studio, The British Columbia Tea Company, Healthy
Footprint Enterprises Inc., Fair Kick Soccer, Happy Valley Lavender &
Herb Farm, Spa Girl treats for the body & soul, Wildart Photography by
Shel Neufeld, Healthy Footprint Enterprises Inc., Paradise Cityscapes...

Other vendors:
Nature's Path Foods (Richmond), Level Ground Trading, LifeStyle Markets,
Thrifty Foods, Hemp & Company, Silk Road, Blue Moon Oceanside Condos,
Share Organics, Peninsula Quantum Wellness, Council of Canadians, Society
for Organic Urban Landcare, Carolyn Herriot, Bluetree Art,Leah Weinstein
Quilts, Karin's Country Farm, Earth Elixir Quality Compost Tea, Greater
Victoria Compost Education Centre, The Garden Path Organic Nursery ...

4. Thank you!
 A big thank you to Thrifty Foods and LifeStyle Markets who will be
advertising the festival in their store flyers on Vancouver Island, the
Gulf Islands and lower mainland. Thanks to 100.3 The Q! for 15 days of
on-air annoucements. Our magazine sponsors, Gardens Wise, Gardens West
and Common Ground will be running our colourful display ads. And Village
900 will be contributing on-air annoucements. The Festival is being
advertised this month in Focus Magazine and other newspaper ads are
planned. Internet announcements have been emailed and many online green
event calendars have posted information about the festival.

Many thanks to OptimediaSolutions for creating the beautiful map, the new
online reservation system, festival logo and user friendly web site.

5. Walmart Goes Organic
 The organic movement must be mainstream, if Walmart is getting into the
act. Find out more.

Who are the corporate players in the organic marketplace? Find out more.

Festival Updates
 We would like to keep you informed about festival developments; however,
if you would like to be removed from the list, please send a return email
and type "remove" in the subject line.

 Please contact us if you have questions or need help. Or visit the web


18.  Tuesday May, 16 -- Building an All Girls Secondary School in Malawi

In the fall of 2000, Christie Johnson and Memory Chazeza met during
Christie's volunteer teaching experience in Malawi. Now, five and a half
years later, they are working together to build a girls' school in
Malawi.  Memory is working toward her B.Ed in Malawi and Christie is a
Master's student in the Faculty of Education at UVic. This will be
Memory's first visit to Canada. Come out to hear about the trials and
tribulations of getting this project off the ground, and their vision for
girls' rights to equal education in Malawi.

Tuesday May 16, 2006
University of Victoria
MacLaurin Building
Room D288

Free admission

For more information contact Catherine Etmanski: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Campus maps available at: http://www.uvic.ca/maps/index.html

From: Catherine Etmanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


19.  Rally for Childcare

There will be a rally for childcare going on in Victoria on May 16...
kindly consider coming out and showing your support- it's a really
important message to get to our provincial gov't. It is supported by the
Victoria Regional Child Care Council. Kindly inform friends and
colleagues who may have an interest in coming out or sending words of

We are encouraging folks to come during their lunch break. And to let
their care providers know of the rally. There is considerable support
from many childcare providers so for those with kids in care, you may
want to find out if your childcare provider will be closing for the
afternoon... it's a kid friendly event and we'll have activities for
them! Come on down!! Spread the word!

(Let me know if you'd like to volunteer time- we need to poster, make
placards, make calls... some really great folks are involved!)

Our Children Count!

Join us

May 16th at 1:00 pm
on the Grounds of the Legislature

to support a long term plan for child care!

 *  Quality child care means trained staff, worthy wages and ample
    funding and child care spaces.

 *  A comprehensive system of child care that supports families includes
    full and part time options, group and family care, and out of school
    care in every community.

 *  Families need more than $100 a month to provide them with real
    choices for quality child care.

 *  The BC government has remained silent on its commitment to provide a
    comprehensive child care system for families in our province.

What Are We Waiting For British Columbia?

This event is for families, professionals and anyone concerned with the
future of child care in our province. The afternoon will include
speakers, information and children's activities.

From: "Andrea Wilmot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


20.  Final two workshops in Helping the Helper series!

CNPM and Coast Capital Savings are proud to host the following two
workshops as part of the Helping the Helper workshop series.

Brandstorming:  The Not-for-Profit Branding Studio
Take time from your busy schedule to make sure that your organization's
brand is achieving the goals you want it to.  It will be worth the
investment!  Bring your organizational materials and get expert advice on
how they work.  Amanda Gibbs, workshop facilitator, is a former report
and media worker with a specialization in not-for-profit  communications.

Dates:  Tuesday,  May 16, Victoria (Dunsmuir Lodge)

            Thursday,  May 18, Lower Mainland (Executive Hotel &
Conference Centre, Burnaby)

Developing a High Performance Board of Directors
This is the workshop that you will want your whole board to attend!
Discover ways to maximize the contribution your Board makes to your
organization during this interactive workshop.  Vic Murray and Wayne
Stewart, the workshop facilitators, have extensive experience with board

Dates:  Tuesday,  June 6, Victoria (Dunsmuir Lodge)

            Thursday,  June 8, Lower Mainland (Executive Hotel &
Conference Centre, Burnaby)

Register: <http://www.gemssecure.com/events/npws/2006/e/>

Cost:  $60.00 per person

Generous thanks to our partner , Coast Capital Savings,
<http://www.coastcapitalsavings.com>www.coastcapitalsavings.com.  Thanks
to this partnership , The Centre for Non Profit Management and Coast
Capital Savings are hosting an entire Helping the Helper Workshop
Series.  Check out our website at <http://www.cnpm.ca>www.cnpm.ca or
<http://www.coastcapitalsavings.com>www.coastcapitalsavings.com for more
information on all of the sessions available.

From: Volunteer Victoria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


21.  Yaks, Camels and Hope

An evening of information and discussion.
An opportunity to support a small-scale Canadian project that is
bringing hope to vulnerable families in Mongolia.
Social justice that really works!

Slides and videos of life and work in Mongolia.
Felt-products of project co-ops.
Mongolian snacks.

No charge, donations welcomed.
Please register at 414-0308 or

Fairfield United Church,
 1303 Fairfield at Moss, Lower Hall

Wednesday May 17th 7pm

To register contact Vanessa at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 414-0308.

Vanessa Hammond, Canadac Services
102 229 Ontario St. Victoria V8V 1N1
250 414 0308 or cell 514-6467

From: Vanessa Hammond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


22.  Festival Volunteers needed - May 22, Victoria Day

Dogwood Initiative needs your help for our Strength in Community Festival
on May 22.  Come and enjoy local music, food, beer and games and learn
about sustainable, local control of land in BC.

We also need volunteers to make and be our walking parade float.

Need Now Before May 22:

2 volunteers for putting up posters, distributing flyers, making signs,

Parade workshops-

10 volunteers for workshop May 12, 10 am - noon at Vancouver Island
School of Art on Quadra (banners & painting & attaching images onto
sticks) - bring your owns brushes if you have them

5 volunteers for workshop May 20 (same venue)(banners & painting &
attaching images onto sticks)- (we may not need this one)

1 volunteer to pick-up and deliver recycling bins at CRD on May 19 & drop
off/pick up at St. Ann's on May 22 and drop off on May 23 at CRD

1 volunteer to pick up & delivery Vancity Tents (need a truck - they are
10ft by 10 ft):
May 19 Pick up Tents x 2 from Vancity at the Community Branch 3075
May 22 Deliver tents to St. Ann's @ 8:30 am/Pick-up St. Ann's 5:00 pm
May 23 Drop-off tents

1 volunteer to pick up & deliver  bottles Canadian Springs (need a
vehicle with enough room to fit water cooler & 4 water bottles - my VW
Golf managed as long as I put the water cooler on the back seat):
Friday May 19 Pick-up from Canadian Springs 895 Station St. (off
Goldstream Rd) and deliver to St. Ann's May 22
drop off May 23

Day of Event May 22:

25 volunteers to walk in the parade 8am at Mayfair parking lot to noon
(Nicky Stafford will be the lead person )

12 volunteers for set-up St. Ann's site 8 am to noon- heavy lifting,
putting up tents, signage, barrier around beer tent, tables and chairs in
place, set-up children's games, community art space, etc.(equipment
 needed: toolbox)

12 volunteers for tear down & clean-up of  St. Ann's site 4:00 - 6:30 pm
heavy lifting, collapse tents, stack chairs and tables, remove barrier,
pick- up litter, leave the heritage site as we found it

2 volunteers for Dogwood Tent from 11 am -5 pm. Responsible for setting
up display, keeping it organized, selling beer tickets, collecting
donations for the scavenger hunt, providing information, etc.
(personable, like dealing with public, knowledgeable of Dogwood
Initiative, responsible with money) (there will be staff and board
members around to do the main public outreach)

2 volunteers from 11 am - 5 pm for greeting the public at the entrances
general information about the site, where things are, what's happening
when and where, general PR, collecting donations etc.

2 volunteers for children's activities 11:30 am - 4:30 pm. Knowledge of
chess, how games work (eg Connect 4 and snakes & ladders), responsible
with kids, outgoing, etc.

2 volunteers for children's community art project. 11:30 am-4:30 pm.
Manage and inspire children to create an image of their concept of
 community, maintain site, etc.

3 volunteers for Beer garden (19 years or over) - (2 volunteers and 1
lead person to oversee and provide back-up)- ask for ID if questionable,
dispense and serve beer, good PR, maintain and keep area tidy.

2 volunteers at auditorium for film screenings 12:30-4:00 (along with AV
Kirk) crowd control, provide information and direction

1 volunteer as stage manager keep the schedule moving, know who is who,
etc. - helpful if can also operate basic mixing board.

Dogwood staff (5) and board members (6) will be working in different
capacities. Each tent will look after their own areas, but may need some
additional support.

If you can help let us know asap.

Thank you!

www.dogwoodinitiative.org Original news, analysis and  inspiring  stories
about communities and First Nations in British Columbia.  Find out what's
really going on. Add your comments.

From: "Moira Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


23.  Saving Small Towns Conference - June 8 & 9, Cumberland BC

Saving Small Towns IV:  Building Community

June 8 & 9, 2006
Cumberland, Vancouver Island, BC

Conference Registration and Preliminary Schedule Package Attached

We are pleased to provide you with more Saving Small Town Conference
info. Our terrific speaker line-up will be the basis for another dynamic
conference, and we hope you will be able to join us.

Confirmed Speakers to date include:

Keynote Speaker - Andrew Wilhelm-Boyles, Creative City Network,
"c/Culture:  The Fourth Pillar of Community Sustainability"

Narissa Chadwick, Ministry of Community Services; "Integrated Community
Sustainability Planning"

Greg Chamberlain, Civitas Urban Design & Planning; "Designing ‘Community’
into New Communities"

Katherine Dunster, Dunster & Associates; "Community Mapping: Passing
Culture Down"

Guy Dauncey, Sustainable Communities Consultancy; "Layers of Love: The
Inner Secrets of the World's Best Small Communities"

Sharon Haave, Pam  Munroe, Tim O'Brien, Martin Hagarty; "Creekside
Housing: Building an Intentional Community"

Shylene Schlackl, Community Unity Society; "Mosaic the City Projects"

Esther Speck, Whistler; "Silver Medal Winner: Liveable Communities Award"

Wendy Maurer, Town of Qualicum Beach; "Communities in Bloom"

Dale Bishop, Consultant; “Fostering Economic Health in Small Communities”

Meaghan Cursons, Holy Chicken Society; "Cultural Events as a Community

Keynote Speaker - William Garrett-Petts, Community University Research
Alliance, TRU, "The Cultural Future of Small Towns"

Bob Parliament, BC Heritage Branch;  “Creating Community through Heritage

Doug Senft, Artist; “The Role of Public Art in creating Community”

Teri King, Washington Sea Grant Program; “Fostering Sustainable
Behaviour: Social Marketing”

Kymme Patrick, TheatreWorks Society; "Theatre as a tool for Community

Jodie Siu, Smart Growth BC; "Oliver, Smart Growth on the Ground"

Sarah Muir Owen, "Communities in Transition"

Kathy Dunster, Consultant, "Community Mapping:  Passing down the Culture"

Mark Holland, Holland Barrs Planning Group, "Social Diversity:  Policies
and Places that Permit 'Disorder'"

As you know, communities are complex creatures – some themed and built
over a few years, others evolving over centuries.  But there is a
“culture” of small communities that has always attracted people, and is
doing so now in significant numbers.

And it is not just “Culture” as art, music and theatre that is the draw,
but also the social culture that attracts and holds people.  It’s that
culture with all the layers including affordability, easy access to
services, civic places & community events, that create a community that
becomes “home “.

What are all the layers that create a great social culture?  This year
join SST IV to explore all those layers that create vibrant communities
and how we can identify, encourage, support, fund and build for a healthy
small town culture.

We look forward to seeing you in Cumberland, June 8 & 9, 2006!

Saving Small Towns Conference Management
Lara Greasley and Kim Stubblefield
Tel:  250-890-0519   Fax:  250-890-0510
c/o 273 Church Street, Comox, BC  V9M 2C1

From: "Shylene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


24.  Gather the Women-Weaving a World that Works

Hello:  I am part of the planning circle around Gather the Women -
Weaving a World that Works, held at the University of Victoria, June 22,
23 and 24th. This Congress is part of the Victoria days of Peace
sponsored by the University of Victoria.  I would request that this
Congress would be of interest to your subscribers.  Lightly Anne Caldwell

Gather the Women is a global community of women committed to new ways of
compassionate and collaborative leadership. This international congress
is a call to bring the feminine principles of leadership into creating a
world culture of peace. It is designed to have participants join other
women of wisdom, to be inspired and, in turn, inspire each other. Through
speakers, small circle workshops, music and ceremony, participants will
explore ways of working together in service to a peaceful world. It is an
invitation to create local and global connections for authentic
leadership by women.


Dr. Margaret Fulton, Order of Canada, educator & retired university

 *  Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD. Jungian analyst, author "Urgent Message
    from Mother-Gather the Women, Save the World".
 *  Jean Crowder, NDP MP for Nanaimo-Cowichan. Critic for Aboriginal
 *  Kathe Schaaf, Co Founder of Gather the Women Global Matrix, U.S.A.

                       Conference Location: University of Victoria, BC,

Registration Fee $125-$150 Cdn or U.S. funds (sliding scale)

Information & Registration www.gatherthewomencanada.org
200 participants. Register early to secure space

From: Anne Caldwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


25.  Designing Peacebuilding Interventions, Conflict Transformation, and
Reconciliation in Divided Communities

University of Victoria
June 29, 30, July 1, 2006

A three-day workshop you will not want to miss.

To register and for more information please see

This three-day intensive, highly interactive, and participatory workshop
will expose participants to practical experiences, lessons-learned, and
best practices in conflict transformation, peacebuilding, and post-war
reconciliation and recovery from three continents. Drawing upon direct
experiences in Colombia, Guatemala, Israel-Palestine, the former
Yugoslavia, Nepal, Somalia, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Southern Thailand,
Burma, and Moldova, the workshop will explore methods, tools, and
approaches to working with conflicts and peacebuilding in practice.

Please contact the for more information contact:
Institute for Dispute Resolution, University of Victoria
(250) 721-8777

Website:  http://dispute.resolution.uvic.ca/

From: Lois Pegg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


 corporate privatization doesn't guarantee personal privacy


"If the coal mining project continues, the ecological impact will be
disastrous. Is it worth destroying our natural heritage and our water
source for coal?"

Herencia Gonzalez, Regional Manager of the Venezuelan Water Authority


The Left Coast newsletter is distributed weekly (when possible).  I do
not attach files, and I won't sell or share my addressbook.  Unless you
advise otherwise, I'll include your email along with your published event

If you wish to contribute financially or intellectually, any amount will
be graciously received and distributed in a socially responsible manner.
I will forward a receipt if you request it.  You can donate via paypal at

Please feel free to forward the newsletter to your friends and
colleagues, or anyone at all, but please acknowledge the source.

                                Janine Bandcroft

                            c/o Victoria Street Newz

                                1027 Pandora St.

                             Victoria, B.C. V8V 3P6

                             Coast Salish Territory




The content of this newsletter is not necessarily endorsed by its host,
or any individuals and organizations involved with its publication.  Any
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to any individual or group is the responsibility of the original author.
I cannot ensure that the newsletter is free of errors, viruses,
interception or interference, I do not accept liability or legal
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You can subscribe or unsubscribe by sending your request to
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