I think the discussions such as we have are one reason the Mega-corporations 
wish to control the Internet. Once you have control, it is easy to censor 
unwanted discussions.

 The main thing we can do, as a group & individually is discuss the issues. 
This was one of the tenets of Robert Theobold (unfortunately no longer with 
us), another free-thinker as Keith is. As one of the enlightened, one needs 
to discuss issues with friends & work colleagues. Eventually the word will 
pass around. (Just try to be reasonable about the way the subjects are 
broached: otherwise one can be labelled a 'nutter' & the ideas dismissed.)

 We must speak out. There were many people in Germany that stayed silent when 
AH was in power, & we can now see the results. Try not to let history repeat 
in a really negative way!

regards Doug

On Wednesday 10 May 2006 11:00, Keith Addison wrote:
> Hello Randall
> >Keith,
> >
> >You said:  "We've just dealt with this, in the torture thread.
> >Please go and read it. You are complicit. What are you doing about
> >it? You're obliged to
> >be aware of what your government does abroad with your tax money,
> >and if you do nothing to counter it you are complicit. What other
> >people
> >or other governments do is beside the point. The only exception is
> >if you live under a totalitarian dictatorship, then you're not
> >complicit because you're just a helpless slave."
> >
> >By your statement, in order for someone to even have a chance to
> >avoid the responsibility for any bad actions by their government
> >(ie. pollution, torture or nuking a country), it seems that they
> >will need to be a person who:
> >
> >1)  Is capable of being aware of EVERYTHING that the government does
> >domestically and internationally.  To do this, you will need to
> >posess God-like omniscience
> >(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omniscience) since you will need to be
> >aware of all actions performed by every single one of the MILLIONS
> >of people that are connected with the US Federal government alone --
> >currently almost 2 million employees if you ignore the Military and
> >the Postal Service.  (http://www.bls.gov/oco/cg/cgs041.htm)    How
> >many more work for the various State and Local governments.  How
> >many people work for quasi-governmental institutions that have an
> >effect on how the government operates?  You quoted at least one
> ><http://www.pipa.org/>.
> >
> >2)  Is able to influence ALL of those MILLIONS of people, or possess
> >the knowledge to choose which of the MILLIONS of people you will
> >need to influence to force all the remaining people that you cannot
> >influence (time, distance, numbers of people to speak with,
> >whatever) to do what you wish them to do.
> >
> >3)  Possess the knowledge of the correct thing to do, and how to
> >communicate this to all of the people that you will need to
> >influence to make what you want to happen occur in the manner that
> >you desire.
> >
> >---  or  ---
> >
> >Is it ok for someone to just complain about the actions of the
> >government to avoid being labeled complicit, or do they have to
> >actually DO something?
> >
> >If they have to do something, does it have to be effective?  If so,
> >how effective does their action have to be?
> >
> >How closely related to the government in question can someone be,
> >and avoid responsibility for that  government's actions?   Are other
> >countries that benefit from the actions of your government
> >responsible for the actions of your government?  If so, are the
> >people of those other countries then also responsible for your
> >governments actions??
> >
> >What if you don't want to give the government money, but they take
> >it under the threat of death or imprisonment?
> >
> >So...let me ask you personally:  What are you doing?  How effective
> >have your actions been?  What will you do in the future to become
> >more effective? When do you become blameless?  Are you aware of how
> >every single dollar is spent by our government?
> Whose is bigger eh? :-)
> What am I doing. For what's most visible, how about Journey to
> Forever? Or running the Biofuel list and helping to keep it well fed
> over the last six years with the kind of information you specify,
> often against strong opposition by people who would much rather have
> it left comfortably buried out of sight where the forces we're
> discussing had put it, and put them too in a state of heedless and
> uncaring ignorance, consent, and indeed complicity.
> That information includes about the best set of tools I've seen for
> doing all the things you specify, including investigation, spin
> detection, source checking, counter-spin and counter-propaganda, and
> the kind of activism required if you're interested in a sustainable
> future. There's been much discussion here on activism, and on "What
> can I do?" That's all there too, with solutions offered. And I
> provide this resource.
> That's just for now, some things.
> If you go back through my history you'll find an unbroken record of
> opposing the forces we're discussing, in many ways and across a broad
> range of issues, and in many countries, mainly but not only as a
> campaigning journalist. It's something I've never stopped since I
> started it long ago in white racist South Africa, where life tended
> to be short and have ugly endings for people who felt they ought to
> take a hand in deciding what they were going to be complicit in.
> You can find some of the details of all this at our website, and
> elsewhere. I'm not planning on stopping.
> Have my actions been effective? Yes, they have. They are being now.
> There are very many people, VERY many, who could give you their own
> versions of that story. Together it all covers everything you specify
> and much besides. Today these people work both separately and
> together, sharing resources across a wide range of issues, the whole
> range perhaps, via the Internet, the great leveller. Are their
> actions proving effective? You could ask the WTO that question for
> instance, or Monsanto, or ExxonMobil, or George Bush getting furious
> because his ratings are plunging and he can't find anybody to nuke
> for it.
> It's a heartless view to ask people who work for change what effect
> they're having. It's the accumulative effect that creates change, and
> when change happens it's impossible to say quite who or what "caused"
> it.
> "If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping
> with a mosquito." -- the Dalai Lama.
> You point out the disadvantages now facing someone in a country that
> for 30 years and more has been increasingly supine in all aspects of
> the vigilance required of a population over their government and
> business interests.
> Not to say it was exactly perfect before that, but for 30 years and
> more your media have been abandoning the flock they're supposed to be
> guarding and joining the wolves, and now they're owned and run and
> controlled by a very small number of wolves, in straightforward
> collusion with an effectively cloaked government-corporate sector
> that has gone far beyond the pale of responsible citizenship. Now you
> point at this and other such results of heedless inaction as
> obstacles to taking action. But aren't you just an accessory, along
> with everyone else who let it all just slip through your fingers?
> The law says ignorance of the law is no excuse. Civil society might
> say that ignorance of things you should know is no excuse. One good
> reason for that is that none of these things has been truly hidden.
> The information has always been there for anyone who wanted to know.
> That it wasn't in the NYT or on FoxNews doesn't mean it wasn't
> available. In fact it's quite surprising how much has been plainly
> recorded in the NYT and the other mainstream newspapers that people
> say they had no way of knowing.
> There surely is no way of knowing something if you don't want to know
> it. The opinion manufacturing industry doesn't really hide things as
> much as render them uninteresting, the eye slides away, the ear goes
> deaf, the attention wanders. It works very well. But not on
> everybody. Not everybody is deaf to the truth, not everybody swallows
> the lies. Why's that? How do some people - many people - manage to
> stay awake and alert and undeceived? That has a bearing on
> complicity, don't you think?
> Now there are many people who genuinely believe that if it's not on
> FoxNews it never happened, it doesn't exist. The influence and sheer
> lack of quality and responsibility of FoxNews is not something that
> could occur in a vigilant society. Nevertheless, everything that
> isn't on FoxNews does exist and is there to be found, if only you
> look.
> >>I just said in another message: "You have to stop the spin. The
> >>trouble is it works so well most people aren't even aware of it, and
> >>if they are they think they're immune."
> It's the PROBLEM Randall, not the excuse!
> >If they have to do something, does it have to be effective?  If so,
> >how effective does their action have to be?
> If they do their best, then the question isn't very relevant. Unless
> you claim that individuals are helpless and opposition to power is
> doomed to failure. In fact lots of little half-heard voices whisper
> that in your ear all the time, and in everyone else's ear too. Or
> rather they don't have to whisper that now, not for a long time, they
> only have to reinforce it.
> Yet now everyone is talking of an awakening, and there's no doubt
> that it's true. Especially since about eight months ago.
> How do you think that happened?
> It could not have happened had there not been *enough* committed
> people doing their best to make a difference and achieving worthwhile
> results since long before, always keeping the light burning, no
> matter how often it sputtered. Enough for the rest not to have any
> shred of an excuse.
> People point to social apathy as a problem too, and instead of trying
> to get to the root of it they claim it's basic human nature, so
> what's the point of trying to do anything about it. If you're a
> "believer" in social apathy, do you think people were as apathetic 50
> years ago as they are now? A hundred years ago? They weren't. They
> were a lot more skilful too. So what changed?
> Nothing is really hidden, not even the reason that so many people
> don't ask the questions they should.
> So...let me ask you personally:  What are you doing?
> What aren't you complicit in?
> You don't have to answer Randall. This is not how either of these
> issues of torture and nuking Iran arose here. The talk of blame and
> accountability and responsibility and complicity started when people
> began protesting that it's not *their* fault, it's no use blaming
> *them*. But there's rather more to both civic and personal
> responsibility than avoiding blame.
> But look at the way you put it, in your second paragraph:
> >By your statement, in order for someone to even have a chance to
> >avoid the responsibility for any bad actions by their government
> >(ie. pollution, torture or nuking a country), it seems that they
> >will need to be a person who:
> You say it a couple of times. Is that the holy grail, do you think,
> to avoid responsibility? I'm sure you didn't mean to, but you imply
> that the bad actions are okay as long as you can't be held personally
> responsible for them. That's just how you (pl) got to where you are,
> with all the problems you describe. Do you really think that? If not
> what do you think?
> Best
> Keith
> >--Randall
> >Charlotte, NC
> >
> >
> >__________________________________________________________________________
> >_
> >
> ><< Heisenberg may have slept here >>
> >
> >"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening
> >my xe."  --Abraham Lincoln
> >
> >__________________________________________________________________________
> >_
> >
> >----- Original Message ----- From: "Keith Addison"
> >To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> >Sent: Monday, May 08, 2006 5:20 AM
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Poll in favor of Nukes on Iran
> >
> >>Hello Mike
> >>
> >>Why're you so doubtful about it? Sure, it's always good to check, but
> >>it's well in line with what usually happens, as people are saying.
> >>
> >>For instance (from the list archives):
> >>
> >>http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/20263
> >>War on Iraq: The World According to a Bush Voter
> >>October 21, 2004
> >>"A new survey reveals that Bush supporters choose to keep faith in
> >>their leader rather than face reality...
> >>"But here is the truly astonishing part: as many or more Bush
> >>supporters hold those beliefs today than they did several months ago.
> >>In other words, more people believe the claims today -- after the
> >>publication of a series of well-publicized official government
> >>reports that debunked both notions."
> >>
> >>That poll was conducted by University of Maryland's Program on
> >>International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) and Knowledge Networks. Here's
> >>the poll report itself:
> >>http://www.pipa.org/OnlineReports/Iraq/IraqRealities_Oct04/IraqRealiti
> >>es%20Oct04%20rpt.pdf
> >>
> >>Then there's this:
> >>>Results of previous PIPA/Knowledge Networks poll [May 04]:
> >>>
> >>>- A 57% majority believed Iraq was either "directly involved" in
> >>>carrying out the 9/11 attacks or had provided "substantial support"
> >>>to al-Qaeda
> >>>- 82% either said that "experts mostly agree Iraq was providing
> >>>substantial support to al Qaeda" or "experts are evenly divided on
> >>>the question"
> >>>- 45% believe that evidence that Iraq was supporting al Qaeda has been
> >>> found - 60% believe that just before the war Iraq either had weapons of
> >>> mass destruction or a major program for developing them
> >>>- 65% said most experts say Iraq did have them or that experts are
> >>>divided on the question
> >>>- estimates of the number of US troop fatalities in Iraq varied widely
> >>>- 59% were unaware that the majority of world public opinion is
> >>>opposed to the US war with Iraq
> >>>- asked how many nuclear weapons the U.S. has, the median estimate
> >>>was 200 (the actual number is 6,000)
> >>>
> >>>These beliefs are closely correlated with intentions to vote for Bush.
> >>
> >>So what's new?
> >>
> >>Look at the escalation in the Iran case:
> >>>Iran has not violated the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty),
> >>>does not have a nuclear weapons program, and poses no threat to its
> >>>neighbors or the United States. Never the less, the spurious
> >>>accusations in the media have precipitated a dramatic shift in
> >>>public opinion. For more than a decade only 6% of the American
> >>>people considered Iran the "greatest danger" to the United States.
> >>>Now (according to a recent Pew Poll) that number has jumped to 27%.
> >>>Also, the survey showed that "nearly half (47%) said they favored
> >>>military action, preferably along with European allies, to halt
> >>>Iran's nuclear program." -- Jim Lobe, "Polls: anti-Iran Propaganda
> >>>Working", February 10, 2006
> >>
> >>http://www.antiwar.com/lobe/?articleid=8526
> >>
> >>Compare with the current Newsmax poll, it makes a curve.
> >>
> >>Worse than that, Lobe's piece three months ago said "the polls do not
> >>show eagerness to take military action now or unilaterally. The
> >>public appears to prefer an effort to settle the crisis
> >>diplomatically, preferably through the United Nations."
> >>
> >>Now they do, and sod the UN.
> >>
> >>The Newsmax poll and what it says and who's spinning it if anyone is
> >>irrelevant. The fact is that the US and Israel are creeping up on
> >>nuking Iran, and dragging public opinion along behind, as usual.
> >>Check it out for yourself.
> >>
> >>People are commenting on short term memory loss. It's not short term
> >>memory loss, it's manufactured memory loss.
> >>
> >>Robert said "I think this illustrates how effective the propaganda
> >>machine in the
> >>US has become." Absolutely.
> >>
> >>"The United States is not only number one in military power but also
> >>in the effectiveness of its propaganda system." -- Edward S. Herman
> >>
> >>I just said in another message: "You have to stop the spin. The
> >>trouble is it works so well most people aren't even aware of it, and
> >>if they are they think they're immune."
> >>
> >>>Hi Fritz and everyone...polls...hmmm...can anyone tell me more about
> >>>"NewsMax"?
> >>
> >>http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?search=NewsMax&fulltext=Search
> >>Search results - SourceWatch
> >>NewsMax.com
> >>
> >>Not to be trusted, but in this case it's irrelevant. Tear your eyes
> >>away from what's disturbing you about NewsMax, and do some work on
> >>the Internet, and in the Biofuel list archives, on the mounting US
> >>fear and loathing campaign against Iran.
> >>
> >>How come your reply doesn't even mention the word "Iran" in your
> >>haste to defend... to defend what, exactly?
> >>
> >>>Who owns and controls this website?  Fritz, have you asked anyone at
> >>>NewsMax how this poll was conducted? What are the demographics of
> >>>this poll?  I see on their homepage as of today, Sunday, May 7, just
> >>>after 7pm Central (USA), where they site a poll WITH HEADLINES that
> >>>says Fox is the most trusted news source in the U.S., but the story
> >>>says we're talking about 11% of the public making it this "popular."
> >>>Hey, if only roughly One in Ten Americans are fatheads, we're not
> >>>doin' too bad.  I wouldn't be surprised if a large percentage of
> >>>these 11% make up the largest percentage of the "voters" who
> >>>answered the NewsMax poll, which would make that "77%" actually an
> >>>incredibly small percentage of the U.S. population.   Sorry you
> >>>blame the "ordinary" U.S. citizen for however our government acts.
> >>
> >>We've just dealt with this, in the torture thread. Please go and read
> >>it. You are complicit. What are you doing about it? You're obliged to
> >>be aware of what your government does abroad with your tax money, and
> >>if you do nothing to counter it you are complicit. What other people
> >>or other governments do is beside the point. The only exception is if
> >>you live under a totalitarian dictatorship, then you're not complicit
> >>because you're just a helpless slave.
> >>
> >>>What's the deal in your country?  Is your government walking in
> >>>lockstep with the will of the overwhelming majority of the
> >>>"ordinary" citizens?  What is "ordinary" anyway????  I'll leave it
> >>>at that for now.
> >>
> >>Sorry, you'll have to respond, those are the rules here.
> >>
> >>Keith Addison
> >>Journey to Forever
> >>KYOTO Pref., Japan
> >>http://journeytoforever.org/
> >>Biofuel list owner
> >>
> >>>Mike
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>----- Original Message -----
> >>>
> >>>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Fritz Friesinger
> >>>To: <mailto:biofuel@sustainablelists.org>biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >>>Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 5:09 PM
> >>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Poll in favor of Nukes on Iran
> >>>
> >>>Hakan,
> >>>indeed dejea vu,
> >>>once the propagandamachine works as fine as it does in the US,all
> >>>out war is'nt far away!
> >>>The whole polemic about the communist threat BS, it was and is
> >>>always the migthy US who uses Nukes to intimidate the rest of the
> >>>world!
> >>>I dispise them for it and can not help to blame the ordinary US
> >>>Citicen.As a German i felt long time the blame for the wrong doeings
> >>>of the Nazis even i was born in 48!
> >>>eh bien and so on...
> >>>Get better Hakan,there is no time to loose
> >>>Fritz
> >>>
> >>>----- Original Message -----
> >>>From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Hakan Falk
> >>>To: <mailto:biofuel@sustainablelists.org>biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> >>>Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 5:23 PM
> >>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Poll in favor of Nukes on Iran
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Fritz,
> >>>
> >>>Have a strong feeling of dejavu and this time I will save the info in
> >>>a special place. Pre Iraq, I saw similar figures and also some
> >>>support on this list. Today it is overwhelming negative numbers in
> >>>support for the Iraq war and approval ratings for the president.
> >>>Maybe I should frame this, for future use.
> >>>
> >>>Talk about a violent population, 77% in support of military action
> >>>and killing Iranians. In two years we will have 65% in denial and
> >>>against the US engagement in Iran. It will be an even bigger mess
> >>>than Iraq, with attacks all over the world.
> >>>
> >>>Hakan
> >>>
> >>>At 20:07 07/05/2006, you wrote:
> >>> >just received
> >>> >
> >>> >Fritz
> >>> >
> >>> >Poll: Strong U.S. Support for Bombing Iran
> >>> >
> >>> >An Internet poll sponsored by NewsMax.com reveals that Americans are
> >>> >overwhelmingly in favor of the United States undertaking military
> >>> >action to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program.
> >>> >
> >>> >Nearly 60,000 people have taken part in the poll so far, and more
> >>> >than nine out of 10 say U.S. efforts to contain Iran's weapons
> >>> >program are not working.
> >>> >
> >>> >A large majority of respondents also believe that Iran poses a
> >>> >greater threat than Saddam Hussein did before the Iraq War.
> >>> >
> >>> >NewsMax will provide the results of this poll to major media and
> >>> >share them with radio talk-show hosts across the country.
> >>> >
> >>> >Here are the poll questions and results:
> >>> >
> >>> >1) Do you believe U.S. efforts to contain Iran's nuclear weapons
> >>> >program are working?
> >>> >Working: 7 percent
> >>> >Not Working: 93 percent
> >>> >
> >>> >2) Should the United States rely solely on the U.N. to stop Iran's
> >>> >nuclear weapons program?
> >>> >Yes: 11 percent
> >>> >No: 89 percent
> >>> >
> >>> >3) Do you believe Iran poses a greater threat than Saddam Hussein
> >>> >did before the Iraq War?
> >>> >Yes: 88 percent
> >>> >No: 12 percent
> >>> >
> >>> >4) Should the U.S. undertake military action against Iran to stop
> >>> >their program?
> >>> >Yes: 77 percent
> >>> >No: 23 percent
> >>> >
> >>> >5) Who should undertake military action against Iran first?
> >>> >U.S.: 45 percent
> >>> >Israel: 35 percent
> >>> >Neither: 20 percent
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> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
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