Oh crap!! You're right.

...my bad.


Jason & Katie wrote:
> hurm... isnt that what the US gov't is doing already?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Michael Redler
> To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 4:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax
> Only if they can use tax dollars to build gulags and assassinate with 
> impunity.
> We're not their yet.
> Mike
> Jason & Katie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i believe someone referred to the socialist/communist farce in the USSR as
> stalinist? would that be a fitting label?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Zeke Yewdall"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 9:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax
>> I would say agree that the democrats are not very good socialists --
>> morons would be the best description I can think of for them.
>> On 5/12/06, Michael Redler wrote:
>>> Ray,
>>> Democrats make piss-poor socialists and to imply that that they are, is
>>> an
>>> insult to socialists. If Teddy Kennedy ran in a true socialist election,
>>> I
>>> doubt that he would get a single vote - even if he were the only
>>> candidate.
>>> However, there are candidates who run as members of the socialist party.
>>> They are clearly noticeable by their intelligent and articulate responses
>>> to
>>> the issues, their concern for the working class, and virtual invisibility
>>> in
>>> the "mainstream" media.
>>> Camejo's campaign gives the right answers
>>> http://www.socialistworker.org/2003-2/470/470_04_Camejo.shtml
>>> The Democrats aren't a solution
>>> http://www.socialistworker.org/2003-2/461/461_04_OtherLetters.shtml#Dems
>>> The presidential campaigns of Socialist Party leader Eugene Debs
>>> http://www.socialistworker.org/2004-2/514/514_08_Debs.shtml
>>> Mike
>>> Ray in Atlanta GA wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, both the socialists, whoops Democrats, and the fascists,
>>> excuse me, I mean Republicans, are all busy breaking their necks to jump
>>> on Shrub's band wagon.
>>> Ray in Atlanta GA
>>> D. Mindock wrote:
>>>> This seems to be inline with the idea of a police state. Collect all
>>>> the info on citizens possible to be stored in
>>>> a huge database. The cuckoo bird flu scare (a hoax) is to get us to
>>>> accept
>>>> that anyone can be detained for silly reasons along with the database
>>>> of
>>>> your airline flights. When
>>>> they say the data is to be maintained for at least two months, you can
>>>> believe it will be much longer than that. Just like
>>>> your online traffic through your ISP, all of it, is to be maintained
>>>> for
>>>> at least a year thanks to a proposal by US Congresswoman DeGette
>>>> (D-CO). Yes, she calls herself a Democrat. We need to write our
>>>> Congress
>>>> reps that this BS won't fly with us. It is wrong that the NSA and the
>>>> Pentagon are spying on us. BushCo is a fear based, secretive,
>>>> devisive, newspeak government that is totally controlled by corporate
>>>> powers. I think this is the definition of a fascist regime. No wonder
>>>> the world is becoming terrified of our goverment. Bush and Dead-Eye
>>>> Dick appear to be out-of-control.
>>>> Work for Peace, D. Mindock
>>>> The Hidden Agenda Behind the Bird Flu Hoax
>>>> Bird FluA plan to quarantine sick airline and ship passengers in order
>>>> to combat a potential bird flu outbreak has outraged health experts,
>>>> airlines, and civil libertarians.
>>>> *Three-Day Quarantine*
>>>> Sick passengers would be identified by flight attendants, pilots and
>>>> cruise ship crews. Passengers identified as sick could be detained in
>>>> quarantine for as long as three days.
>>>> *Detailed Information*
>>>> The proposed rules would also require airlines to collect detailed
>>>> contact information from their passengers, including the names of any
>>>> traveling companions and precise information regarding travel plans.
>>>> The
>>>> information would be stored for at least two months, and would be
>>>> provided to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at any time the
>>>> government asked for it.
>>>> USA Today
>>>> April 25, 2006
>>> [snip]

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