aye, i read your post, and i live between Gladstone and NKC. not exactly 
sure what township this is, but i rent, so land taxes arent a problem.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water and Other Nonsense

> LOL...amen brother...have to use the whole coin.  The List is helping me 
> do
> so.  I've also printed out and am keeping in front of the Credo for JtF.
> Also keeping on my desktop a shortcut to the words of the song and the 
> song
> itself.  Ok...so now more fatheadedness...what is "Namaste"?  Also, I want
> to be sure Jason and Weaver read my post to Jesse that included my
> excitement about the three of us either living near or having ties near
> where each of us live.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.  Mike D
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 2:13 PM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water and Other Nonsense
>> >Hi Keith...and List...thank you.  I had read, but forgotten (shame
>>>on me), the Credo before I asked to join.  It gave me the confidence
>>>to ask to join.  Wonderful to be reminded of, wake up with and read
>>>this morning.  Is that sunshine I see peaking through the clouds?!!!
>>>Getting ready to Look on the Bright Side of LIFE!!!  Mike DuPree
>> Hey Mike, you just made my day. Not only it helped but you read it 
>> before.
>> :-)
>> You mean that crazy song actually works?? LOL!
>> This thread has covered a lot of ground from where it started to
>> where it is now. Interesting. Interesting last few posts from you
>> too, and nicely put, both sides of the coin, the bright and the dark.
>> One side of a coin doesn't buy you much, does it, you have to use the
>> whole coin.
>> Namaste.
>> Keith
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Keith Addison"
>>>To: <<mailto:biofuel@sustainablelists.org>biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>>>Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 2:38 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water and Other Nonsense
>>> > Hi Mike
>>> >
>>> >>----- Original Message -----
>>> >>From:
>>><<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>mark>mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>mark
>>> >>To:
>>> >>Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 4:22 PM
>>> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water and Other Nonsense
>>> >>
>>> >>Hi Jesse...thanks for writing. You wrote: This is surely the most
>>> >>depressing post I've ever seen.  A sign of the times???  You
>>> >>wrote: Mike!  What sort of response were you thinking you'd get?  I
>>> >>wasn't thinking, at least about what response I might get.  I felt
>>> >>frustrated, perhaps mostly by my own illusions.  You wrote: How can
>>> >>anyone respond to this.  One way is how you have responded. You
>>> >>wrote:  No dream no agriculture no biodiesel no...  simple
>>> >>answer.  It depends on the question.  For me in my post the question
>>> >>deals with how do I personally deal with the madness on the
>>> >>planet that appears to be becoming more so everyday.  Biodiesel is a
>>> >>way.  And I'm excited to see it develop.  But I feel overwhelmed by
>>> >>something much bigger.  I could call it Big Energy, Big Gov't.  Big
>>> >>whatever.  But I'm afraid it has something more to do with me than
>>> >>with anything outside of me.  But then it's not just me...it's the
>>> >>sheer size and weight of humanity on the planet (and growing growing
>>> >>growing).
>>> >
>>> > Plenty of room to spare, no room for dogs in the manger.
>>> >
>>> >>So I could do as you said:   Leave!!   But you and I both know
>>> >>it isn't that simple.  For you it is your reasons.  For me, I'll try
>>> >>to explain in answer to your question: What are you there for?
>>> >> Jesse  I've thought about writing to Keith personally and asking
>>> >>him to remove me from the List since my original intention of
>>> >>joining the List has changed.
>>> >
>>> > You're welcome to change your intentions. It's not like a contract
>>> > you're not allowed to break or something. A lot of people like the
>>> > diversity of the list. There are these message snippets from various
>>> > members at the website list subscription section, for instance:
>>> >
>>> > - "I came to the list strictly interested in getting my biodiesel
>>> > project off the ground. Following the various postings I have
>>> > discovered that I see the world as if from the bottom of a well. The
>>> > view is expanding ever so slightly, ever so slowly. Thanks to all."
>>> >
>>> > - "The Biofuel list has awakened me to many ways I can directly help
>>> > make a difference. The knowledge I have gained from reading the list
>>> > in a few short months has encouraged me to try again."
>>> >
>>> > - "I benefit very much personally from the list, and I have yet to
>>> > make one drop of biofuel! But the insights that I get from the list
>>> > are amazing."
>>> >
>>> > - "I like the global view. It's good to have your beliefs challenged."
>>> >
>>> > - "This list has proven to me how little I know, so many times."
>>> >
>>> > The only time I'd remove you is if your intentions changed to those
>>> > of a dog in the manger and you couldn't be reasoned with.
>>> >
>>> > Otherwise, if you want out, you'd have to do it yourself, it's none
>>> > of my business.
>>> >
>>> > I guess this is the background to the way the list runs, have a look,
>>> > it might hearten you:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>I came here with the intention of learning how to make biodiesel and
>>> >>having a support group while doing so.  I have since decided for a
>>> >>multitude of reasons to not go this path.  But the List, as you
>>> >>know, is about more than just biodiesel.  It is...hmm...well, I
>>> >>guess that depends on who you are and I am and any one of us is and
>>> >>especially who Keith lets it be.
>>> >
>>> > It has a mind of its own. I'm just the skivvy.
>>> >
>>> >>So I haven't written to Keith, because for me, what I have observed
>>> >>and come to look for in my email, is someone else trying, just like
>>> >>me, to survive the madness...not to Leave!!...but to Live!!!  Or
>>> >>maybe I misjudged what I have been reading.
>>> >
>>> > I don't think so. I do think there are better options around than
>>> > just surviving it though.
>>> >
>>> >>Consequently, if this List is not the place for me to have expressed
>>> >>what I have how I have, then it isn't.
>>> >
>>> > Some might think it is, some might think it isn't, but if you think
>>> > it's the place then it is the place, just as long as you're not being
>>> > a dog in the manger.
>>> >
>>> >>     Ah well, the glaciers are fading (check out pics in June,
>>> >>2006, Men's Journal...staggering...we're fried folks!)
>>> >
>>> > Too soon to tell. Definitely not too early to be wide awake and up
>>> > and doing about it though, among other things. A lot of people think
>>> > the Biofuel list is the right place for that too.
>>> >
>>> >> as the planet heats up, BushCo not only not helpful but profoundly
>>> >>hurtful, US debt and the decline of the US dollar are poised to
>>> >>reveal to Americans the slaves all of us really are, even as jobs
>>> >>are disappearing for many here to many, many more Wall Street will
>>> >>pay less (actually the same according to some variations of the
>>> >>SOLVE act if it is passed) and conscript into its Death Machine, etc
>>> >>etc etc, apparently AD INFINITUM.  So let me tell ya...I'm smilin
>>> >>babeee...I mean "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel
>>> >>fine...."  Toto?!! Toto?!! Oh TOTO!!!!  "And I feel fine..."
>>> >
>>> > Once again, all together now, women and children first, just follow 
>>> > me:
>>> >
>>> > uh-one, uh-two, uh-one, two, three four...
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Always Look On the Bright Side of Life (from Monty Python's Life of
>>> > Brian)
>>> >
>>> > Best
>>> >
>>> > Keith
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >>     Mike DuPree
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>From: "M&K DuPree"
>>>unflower.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> >>Reply-To:
>>> >>Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 11:30:57 -0500
>>> >>To: 
>>> >><<mailto:biofuel@sustainablelists.org>biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
>>> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water and Other Nonsense
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>Hi D and List...Looking forward to watching What The Bleep Do We
>>> >>Know?  Checked out the website, synopsis, and trailer.  Wow.  Thanks
>>> >>D.
>>> >>    Big Energy, Big Government, Big Religion, Big Bad...why do I
>>> >>feel so sad?  Just ain't no hope for the little guy...probably never
>>> >>was.  David vs Goliath just another fairy tale.  "I HAVE A DREAM..."
>>> >> Sorry pops, just a dream.  The mountain of insolvency just too Big
>>> >>too overcome.  "Dang me, dang me, guess I'll take a rope and hang
>>> >>me."  No hope anywhere...oh!...build myself a biodiesel plant...but
>>> >>wait...my neighbor's doin same.  Last one to the WVO loses!!!
>>> >> Another dream defiled.  Where's my bicycle...gotta be a problem
>>> >>there too...frame made in China???  Go buy some food...too stupid,
>>> >>poor, lazy, or just simply born at the wrong time in the wrong place
>>> >>to grow my own, to say nothing of the locust invasion last year that
>>> >>kept me out of the fields and meant me needing to buy from who knows
>>> >>where on the planet...DANG ME!!!!  What a rotten Reality.  Oh, I
>>> >>see, not supposed to SEE...just dream..."Imagine"...and take four
>>> >>bullets in the back.  Lovely.  Good morning, WORLD!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
>>> >>PEACE!!! Hey, give me back the shirt off my back.  Ah well...takin
>>> >>my can of worms and goin fishin in that polluted water over
>>> >>there...and dream...with my gun by my side.  Mike DuPree
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>----- Original Message -----
>>> >>From: D. Mindock
>>> >>To: <mailto:Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>> >>Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 4:52 AM
>>> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water
>>> >>
>>> >>Mike,
>>> >>   Just want to add my 2 cents on this subject. If BlackLight, or
>>> >>anyone else, comes up
>>> >>with a solid system to create vast amounts of energy from
>>> >>water/hydrogen, it will be
>>> >>snatched up by Big Energy and then controlled by them. Not much will
>>> >>change. Our
>>> >>monthly energy bills won't go away.
>>> >> I think we can rely on the gov to allow Big Energy to parcel out
>>> >>energy to we wee folks and keep their
>>> >>profits in the 100's of billions of dollars per year. Congress
>>> >>writes the laws that Big Energy dictates.
>>> >>It is Big Energy that is gluttonous.
>>> >>  The masses are bombarded with propaganda and hardly realize how
>>> >>they're all being manipulated.
>>> >>I am still waking up from this soup of B.S. we've been immersed in
>>> >>here in the U$A.
>>> >>Peace to all, D. Mindock   P.S. I agree that we are all
>>> >>inter-connected, more than we can imagine.
>>> >>I saw the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know?" a couple years ago, and
>>> >>nothing's been the same
>>> >>since.
>>> >>
>>> >>----- Original Message -----
>>> >>From: M&K DuPree
>>> >>To: <mailto:Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>> >>Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:28 PM
>>> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water
>>> >>
>>> >>Thanks Bob...it's all new to me, and I'm thankful I have the List to
>>> >>present my inquiries.  PS You noted earlier and Joe Street agreed,
>>> >>"In my mind, infinite energy is the worst case scenario I can think
>>> >>of- energy to spare, energy to drive the gluttonous behavior of
>>> >>everybody on the planet.  NO THANKS"  LOL...well...yes, I kind of
>>> >>agree, because I know way too many fatheads who would take advantage
>>> >>of ulimited energy in just such a manner.  But then I also disagree.
>>> >> What WOULD unlimited energy mean for the planet and its' peoples???
>>> >> To me, that question seems to point to a question of human nature,
>>> >>which your statement indicates you believe is utterly without hope
>>> >>for a true social consciousness and conscience.  Maybe you disagree,
>>> >>but I'm just citing your words.  Contrarily, I witness something
>>> >>very different present.  Please hang with me for a moment while I
>>> >>try to explain.  "Independence" is an illusion.  Let me say that
>>> >>again, "Independence" is an illusion.  I recognize "individuality,"
>>> >>but "independence"...NOT!!!!  Every individual one of us is part of
>>> >>the same planet and ultimately the ever changing universe.  This is
>>> >>the truth; this is true.  More specifically, we each breathe the
>>> >>same air, drink the same water, eat the same dirt, at least as
>>> >>concerns the source.  But it doesn't look, feel, taste, etc, that
>>> >>way because we each receive a modification of the source.  Some get
>>> >>more of the source than others.  Some get better quality of the
>>> >>source than others.  Enter politics.  Enter religion.  Enter
>>> >>whatever enters to confound each one's sense of their connection to
>>> >>the same source and thereby to each other, the planet, LIFE.  So, so
>>> >>what???  Who cares?  Good question.  So what if we are all
>>> >>individuals inherently connected to each other?  How does that
>>> >>change all or even any of us from being "gluttonous" at heart???  I
>>> >>suppose in one way it doesn't, because LIFE, being so full of
>>> >>itself, of ONLY itself, must necessarily be "gluttonous."  Don't
>>> >>tell me there is LIFE opposed to death....NOT.  There appears to be
>>> >>birth and death (technically, birthing and deathing intertwined as
>>> >>the same thinging...lol....which is LIFE)....but LIFE remains and
>>> >>will remain...FOREVER.  It must, otherwise, I couldn't be and you
>>> >>couldn't be and no one could be.  Some thing does NOT come from no
>>> >>thing.  In fact, there is NOT any THING; there is only somethinging.
>>> >> Still with me??? lol  Consequently, I guess in my heart of hearts I
>>> >>have to agree with Alfred E. Newman, "What? Me worry?"  No, I don't
>>> >>like getting dicked around or worse, but it happens, as much because
>>> >>of people having an incredibly narrow perspective on their lives.
>>> >> So they get "gluttonous."  Not "everybody," however.  Whether or
>>> >>not they are, however, it seems to me an unlimted source of energy
>>> >>would have the very opposite reaction...rather than more gluttony, I
>>> >>believe we would see more feeling of and acting upon concern for
>>> >>each other, if for no other reason than LIFE would have a better
>>> >>chance on a more widely accepted level to be viewed more as it is
>>> >>than as the politicians and priests are able now to construe it as
>>> >>something limited.  Anyway, I'm sure everything I've written here
>>> >>can come under the severest attack.  This List is a wonderful place
>>> >>to help keep a guy honest and precise with his words.  I've tried to
>>> >>do that, and I'm sure the LIST will help me do that better.  We're
>>> >>all on a JourneyToForever, and the best any of us can do, it seems
>>> >>to me, is to be here to help ease the pain of our individuality a
>>> >>little or a lot.  Each of us must discover that for him or herself.
>>> >> Mike DuPree
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