
> Todd, you live in Ohio. Didn't this make any local
> waves at the time, or during the subsequent court proceedings?

Not a peep. But that doesn't mean that it didn't get press. Probably more local 
than state.

> If you read down a bit there's a lot of detail, a lot of reporting,
> and it's not particularly unusual stuff that's being reported.
> There's about 30kb of copy there. Not a bad job, some of it.

No detail. Considerably slanted. Why not, as a "reporter," paint a 
complete/composite picture for the readership rather than play on emotions? No 
need to answer that, as any side would try to manipulate in their favor. But 
where are the facts to support the outrage? Hell, anyone can get outraged. But 
that doesn't necessarily mean the outrage is justifiable.

If the judge forbade the vast majority of a defense, the "press" has an 
obligation to the readership to describe what was forbidden and perhaps even go 
a little further and offer up the rationale as to why it was. That wasn't done 
here. Had it been, chances are pretty good that they would have gotten 
considerably more mileage out of the issue.

Here's a snippet of the original article, in sequential pieces:

"From the beginning, this trial was stacked against Carol, and was meant 
to be a vicious message to anyone who thinks or acts outside of the box. 
Judge McGinty wouldn't allow Carol and her attorneys the ability to wage 
a defense."

WHY? There has to be a reason, whether it be legal or personal.

"The only "relevent" testimony was that provided by the state."

WHY? There has to be a reason, again either legal or personal.

"No politics was allowed into the trial. Nothing about the brutal and 
arrogant reputation of the Cleveland Heights police."

Precedent/reputation does not necessarily guarantee perpetual or even 
current practice.

"Nothing about how Carol was the one assaulted by the police"

WHERE? In what sequence and under what circumstances. Few things happen 
in a vacuum. Even if they did, where's the time line?

"and then humiliated at University Hospital when she was taken there for 
her injuries."

Post prosecution/acquittal civil suit?

"The testimony of a courageous EMS worker who was afraid for Carol's 
safety from the police rampage was cut to a mere 4 minutes."

Again, in what sequence of the events? It was obviously after the 
posting of fliers and apparently after the initial altercation, elsewise 
EMS probably wouldn't have been present. That opens up yet another 
avenue for civil suit. If it occurred during an attempt by the "perp" to 
remove fliers in an orderly manner as directed or some similar set of 
circumstances then there are grounds for an upper court to dismiss the 
conviction and strong grounds for an excessive force / civil suit.

Where are the facts in the article to support the contentions being 
made? Absent... Aggregiously so.

"Only one character witness was allowed, and then only for a couple 

Character witnesses are generally for sentencing hearings. Actual 
witnesses are the primary need in the prosecutorial phase.

"The judge refused to inform the jury of a serious lie by the 
prosecution during closing testimony."

Again, dismissal in an upper court.

The first article created hundreds more questions than it supplied 
answers. "Fair and balanced" reporting would have helped stop the 
oscillation of the scales not encourage them.

Outrage this event may be. But knee jerk isn't the best way to bring 
light or informed public outcry to this matter or any other.

Todd Swearingen

Keith Addison wrote:

>I wonder what this is all about. I don't see any crop circles or 
>UFOs, no Round Tables, Bilderbergers or Freemasons, no New World 
>Government, I didn't even see the S-word. It would be kind of strange 
>to protest that this isn't happening in the US now and just write it 
>off to hysterical over-emotionalism.
>This isn't right:
>>>One was poorly written, with no facts, only telling a reader what they
>>>should think or feel. It wasn't an "article," it was an incitement.
>That's this one, that D. posted first:
>Activist Brutalized and Arrested by Police for Postering
>If you read down a bit there's a lot of detail, a lot of reporting, 
>and it's not particularly unusual stuff that's being reported. 
>There's about 30kb of copy there. Not a bad job, some of it. You can 
>read poorer stuff in the NYT. There's a lot of reportage in any news 
>archives about similar events elsewhere, and that it's been spreading 
>ever wider.
>Sure, check it out, check out the NYT too, check everything out. If 
>you want "facts" then you'll have to go and wear out some shoe 
>leather. Otherwise you can be satisfied with other things, like 
>widespread corraboration, other kinds of spot checks you can make and 
>so on, it's not impossible.
>That's not what's happening here though, this is a deadlock.
>Todd, you live in Ohio. Didn't this make any local waves at the time, 
>or during the subsequent court proceedings? If not, wouldn't you say 
>that there's enough in the worldcantwait coverage, and that it gels 
>quite adequately with many other such events in the US, to inquire 
>why the loud silence?
>>1. Emotions are part of being human. Life without them would be boring.
>>2. The only, the only source that reported the story originally was the
>>one. The facts about what happened are embedded in it.
>>3. The difference between the two stories, as I recall, is that time had
>>and emotions had cooled. But that doesn't mean that the original rendition's
>>bits about the actions of the police were any less reprehensible.
>>Peace, D. Mindock
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 9:45 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Police Brutality in Ohio
>>>Not shooting a messenger and it doesn't really matter if the both
>>>articles were from the same source or one was from Pluto and the other
>>>from Venus.
>>>One was poorly written, with no facts, only telling a reader what they
>>>should think or feel. It wasn't an "article," it was an incitement.
>>>The other was only half as bad, although still poorly written.
>>>Personally? I'd like the facts first and I'd prefer to formulate my own
>>>judgements and orchestrate my own emotions, not have them played like a
>>>harp by anyone with a purpose.
>>>There's an enormous difference in purpose between the two pieces. That
>>>was what was pointed out and what you don't seem to want to address.
>>>Todd Swearingen
>>>D. Mindock wrote:
>>>>  The link I provided was the original and only link that covered the
>>>>story. The additional link was to the same site and probably written
>>>>by the same person. If the original link was too
>>>>emotional then you should write the author of the article. Don't shoot
>>>>the messenger.
>>>>Peace, D. Mindock
>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>To: <>
>>>>Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2006 7:38 PM
>>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Police Brutality in Ohio
>>>>>>Your link, to the same site, is not in disagreement with
>>>>>>the link I gave.
>>>>>>It's just an update. Same story, same site. I don't know
>>>>>>how you can say my link was lopsided.
>>>>>The link you provided was all emotion and no detail. The one offered in
>>>>>response included a bit more meat and considerably less emotion.
>>>>>The "point" is to let the facts speak for themselves. They don't lie or
>>>>>mislead. Emotions often lead readers astray, which is precisely what is
>>>>>intended far too much of the time.
>>>>>Todd Swearingen
>>>>>D. Mindock wrote:
>>>>>> The conversion of our country into a police state is not
>>>>>>something I can take lightly. I am POed at what's
>>>>>>happening. I hate seeing the promise of America being trashed by
>>>>>>a couple of oil barons and their henchmen, oh, and Ms. Rice.
>>>>>>  The facts were there in the link I gave. If you wish to dig deeper,
>>>>>>guest. In this day and age of disinformation originating from
>>>>>>propaganda disseminated by the US gov, paid for by our tax dollars, who
>>>>>>are you going to trust?
>>>>>> Have you seen the reportage from the Miami FTAA convention
>>>>>>where people, some elderly, who were peacefully protesting were brutally
>>>>>>The USA is becoming a huge gulag, one day at a time, imo. The incident
>>>>>>in Ohio with Carol Fisher was not an isolated incident.
>>>>>>  Your link, to the same site, is not in disagreement with the link I
>>>>>>It's just an update. Same story, same site. I don't know how you can say
>>>>>>my link was lopsided.
>>>>>>  Peace, D. Mindock  PS Another update below:
>>>>>>May 11, 10pm: Carol Fisher has been released!  We'll send out more info
>>>>>>we have it.  In the meantime, this is an excellent development. But it's
>>>>>>also NOT over.
>>>>>>We don't know what the judge and other authorities will do next.
>>>>>>sentencing date is June 2. She still faces 3 years in jail and thousands
>>>>>>dollars in fines.  We plan to appeal the verdict and challenge all the
>>>>>>violations of her rights.
>>>>>>Click here to find out what you can do to help.
>>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>To: <>
>>>>>>Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 6:51 AM
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Police Brutality in Ohio
>>>>>>>How about a little less emotionally charged, speech and a little more
>>>>>>>the facts? Nothing personal. Just that the link you offered was 1,000%
>>>>>>>Here's a slightly more factual bit, almost devoid of facts in
>>>>>>>I'm sure that if one were to dig a little deeper there could be found a
>>>>>>>more thorough description of the events.
>>>>>>>While it sounds like a legit beef, it would be great to be afforded
>>>>>>>details, not whitewash on one side or hype on the other.
>>>>>>>If you do this stuff long enough, you soon realize that facts are your
>>>>>>>best friend and uber emotions all too frequently alienate potential
>>>>>>>Todd Swearingen
>>>>>>>D. Mindock wrote:
>>>>>>>>This is happening in America, land of the free & home of the brave.
>>>>>>>>is becoming a land of no compassion for
>>>>>>>>common folk who protest against the crimes of BushCo. Even peace
>>>>>>>>pacifists are
>>>>>>>>being put into FBI databases. Anyone who loves peace and hates war is
>>>>>>>>as a
>>>>>>>>terrorist to the Oval Office where our Great Decider presides.
>>>>>>>>Peace, D. Mindock
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