Hi Mike

>*Tin soldiers and Nixon's* coming, we're finally on our own This summer
>I hear the drumming, four dead in Ohio


Neil Young got embarrassed later because he thought he'd exploited 
the situation, but that's nuts, he didn't exploit it, he *used* it. 
Or maybe it used him.

"Soon, the lyrics "Four dead in Ohio" became an anthem to a 
generation. In some parts of the country, the song was banned from 
playlists because of it's "anti-war" and "anti-Nixon" sentiments."
Neil Young Ohio Lyric Analysis

Kent State, May 4, 1970: America Kills Its Children

It's an eye-opener to compare the students' level of violence that 
brought on such a response with the level of violence they were 
protesting against, the secret bombing of Cambodia. If you like 
echoes, check the current Amazon online reviews of this:
Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia
William Shawcross



>E. C. wrote:
> >Todd, Keith, Mike et al & List;
> >
> >Kudos still to Keith for even-handed reasonableness.
> >I'm also not a journalist, just a reader; still, i
> >read the whole thing & the links (retired, i have lots
> >of time -- & like to get the whole flavor of what i
> >taste).
> >
> >It was apparent that this was an angry & outraged
> >piece -- & i was sure by the end that the "frail lady"
> >was probably not "pure as the driven snow" in the
> >encounter, despite her protestations.  But still --
> >she (& her fledgling organization) has citizen's
> >rights, & some of them were obviously violated, by
> >organized power holding all the cards & stacking the
> >deck.  At the very least, she (& the WCW she's part
> >of) are due an apology & some redress -- i wonder if
> >they'll get it?
> >
> >This incident reminded me of one similar, albeit on a
> >much larger scale, also in Ohio "back in the day" --
> >but 4 student activists DIED at Kent State!
> >Supposedly, re-training for Nat'l Guard & police came
> >of that -- but a generation has grown old & the new
> >one may not have gotten that benefit.  Time to
> >revisit?
> >
> >Regards
> >E. Allen C.
> >
> >P.S.  Keith, i owe you & the List an apology for muddy
> >writing (about a month ago) -- which you very aptly
> >corrected:  i didn't mean "biofuel is biofuel is
> >biofuel", but, on re-reading (after getting over the
> >stinging rebuke) that was how it came across -- I'm
> >sorry.  What i meant was more like "fuel is fuel is
> >fuel", & "we need to learn how to cure our gluttony
> >for fuel, for the sake of this, our only planet".
> >Namaste
> >Allen
> >
> >
> >
> >--- Appal Energy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



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