Well ya that's me on Ebay too silly.  But I thought people were more 
scientific here so I could charge more for it.  It's a little trick I 
learned from Revlon.


Mike Weaver wrote:

> Dear Mr. Smartypants Street:
> Ebay is selling THE EXACT SAME Orthagonal magnets for 399.00!
> So your little scheme won't work.
> We're on to you.
> Joe Street wrote:
>>Outrage is not allowed.
>>BTW kitty litter is EXPENSIVE.  Orthagonal magnets are permanent and 
>>work better anyways. A one time up front investment of 1000 dollars or 4 
>>easy payments of 599.99 and you can make all the fuel you will ever need 
>>from ditch swill. Forget about veggie oil. Those days are over.
>>Taking orders now....and if you call now you get a free magnetic water 
>>softener.  Limited time offer.  Call now.
>>Mike Weaver wrote:
>>>Well, I for one am completely outraged about every single post in the 
>>>last two years.
>>>Besides, if you people haven't figured out you can wash biodisel with 
>>>kitty litter and skip the water all together, well, it's not as if I 
>>>didn't warn you.
>>>I will be taking out a patent on this and selling it on Ebay so the list 
>>>and JtF will soon be irrelevant.
>>>Mike "soon to be a large faceless corporation" Weaver
>>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>>Chris Bennett was certainly angry. He posted his last message and I 
>>>>just got the notice that he unsubscribed shortly afterwards, before I 
>>>>posted my reply, below. That's ridiculous. Oh well. Best of luck to 
>>>>>Hello Chris
>>>>>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>>>>>You seem rather cross, Chris.
>>>>>>Not at all, lol,
>>>>>:-) If you insist. Try reading it again (like you had to read what
>>>>>I'd said again - but I think you should read that again too). Very
>>>>>common to back off and use an lol as a cover when people overreact.
>>>>>There's a wide disconnect between what I said and your angry response
>>>>>to it, and now you're trying to stretch what I said to cover the gap.
>>>>>Lots of confusion as a result, and my original post that you're
>>>>>interpreting every which way rather than reading the damn' thing has
>>>>>gone missing in action, so I'll put it back, here it is:
>>>>>>Something to add might be whether Magnesol really does give the 
>>>>>same results.
>>>>>>If it's time-saving that's the aim there are ways round that without
>>>>>>becoming more dependent on anyone.
>>>>>>I don't accept it gives better-quality results unless maybe you're
>>>>>>starting with a poorly completed product, in which case the magnesol
>>>>>>is just masking the problem (like mist-washing).
>>>>>>You can easily get within the standard specs with well-made homebrew
>>>>>>biodiesel plus a few hours spent stir-washing it. If you GC'd the
>>>>>>result and compared it with a sample of the same batch of homebrew
>>>>>>dry-washed with Magnesol, what would it show?
>>>>>>Has anybody seen such results?
>>>>>>I just get the impression
>>>>>:-) It's wasn't a very impressionistic piece of writing.
>>>>>>that it was you opinion that using anything other than water for
>>>>>>cleaning biodiesel was a big 'no no'. The way your response came
>>>>>>across read to me like that. I apologise if I misread you.
>>>>>Apology accepted, but you still are misreading it. If you still see
>>>>>it as a dismissal rather than a question then I'd have to ask why you
>>>>>dislike the question so much.
>>>>>Biofuels makes the best sense when production is localised and
>>>>>therefore necessarily adapted to local conditions (even the US
>>>>>military thinks that these days). That means the Appropriate
>>>>>Technology approach, and *that* means K.I.S.S., on the one hand, and
>>>>>optimal use of locally available, renewable resources on the other,
>>>>>such as water - whether it's scarce or not is a local condition and
>>>>>doesn't change the principle.
>>>>>So, yes, there will be resistance to relying on anything extra that
>>>>>doesn't meet those criteria, especially if top-quality fuel
>>>>>production is a simple matter without it.
>>>>>If you're not aware of this background then that's your problem.
>>>>>Finding it introduced when you're not expecting it may not be a
>>>>>pleasant surprise, but concluding that it means we don't do biofuels
>>>>>discussions here and you might as well go somewhere else with your
>>>>>nose in the air is kind of preposterous. But it's up to you of
>>>>>course, feel free.
>>>>>>>I reached no such conclusion. I expressed a valid doubt and asked
>>>>>>>for some evidence. The burden of proof is not on me nor on the
>>>>>>>consumer when the makers of a commercial product make claims for
>>>>>>>it, it's on them.
>>>>>>"I don't accept it gives better-quality results unless maybe you're
>>>>>>starting with a poorly completed product, in which case the magnesol
>>>>>>is just masking the problem (like mist-washing)."
>>>>>>I read this as you opinion
>>>>>Not so. If I'd said it doesn't give better-quality results, that
>>>>>would be an opinion. But I said I didn't accept it and asked for test
>>>>>results that would tell one way or the other. That's a question. "I
>>>>>expressed a valid doubt and asked for some evidence." What you read
>>>>>into that, what it suggests to you, the impression you get from it,
>>>>>is that I'm rejecting discussion of it. That's the sort of logic you
>>>>>get from the Red Queen in Alice.
>>>>>>being that the results from my experiments were some how 'made up'.
>>>>>Why not try reading what's there instead of what you're reading into
>>>>>it that isn't there? You're just cross because you saw it as an
>>>>>attack on your experiments and maybe on you. Go and find where I said
>>>>>that, or even implied it. In the following post I asked you about
>>>>>your processing, but I didn't say it was crap. Why are you protesting
>>>>>so loudly?
>>>>>>My results showed that I can wash my product quicker with magnesol
>>>>>>and that this is the result I am looking for with my process in mind.
>>>>>... "my product"... "quicker". But you haven't convinced yet that
>>>>>you're getting good completion with your product. Let's have a look
>>>>>at that now. I asked:
>>>>>>>Would you say that you've reached a stage with learning the process
>>>>>>>where you can easily make homebrew biodiesel yourself that gets
>>>>>>>within the standard specs with a few hours spent stir-washing it so
>>>>>>>you can do some comparative tests yourself? I didn't get the
>>>>>>>impression that was established with the results you gave us,
>>>>>>>please correct me if I'm wrong.
>>>>>>I have indeed. If you refer to the fact that I over 'lyed' the test
>>>>>>batches then the reason for this was quite deliberate. In the event
>>>>>>of a misreading, miscalculation or mismeasurement during a process
>>>>>>then the water washing stage offers the ability to correct the
>>>>>If the mis-whatever results in poor completion it will only mask it,
>>>>>not correct it. Like mist-washing.
>>>>>>I wanted to be sure that a magnesol wash could cope with this. If a
>>>>>>measured dose of magnesol can cope with a soapy batch diesel then it
>>>>>>can certanly cope with a good batch. If I had not done this then I
>>>>>>would have had no 'safety factor' in my conclusions.
>>>>>You're trying to cope with soap that shouldn't be there if you're
>>>>>getting good completion. Good processing is the safety factor, not
>>>>>different post-processing techniques.
>>>>>I'm beginning to think you can't answer my question. Have you made
>>>>>standard spec biodiesel that you can stir wash without problems or
>>>>>>I agree its up to the manufacturer to provide evidence, and they
>>>>>>comissioned a report to find the answers, it is readlily available
>>>>>>in the public domain.
>>>>>But it's not my job to find it there. I didn't propose Magnesol, you
>>>>>did. I asked.
>>>>>>>You're siding with risk assessment, we go by the Precautionary
>>>>>>>Principle here, we ask questions, and "is that not why we are
>>>>>>As do I.
>>>>>If you were you wouldn't have said it's up to me to provide the
>>>>>evidence that the manufacturer's claims aren't true. That's akin as
>>>>>saying there's no evidence that "it" (whatever, thalidomide, DDT,
>>>>>Ford Pintos, whatever) does any harm rather than requiring evidence
>>>>>that it doesn't do any harm.
>>>>>>I am a professional engineer and havent got by on taking things for
>>>>>>granted and not requiring proof of principles when integrating new
>>>>>>techniques, processes, and technologies.
>>>>>That's a different matter. There are probably just as many
>>>>>professional engineers on both sides of the issue.
>>>>>>You say 'we ask questions'? But what questions have been asked?
>>>>>Well, hell, how many times do I have to ask them?
>>>>>>I have simply made available to a group of people who are interested
>>>>>>in biofuels my results from utilising a variation in the process,
>>>>>>nothing more, nothing less. I would expect a better way forward for
>>>>>>the current biofuel technologies would be to discuss these
>>>>>>variations, and see if they are a step forwards, or indeed backwards.
>>>>>But God forbid that anyone should ask questions you didn't expect eh?
>>>>>We have to just accept it without question or it would be, what would
>>>>>it be, "negative"? Counterproductive?
>>>>>Here we all are to investigate and ask questions but if someone asks
>>>>>questions that's not what we're here for? You're making my head hurt.
>>>>>>Your previusly quoted comment suggests
>>>>>Please stop telling me what I "suggested" and how you read it and
>>>>>what impression you got from it, it's a straightforward question, not
>>>>>the Rosetta Stone. Why are you wriggling so much?
>>>>>>that you have no belief that this is the case here, and you admitted
>>>>>Admitted? I wasn't aware I was accused of anything. Who's talking
>>>>>about "belief"? Is Magnesol a  religion now?
>>>>>>yourself that you have seen no evidence.
>>>>>I ASKED for evidence.
>>>>>>I feel this is not the way to move forward.
>>>>>Let's try yet again, I'll shout the whole thing, with screamers:
>>>>>You're kicking up a smokescreen. I wonder why?
>>>>>>>Who's trying to stop you?
>>>>>>I wasnt aware that anybody was!
>>>>>You suggested I was, or at least that's how I read it, I distinctly
>>>>>got that impression. (Did you enjoy that?) But have a look at what
>>>>>you said:
>>>>>>So personally if I can find a way around utilising a scarce and
>>>>>>precious commodity then I will try it, is that not why we are
>>>>>Try adding "no matter who tries to stop me!!!!!" and see if it fits or not.
>>>>>>Not sure what agve you the idea that I was considering binning the idea.
>>>>>I sure didn't have that idea.
>>>>>>>On the other hand, as we all know or should by now, the water
>>>>>>>resource you'd be using need not be wasted, and I'm afraid I have
>>>>>>>to ask whether you use a flush toilet that uses fresh water?
>>>>>>I do indeed flush my toilet with fresh water.
>>>>>Why don't you use a sawdust toilet and compost it? No water use, no
>>>>>waste of organic "wastes" that should be returned to the soil (to
>>>>>produce more biofuels crops perhaps). It'll even give a free source
>>>>>of processing heat. You could use the water you'd saved for washing
>>>>>and get the same or better results without tying your biodiesel
>>>>>production to an outside source you have no control over, and you
>>>>>might even save more water that way. Just as long as you know how to
>>>>>make the fuel properly in the first place.
>>>>>>Attractive as it may be to carry waste wash water from work 20 miles
>>>>>>to home to refill the cistern, I doubt the practical aspects of
>>>>>>doing this would go without a frown or two from the wife. :-D
>>>>>>>You've provided us with one reason anyway for using Magnesol
>>>>>>>(presuming it passes the other hurdles Todd mentioned, and me), and
>>>>>>>you've also offered some test results below, which is what I asked
>>>>>>>for though I haven't read them yet, so what's the problem? Isn't
>>>>>>>that why we're here?
>>>>>>Just re-read Todds message and although I can see a few important
>>>>>>issues he mentioned regarding energy expenses, as to actual hurdles
>>>>>>in the way of integrating magnesol into a process I see none.
>>>>>I'll leave you to it Chris.
>>>>>>>Would you say that you've reached a stage with learning the process
>>>>>>>where you can easily make homebrew biodiesel yourself that gets
>>>>>>>within the standard specs with a few hours spent stir-washing it so
>>>>>>>you can do some comparative tests yourself? I didn't get the
>>>>>>>impression that was established with the results you gave us,
>>>>>>>please correct me if I'm wrong.
>>>>>>I have indeed. If you refer to the fact that I over 'lyed' the test
>>>>>>batches then the reason for this was quite deliberate. In the event
>>>>>>of a misreading, miscalculation or mismeasurement during a process
>>>>>>then the water washing stage offers the ability to correct the
>>>>>>oversight. I wanted to be sure that a magnesol wash could cope with
>>>>>>this. If a measured dose of magnesol can cope with a soapy batch
>>>>>>diesel then it can certanly cope with a good batch. If I had not
>>>>>>done this then I would have had no 'safety factor' in my conclusions.
>>>>>>I will leave this subject at that and make no more mention of it. I
>>>>>>was interested in getting feedback and ideas on the
>>>>>>technical/chemistry side of things, maybe this is not the place to
>>>>>>do that.
>>>>>It certainly isn't the place for smokescreening. If you want yesmen
>>>>>who'll never dare venture beyond the frame of reference you specify
>>>>>then you should try somewhere else perhaps. We do scepticism here
>>>>>too, as well as the Precautionary Principle. And straight talk.
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