It's kind of acrid in comparison to washed fuel. Soaps, methanol and 
glycerol being the culprits.

All things are relative. Some people love the smell of diesel fuel 
burning in the morning. (Paraphrased from the movie Apocalyse Now.)

Todd Swearingen

Keith Addison wrote:

>>>Could there be some other explanation than the biodiesel? Or is it
>>>just his biodiesel? How would you make biodiesel that makes the
>>>exhaust stink?
>>Unwashed fuel has a tart smell in comparison to washed fuel.
>Isn't that the methanol? I only ever tried using unwashed fuel once, 
>but I don't think the exhaust stank.
>>Todd Swearingen
>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>Hi Zeke
>>>>Lot of school busses are veggie oil powered already -- all the used
>>>>ones that hippies buy and travel around in....  I've got one.  It's
>>>>been running good after about 10,000 miles on waste veggie oil -- only
>>>>problem is that it goes through fuel filters like crazy -- every 500
>>>>miles or so (which is about 50 gallons of oil).
>>>We don't use a lot of fuel filters with SVO (WVO) in our Toyota
>>>TownAce. We had some problems before that, with biodiesel, because
>>>the tank was rusty inside and the biodiesel freed up the rust. Is the
>>>bus tank rusty maybe?
>>>>But seriously, biodiesel would be a great alternative for school
>>>>busses.  Yesterday I found myself accidentally breathing exhaust from
>>>>my VW rabbit when I went to look underneath the back of it while it
>>>>was running.  A little burnt smelling, but not the eye watering and
>>>>stench of diesel or gasoline fumes.  New gasoline cars are probably
>>>>cleaner, but compared to the old gas and diesel cars I'm used to,
>>>>biodiesel fumes are positively delightful.
>>>We also use biodiesel in a rotavator (rototiller) and a
>>>diesel-powered shredder. We use them a lot, but I don't think I'd do
>>>it with petro-diesel fumes, especially not the shredder. When I get
>>>hit by a blast of petro-diesel exhaust from another car it's not just
>>>a bad smell, it's like you're being attacked. With biodiesel I barely
>>>notice it.
>>>What would you tell this person though?
>>>>Date: Wed, 24 May 2006
>>>>I have been using biodisel fuel in my truck for 1 year but I can not
>>>>avoid from the bad smelling of it. Do you know any exhaust filter
>>>>that can avoid this smell?
>>>I've had a few enquiries like that.
>>>Could there be some other explanation than the biodiesel? Or is it
>>>just his biodiesel? How would you make biodiesel that makes the
>>>exhaust stink?
>>>Does anybody else here think it stinks?
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