I read somewhere (may even have been on this list) that the incentives for
"alternate fuels" (i.e. biodiesel) from the gov't totalled a whopping 18
mil... that sum was for "all" alternate fuel sectors (as I understood
it).... Big oil was awarded a paltry 40 Billion to "explore"...  like they
don't have any money of their own to invest... that speaks a volume to me...
and not in very nice language either...

Kyoto shot down?? Same reasons... not at all popular with big oil because it
cuts directly (or should) into their bottom line, so their bottom line to
gov't is simple - drop Kyoto, or think about going back to a real job in the
private sector instead of playing Mr./Mrs./Ms. Politician... Care to guess
how those Kyoto targets suddenly became "too optimistic to meet" ??

One more little tidbit... just *try* to get a license/permit to operate a
still to make ethanol... *If* you manage to even get close enough to a gov't
person to actually apply for one, I sincerely hope you have another (good
paying) job, and you are only about 20-23 years old... 25 at the most... by
the time you hit retirement age, you *might* have made your way through the
maze of red tape, red herrings, red faces (temper control) ad infinitum, to
finally arrive at being allowed to run a still... *However*... *If* you
happen to be Big Oil, how many stills would you like, how soon, and how much
do you need to get set up??... As I said... Cynical? You bet...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Riznyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Grit plan to cut greenhouse emissions a dud:

> I didn't know that you guys in Canada had the same
> problem as we do in the US. Our govenment is totally
> controlled by big corporations.
> Ken
> --- "A. Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The only "real" plan (Liberal or Conservative) is to
> > keep big business
> > feeding their election campaigns... They (big biz)
> > won't  feed the election
> > coffers unless they're allowed to continue "business
> > as usual"... Us "little
> > guys" and home producers couldn't hope to contribute
> > at big biz levels, even
> > if we were of a mind to...  "Money talks. BS
> > walks".... and big biz hasn't
> > the mindset to change anything - unless it increases
> > the bottom line...
> > Cynical? You bet...
> >
> > Al
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Darryl McMahon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <Biofuel@sustainablelists.org>
> > Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 8:37 AM
> > Subject: [Biofuel] Grit plan to cut greenhouse
> > emissions a dud: researchers
> >
> >
> > > The results of the study come as no surprise,
> > sadly.  The Liberal
> > > administrations were more interested in photo-ops
> > than results.
> > > While the new Conservative administration claims
> > to have a
> > > "made-in-Canada" plan, suspicions are it's a
> > "made-in-neocon-USA" plan.
> > >   Personally, I'd welcome any real plan on the
> > subject.
> > >
> > > ================================
> > >
> >
> http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Politics/2006/05/28/pf-1602651.html
> > >
> > > May 28, 2006
> > >
> > > OTTAWA (CP) - The Liberals' $12-billion plan to
> > implement the Kyoto
> > > Protocol over seven years would have been largely
> > ineffective, says an
> > > as-yet unpublished report by the C.D. Howe
> > Institute.
> > >
> > > The report, marked "do not cite or circulate," was
> > written before the
> > > current government axed Project Green, as the plan
> > was dubbed, and may
> > > have been a factor in the Conservatives' decision
> > to scrap it.
> > >
> > > Project Green largely relied on voluntary measures
> > and incentives which
> > > have been shown not to work, says the study, which
> > sarcastically calls
> > > the package "Project Dream."
> > >
> > > "This policy approach will fail dramatically to
> > meet national objectives
> > > and yet will entail a substantial cost," says the
> > report, whose lead
> > > author is Mark Jaccard of Simon Fraser University.
> > >
> > > The study was written in April and obtained by The
> > Canadian Press on the
> > > weekend. It is finally expected to be made public
> > this week.
> > >
> > > The report says Project Green would have cost $12
> > billion by 2012, with
> > > much of that money being spent outside Canada.
> > >
> > > It would have reduced emissions by 175 megatonnes
> > compared with a
> > > business-as-usual scenario, far short of the 230
> > to 300 Mt. reduction
> > > required to meet Canada's Kyoto target.
> > >
> > > Efforts like the One Tonne Challenge advertising
> > campaign, which urged
> > > individuals to reduce their own greenhouse
> > emissions through lifestyle
> > > changes, have "negligible effect," says the study.
> > >
> > > "The policy approach of Canada since 1990 and
> > continued with Project
> > > Green is clearly ineffective in causing the
> > disconnection of GHG
> > > (greenhouse gas) emissions from the economic
> > output that must take place
> > > if these emissions are to be reduced and their
> > atmospheric
> > > concentrations stabilized at low risk levels."
> > >
> > > Canada's domestic emissions remain on a path that
> > would miss its Kyoto
> > > target by at least 270 Mt. in 2010, equivalent to
> > almost a 30 per cent
> > > emissions gap, the study says.
> > >
> > > "Indeed, the policy approach epitomized by Project
> > Green allows
> > > emissions to continue to grow at close to their
> > BAU (business-as-usual)
> > > rate."
> > >
> > > Prime Minister Stephen Harper could use the report
> > to buttress his
> > > claims about the ineffectiveness of the Liberal
> > plan, but he probably
> > > won't like the alternatives it recommends.
> > >
> > > The most effective policy would likely be a
> > gradually rising tax on
> > > greenhouse gas emissions, combined with reductions
> > in other taxes to
> > > ensure no net tax increase, says the report.
> > >
> > > The main Conservative response to climate change
> > so far has been to make
> > > transit passes tax deductible, which experts say
> > will have little effect
> > > on emissions.
> > >
> > > Louise Comeau of the Vancouver-based Sage Climate
> > Project said many of
> > > the criticisms in the report are valid but Project
> > Green was not a total
> >
> > > wash.
> > >
> > > She said a 175 Mt. cut in emissions would have
> > been a start, adding that
> > > the plan had always been presented as a work in
> > progress.
> > >
> > > Comeau said the real importance of the report is
> > its call for tough
> > > regulations and tax changes to prevent greenhouse
> > emissions.
> > > ==============================
> > >
> > > -- 
> > > Darryl McMahon
> > http://www.econogics.com
> > > It's your planet.  If you won't look after it, who
> > will?
> > >
> > >
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