I am convinced that everyone on this list is descended from space aliens.

Speaking of seasonal burning I had an ancestor who managed to get 
himself scalped over a seasonal burning dispute with Native Americans:

E. C. wrote:

>your meaning was crystal clear to me, & i am an
>English major (more precisely, was, since i never
>followed the career path i trained for in college). 
>In point of fact, your response said what i tried to,
>but more succinctly & to the point.  Kudos.  :-)~
>I looked back in my archived file to see if your
>nit-pick was justified, & didn't find it so, IMHO --
>but hey, to err is human, & i've been called on gaffes
>i've made before.
>Since you brought it up (the ET comment) -- a couple i
>know has acquainted me with the fact that there's a
>fair number of folks who fervently believe that,
>indeed, the human species IS descended from
>cross-breeding between early hominids and ET visitors
>from space (there being no clearly-defined "missing
>link" in the fossil record).  True or not, we humans
>are a relatively new experiment in Earth's evolution
>-- and may not have a very long chapter in that
>history if we don't learn to overcome our aggressive,
>egocentric "management style".
>Allen (E. Allen C.)
>--- Doug Younker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   The reason I bothered to post was to detail why I
>>believe seasonal 
>>burning, while it may have apparent benefits, is not
>>"natural", as 
>>practiced by man.  I would think the last sentence
>>of mine; "Personally 
>>I think man has interfered enough, long enough, we 
>>can't fully 
>>understand the role of fire in Earth's evolution."
>>would have indicated 
>>my opinion man can affect the environment, thus
>>perhaps evolution?  Oh 
>>well English composition has never been my strong
>>Doug, N0LKK
>>Kansas USA
>>Kirk McLoren wrote:
>>>Interesting that you dont see man as part of
>>earth's evolution. Are we ETs?
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