Keith Addison wrote:
Methinks 'tis perhaps but a task for the menials. I find myself 
sniggering at the prospect of the ensuing spectacle upon the arrival 
of the enraptured at the Pearly Gates: "Hey Peter, who the hell are 
all these naked guys outside trying to get in? They say they got 
tickets but it's only monopoly board money. Wrong address? Right." 
Ooops! LOL!

    I've read somewhere that there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth" among those who claim to do God's will, but behave otherwise.  There is an irony to what you've written that would be funny if the people who behaved this way weren't so bent on increasing the world's suffering.
Yeah I know, sorry. But their God isn't God, it's some other guy who 
hates everybody, and by the time they find out it'll be too late. A 
better man might manage to shed a tear for them over that but I 
reckon I'm doing quite well if I can wring a laugh out of it at 
least. "Always look on the bright side of life, ta-dum..."

I mean, if you wrote a science-fiction novel where the world ended 
like this singularly unenrapturing bunch of total whackoes wants it 
to end, and they could even do it, nobody'd want to publish it, the 
editor would tell you it's too preposterous, the characters are like 
cardboard cut-outs, the plot needs work and the ending really stinks.

    We've discussed the "Left Behind" series before, Keith.  It seems the Dispensationalist nonsense that passes for eschatology in the US these days has sold far more books than I have! (50 million copies!!!  I'd be happy with 50 000 copies sold!)

    Of course, I'm capable of writing such tripe too, but WHY?

Have you seen some of the reactions here of non-Americans when they 
first encounter stuff like this?
"A major reason the Armageddonites have become so powerful is that 
most journalists can't comprehend that millions of Americans could 
really want, in this day and age, their God to destroy most of the 
human race, much less that they are donating millions to promote 

Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power
US Christian fundamentalists are driving Bush's Middle East policy
The Guardian

Bush White House checked with rapture Christians before latest Israel move
The Village Voice

Much more at:
Re: [Biofuel] The Brutal Christ of the Armageddonites - Religious 
fanaticism in American foreign policy

    Sigh . . .  Sometimes it's embarrassing to be a Christian--not because I'm ashamed of my faith in Jesus, but because of how people who CLAIM to follow him behave!

It certainly doesn't look like Mr. Ahmadi-Najad is the one who's crazy.

    Certainly not.  I don't see the harm in talking to someone who is genuinely interested in solving conflicts, nor do I perceive a problem with listening and making an effort to understand someone else's point of view.  The difficult part is determining the degree of sincerity from the other person, and that issue cuts BOTH ways.  I've also read: "Two kings, with their hearts bent on evil, will sit at the same table and lie to each other, but to no avail for an end will still come at the appointed time."
All that aside, if you'd had some foreign thugs marching into your 
country in 1953 and replacing your democratically elected president 
with a brutal dictator like the Shah and suffered all the 
consequences since, up to now, when the same people are threatening 
to nuke you, would you have managed to write such a mild letter to Mr 
Bush? The man is a paragon of restraint.

    At some point we're all going to have to learn to forgive one another and turn away from our desire to lord authority over other people.  What other options do we have?  Much of the difficulty in the Middle East stems from the American appetite for energy, which has a strangely synergistic effect when combined with the bizarre, Schofield-annotated eschatology of the Dispensationalists.  As long as we insist that we're "right", and that we "have a right" to behave this way, at what point can we actually listen?  Without listening, how can we change?  Without change, how long can the world sustain its present course?
 How can you compare someone 
like Rice? And what does it say that "enough" people (she thinks) 
will accept her mindless response as good and wise? If you want 
cardboard cut-outs doing foreign policy you'd do a lot better with 
Max Headroom, and so would we all.

    You mean there's a difference?  : - )

(Mr. Ahmadi-Najad, the "irrational lunatic")
You could say about the same of the US media's treatment of Bin 
Laden's various messages.

    But it's so hard to hear the voice of truth when a hurricane of lies keeps screaming through the country.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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