Hi Tallex

Thanks for this.

>Hi all,
>Here is an updated list of Exxon funded orgs. Now, of course I am 
>not against fighting malaria,

It's just a front group for pushing more use of DDT. See:
Africa Fighting Malaria - SourceWatch



>but many of the others are dedicated to planting confusion, fighting 
>any proposed strengthening of environmental protection legislation, 
>promoting dirty fossil fuel useage and denying that global warming 
>is even a problem.
>As well, many of these hacks have websites and syndication deals with
>major media co's to spread their lies.
>Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty has received 
>$160,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Africa Fighting Malaria has received $30,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   American Council for Capital Formation Center for Policy Research 
>has received $1,309,523 from
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   American Council on Science and Health has received $110,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research has 
>received $1,625,000 from ExxonMobil since
>   American Enterprise Institute-Brookings Joint Center for 
>Regulatory Studies has received $105,000 from
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   American Friends of the Institute for Economic Affairs has 
>received $50,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   American Legislative Exchange Council has received $1,189,700 
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   American Spectator Foundation has received $15,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Arizona State University Office of Cimatology has received 
>$49,500 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Aspen Institute has received $61,500 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Atlantic Legal Foundation has received $20,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Atlas Economic Research Foundation has received $680,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Capital Research Center and Greenwatch has received $190,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Cato Institute has received $90,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Center for American and International Law has received $177,450 
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Center for Strategic and International Studies has received 
>$1,112,500 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise has received $230,000 
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Center for the New West has received $5,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change has 
>received $90,000 from ExxonMobil since
>   Centre for the New Europe has received $170,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Chemical Education Foundation has received $80,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Citizens for A Sound Economy and CSE Educational Foundation has 
>received $380,250 from ExxonMobil
>since 1998.
>   Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow has received $472,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Communications Institute has received $125,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Competitive Enterprise Institute has received $2,005,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Congress of Racial Equality has received $250,000 from ExxonMobil 
>since 1998.
>   Consumer Alert has received $70,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies has received 
>$75,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment has 
>received $210,000 from ExxonMobil
>since 1998.
>   Fraser Institute has received $120,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Free Enterprise Action Institute has received $50,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Free Enterprise Education Institute has received $80,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Frontiers of Freedom Institute and Foundation has received 
>$857,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   George C. Marshall Institute has received $630,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   George Mason University, Law and Economics Center has received 
>$185,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Harvard Center for Risk Analysis has received $30,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Heartland Institute has received $561,500 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Heritage Foundation has received $555,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford 
>University has received $295,000 from
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Hudson Institute has received $25,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Independent Institute has received $70,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Institute for Energy Research has received $147,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Institute for Regulatory Science, 9200 Rumsey Road, Suite 205 
>Columbia, MD 21045 USA
>   Institute for Senior Studies has received $30,000 from ExxonMobil 
>since 1998.
>   Institute for the Study of Earth and Man has received $76,500 
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   International affiliate of the American Council for Capital Formation.
>   International Policy Network - North America has received 
>$295,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   International Republican Institute has received $105,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   James Madison Institute has received $5,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Landmark Legal Foundation has received $30,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Lexington Institute has received $10,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Lindenwood University has received $10,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Mackinac Center has received $30,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Manhattan Institute for Policy Research has received $175,000 
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Media Institute has received $60,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Media Research Center has received $150,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Mercatus Center, George Mason University has received $80,000 
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Mountain States Legal Foundation has received $2,500 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   National Association of Neighborhoods has received $75,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   National Black Chamber of Commerce has received $150,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   National Center for Policy Analysis has received $390,900 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   National Center for Public Policy Research has received $280,000 
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   National Environmental Policy Institute has received $75,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   National Legal Center for the Public Interest has received 
>$215,500 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   National Wilderness Institute has received $10,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   New England Legal Foundation has received $7,500 from ExxonMobil 
>since 1998.
>   Pacific Legal Foundation has received $110,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy has received 
>$370,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Property and Environment Research Center, Political Economy 
>Research Center has received $115,000
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Reason Foundation has received $381,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Science and Environmental Policy Project has received $20,000 
>from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Stanford University GCEP has received $100,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   Tech Central Science Foundation or Tech Central Station has 
>received $95,000 from ExxonMobil since
>   Texas Public Policy Foundation has received $15,000 from 
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   The Advancement of Sound Science Center, Inc. has received 
>$40,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   The Annapolis Center for Science-Based Public Policy has received 
>$688,575 from ExxonMobil since
>   The Justice Foundation (formerly Texas Justice Foundation) has 
>received $10,000 from ExxonMobil since
>   Washington Legal Foundation has received $185,000 from ExxonMobil 
>since 1998.
>   Weidenbaum Center on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy 
>has received $120,000 from
>ExxonMobil since 1998.
>   KOCH OIL Funding Acton Institute For The Study of Religion and 
>Liberty = $212,500
>   KOCH OIL Funding American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy 
>Research = $50,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding American Legislative Exchange Council = $393,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Americans for Tax Reform Foundation = $20,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Aspen Institute = $1,115,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Atlantic Legal Foundation = $20,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Atlas Economic Research Foundation = $68,500
>   KOCH OIL Funding Brookings Institution  = $829,400
>   KOCH OIL Funding Cato Institute  = $12,999,240
>   KOCH OIL Funding Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation = $12,906,712
>   KOCH OIL Funding Competitive Enterprise Institute = $666,420
>   KOCH OIL Funding Consumer Alert = $10,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Defenders of Property Rights = $55,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy 
>Studies = $1,262,200
>   KOCH OIL Funding Foundation for Research on Economics and the 
>Environment (FREE) = $1,205,500
>   KOCH OIL Funding Fraser Institute = $23,221
>   KOCH OIL Funding Free Enterprise Education Institute = $30,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding George C. Marshall Institute = $30,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding George Mason University = $4,753,754
>   KOCH OIL Funding George Mason University Foundation, Inc. = $19,194,643
>   KOCH OIL Funding George Mason University Institute for Humane 
>Studies = $3,111,457
>   KOCH OIL Funding Heartland Institute = $77,578
>   KOCH OIL Funding Heritage Foundation = $1,952,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace = $5,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Hudson Institute, Inc. = $32,650
>   KOCH OIL Funding Independent Institute = $160,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Institute for Energy Research = $62,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Landmark Legal Foundation = $5,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Mackinac Center for Public Policy = $5,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Manhattan Institute for Policy Research = $575,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Media Institute = $80,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Media Research Center = $975
>   KOCH OIL Funding Mercatus Center, George Mason University = $427,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding National Center for Policy Analysis = $517,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding National Environmental Policy Institute = $12,500
>   KOCH OIL Funding Pacific Legal Foundation = $10,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy = $1,070,800
>   KOCH OIL Funding Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) = $135,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Reason Foundation = $2,231,212
>   KOCH OIL Funding Reason Public Policy Institute = $25,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Tech Central Science Foundation = $25,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Texas Justice Foundation = $40,000
>   KOCH OIL Funding Texas Public Policy Foundation = $110,874
>   KOCH OIL Funding Washington Legal Foundation = $602,500
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding American Enterprise 
>Institute for Public Policy Research =
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding American Legislative 
>Exchange Council = $215,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Americans for Tax Reform 
>Foundation = $525,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Atlantic Legal Foundation = $210,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Atlas Economic Research 
>Foundation = $5,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Brookings Institution = $1,217,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Capital Legal Foundation = $150,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Cato Institute  = $832,500
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Center for Media and Public 
>Affairs = $730,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Center for Security Policy = $261,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Center for Strategic and 
>International Studies = $2,112,318
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Citizens for a Sound 
>Economy Foundation = $1,375,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Competitive Enterprise 
>Institute = $230,300
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Consumer Alert  = $28,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Federalist Society for Law 
>and Public Policy Studies = $4,008,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding for ASCH = $865,500
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Foundation for Research on 
>Economics and the Environment
>(FREE) = $484,250
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Fraser Institute = $10,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding George C. Marshall 
>Institute = $350,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding George Mason University = $6,665,824
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding George Mason University 
>Institute for Humane Studies = $797,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Heartland Institute = $40,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Heritage Foundation = $8,320,835
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Hoover Institution on War, 
>Revolution and Peace = $5,015,660
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Hudson Institute, Inc. = $3,034,840
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Independent Institute = $65,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding John Locke Institute = $15,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Landmark Legal Foundation = $320,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Manhattan Institute for 
>Policy Research = $4,899,500
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Media Institute = $148,750
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding National Center for Policy 
>Analysis = $1,069,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding National Center for Public 
>Policy Research, Inc = $100,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding National Legal Center for 
>The Public Interest  = $63,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding National Wilderness 
>Institute =$25,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding New England Legal 
>Foundation = $75,200
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Pacific Legal Foundation = $665,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Pacific Research Institute 
>for Public Policy = $735,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Property and Environment 
>Research Center (PERC) = $640,775
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Reason Foundation = $276,500
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Southeastern Legal 
>Foundation = $145,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Washington Legal Foundation 
>= $2,460,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Funding Weidenbaum Center = $94,650
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Media Research Center = $495,000
>   OLIN Munitions & Chlorine-DDT Mercatus Center, George Mason 
>University = $80,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Accuracy in Media, Inc. = $4,075,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Acton Institute For The Study of 
>Religion and Liberty = $565,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding American Council on Science and Health 
>= $205,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding American Enterprise Institute for 
>Public Policy Research = $6,251,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding American Legislative Exchange Council 
>= $1,545,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Americans for Tax Reform Foundation = $700,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Atlantic Legal Foundation = $1,530,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Atlas Economic Research Foundation = $2,325,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Capital Legal Foundation = $425,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Cato Institute  = $2,057,500
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Center for Market Processes, Inc = $100,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Center for Media and Public Affairs = $1,272,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Center for Security Policy = $4,001,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Center for Strategic and International 
>Studies = $8,443,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide 
>and Global Change = $100,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Citizens for a Sound Economy 
>Foundation = $2,335,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow 
>= $1,020,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Competitive Enterprise Institute = $1,800,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Defenders of Property Rights = $1,265,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Federalist Society for Law and Public 
>Policy Studies = $,980,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Foundation for Research on Economics 
>and the Environment (FREE) =
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Fraser Institute = $275,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding George C. Marshall Institute = $2,827,500
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding George Mason University = $1,731,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding George Mason University Foundation, 
>Inc. = $3,665,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding George Mason University Institute for 
>Humane Studies = $1,050,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding George Mason University Law and 
>Economics Center = $860,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Heartland Institute = $335,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Heritage Foundation = $22,296,640
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Hoover Institution on War, Revolution 
>and Peace = $9,768,900
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Hudson Institute, Inc. = $3,329,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Landmark Legal Foundation = $6,260,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Mackinac Center for Public Policy = $100,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Manhattan Institute for Policy 
>Research = $3,813,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Media Institute = $645,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Media Research Center = $1,652,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Mountain States Legal Foundation = $280,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding National Center for Policy Analysis = $2,010,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding National Center for Public Policy 
>Research = $925,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding National Legal Center for The Public 
>Interest = $125,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding New England Legal Foundation = $855,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Pacific Legal Foundation = $3,280,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Pacific Research Institute for Public 
>Policy = $2,472,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Property and Environment Research 
>Center (PERC) = $2,292,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Reason Foundation = $2,043,500
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Southeastern Legal Foundation = $1,750,000
>   SCAIFE OIL FORTUNE Funding Washington Legal Foundation = $3,870,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Acton 
>Institute For The Study of Religion and Liberty
>= $166,500
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding American 
>Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
>Research = $448,800
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Atlas 
>Economic Research Foundation = $1,524,742
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Cato 
>Institute  = $217,600
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Center for 
>Media and Public Affairs = $110,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Citizens for 
>a Sound Economy Foundation = $35,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Competitive 
>Enterprise Institute = $90,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Defenders of 
>Property Rights = $7,500
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Federalist 
>Society for Law and Public Policy Studies =
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding George C. 
>Marshall Institute = $100,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding George Mason 
>Universit = $980,155
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding George Mason 
>University (Arlington) = $59,500
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Hoover 
>Institution on War, Revolution and Peace =
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Hudson 
>Institute, Inc. = $71,783
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Independent 
>Institute = $58,095
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Institute for 
>Energy Research = $5,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Institute of 
>Economic Affairs = $542,291
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding John Locke 
>Institute = $5,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Mackinac 
>Center for Public Policy = $113,300
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Manhattan 
>Institute for Policy Research = $315,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding National 
>Center for Policy Analysis = $35,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding National 
>Center for Public Policy Research = $25,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding National 
>Legal Center for The Public Interest =
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Pacific Legal 
>Foundation = $10,000
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Pacific 
>Research Institute for Public Policy =
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Property and 
>Environment Research Center (PERC) =
>   White Star Oil Fortune (Earhart Foundation) Funding Reason 
>Foundation = $10,000
>< http://www.exxonsecrets.org/html/listorganizations.php >
>< http://www.mediatransparency.org/kochaggregate.php >
>< http://www.mediatransparency.org/recipientsoffunder.php?funderID=13 >
>< http://www.mediatransparency.org/recipientsoffunder.php?funderID=7 >
> < http://www.mediatransparency.org/scaifeaggregate.php >
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