this woman is right,
i dont think i could even make myself disagree as a joke...

On Thu, 2006-08-10 at 21:36 +0900, Keith Addison wrote:
> Arab Woman
> by Mira Al Hussein
> 2 August 2006
> President Bush,
> It has become extremely difficult to give you the benefit of the 
> doubt on Lebanon, for you have left no doubt in our minds. We are now 
> certain--like many of us have always been--that your foreign policy 
> is completely biased towards Israel, and you have made no effort to 
> hide this fact.
> It is your choice, Mr. Bush, to support Israel, just like it is 
> our--the entire Arab and Muslim world's--choice to support Lebanon. 
> You insist that Israel has the right to defend itself. Defending 
> oneself, I believe, is a universal right, not exclusive to Israel.
> "The first Qana massacre did not quench the Israeli thirst for 
> blood," it is said, graphically describing yet another Israeli crime 
> against the innocents of Lebanon. In Qana, 57 weaponless, defenseless 
> civilians died in an Israeli air strike. Thirty-seven of them were 
> children. Maybe these numbers don't matter to you, Mr. Bush; they are 
> mere numbers of the nameless Lebanese dead. But they matter to more 
> than 200 million Arabs in the Middle East.
> I quote our late president, Shaikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who in 
> 1973 had said, "Arab oil is not dearer than Arab blood." But it seems 
> that Iraqi oil is dearer than American blood. I am somewhat relieved 
> to arrive at this conclusion. At least there's no racism against a 
> certain group of people. Everybody is a potential sacrifice to secure 
> US interests, even if it means sacrificing a whole nation.
> No, Mr. Bush, we will not accept, nor will we allow the sacrifice of 
> more Lebanese civilians. A ceasefire should have been enforced two 
> weeks ago. Was there a need for 37 children to die before you decided 
> it was time for a ceasefire? How many more, Mr. Bush, should die 
> before you decide to stop sending those bloody weapons to Israel? 
> Perhaps we can afford a sacrifice that will rein in your generosity 
> towards Israel permanently?
> We, the people of the Middle East, have a dream for a new Middle 
> East. Not the "New Middle East" that you've been brainstorming in 
> your Oval Office. It is the new Middle East that Middle Easterners 
> have been dreaming of: a Middle East with no violence, and no US-made 
> weapons to fuel that violence. It is a dream only we, Middle 
> Easterners, are allowed to dream and realize.
> In Arabic we have a saying that goes, "They murder the murdered and 
> walk in his funeral." Allow me to interpret this for you, Mr. Bush: 
> Your precision-guided missiles shipment has arrived in Tel Aviv. 
> These missiles will "precisely" fall onto Lebanese villages; kill 
> hundreds; and displace thousands more. (Evidently, we've just 
> witnessed the first "precise" target in Qana.)
> Yet you have "compassionately" been able to send aid to Beirut, at 
> the same time, with supplies for the thousands of people directly and 
> fatally affected by your vocal, (im)moral and military support for 
> Israel. Please include US flags in your aid shipment to Beirut; they 
> must have burned all the US flags in stock.
> Mr. Bush, Lebanon can and will be rebuilt, but lost lives cannot be 
> restored. Your credibility and your government's credibility have 
> long been lost--irretrievably lost like those lost innocent lives. 
> However, people will not forget this. They will not turn the other 
> cheek; they will retaliate--just like you chose to retaliate after 
> 9/11. Retaliation is a value you have successfully promoted by 
> putting it into practice, always.
> I was born too late to see how the British Empire collapsed, but 
> right on time to see how the American Empire is falling apart. Mr. 
> Bush, you will surely be remembered in history for hastening that 
> process.
> With no more respect to offer,
> Mira Al Hussein
> Mira Al Hussein is a writer based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates who 
> has written for Dubai's English-language Khaleej Times. She can be 
> reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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