Hi Kirk,
             Agreed, n'less the principle remains the same. Until the Palestinians, and by implication the Arabs at large, replace "terrorism" (for terrorism read reactive asymmetrical warfare or RAW) with a hearts and minds campaign they will forever remain a Uhex catspaw. Uhex needs RAW. Without it Uhex cannot access the budgets and control the political processes within democracies that enable them to wage war.  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Uhex - was Good Samaritan

Yes but the current owners are not neutral. Who do you think bankrolled Murdoch and why?
Arabs need media -granted- but it will be difficult as the media already is owned as a propaganda mechanism it already is polarized. Its owners ARE IN THE BUSINESS of consensus forming. You are say they will sell to their opposition. I dont think so - and establishing new electronic media is politically controlled. You have to get an ok from the gvt before you pick up the microphone. Thats why they keep messing with the internet.

Bob Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dr Accad must be aware that in terms of Uhex foreign policy since 9/11this is just another step in a long term plan to degrade Palestinian morale to the point where they feel impelled to leave rather than stay. So-called "terrorism" (i.e. the normal response from the weaker side in any asymmetical war) simply provides justification for further destruction of the population. In other words "terrorism" is the collar and the leash that keeps western democracies as docile followers of whatever the Uhex decides.
If there were any downward trend in "terrorism" then, under Uhex guidelines, it would be necessary to create more - even if they have to invent it. In this respect Hizbollah is doing just what Uhex wishes it to do. It can never win but its steady war of attrition helps keep the hearts and minds of its target populations focused, unlocks budgets that in most democracies are otherwise sensibly restrained and allows Uhex to carry out its hidden agendas with little or no international disapproval.
What the Arab world has to do is win the propaganda war, something the ANC in South Africa learned very effectively. At some point in their resistance campaign the ANC turned away from terrorism, tossed away their fatigues and fought their war with sweet reason and tailored suits. It worked like a charm.
The Palestinians, and the Arab world as a whole, must pull the rug from under Uhex. To do that they need to understand the enemy is not the tank commander shelling villages nor the jet pilot destroying bridges and roads; those are just conscripted proxies, deadly in themselves but not a profitable target.
They need to learn how to push democratic buttons, get their say in the media, capture hearts and minds and strip Uhex of its power. Al Jazeera is a start. What's wrong with buying the New York Times, CNN, Foxtel? The Saudis could do it with the money they earn between breakfast and lunch. For Iran, a much cheaper option than their planned WMD. 
 ---- Original Message -----
From: D. Mindock
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:14 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Good Samaritan at a mega scale!

"Seven hundred thousand out of a total Lebanese population of 3.5 million, 20 percent of the population, mostly Shiites, are now being cared for and given refuge by mostly Christian schools, churches, and other humanitarian organizations. This is the story of the Good Samaritan at a mega scale! And to think that this is the outcome of a strategy that meant to rouse anti-Hezbollah feelings among the Lebanese population and government. Talk about a failed strategy! Of course, this has happened so many times before that any thoughtful tactician would have learned the lesson by now, but military muscle is always too hedonistic and narcissistic to listen to the voice of reason and history."
- Dr. Martin Accad, academic dean of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary of Lebanon.

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