Sorry Bob my head is up ....... in the clouds.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bob allen
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 5:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethanol V's Methanol

actually, my name is bob (see signature below)

Derick Giorchino wrote:
> Thanks for the response Keith. 
> This is very good info for me. I do not wish to spend a lot of time trying
> to do something that is close to imposable or just impractical.
> When I could be out collecting U.V.O. or making bio d.
> Would you have any idea what Doug is speeking of earlier in this post? 
> He makes it sound like ethanol is easily done.

from sugar yes it is easy- I do it almost daily in my hummingbird feeder.

But ethanol from cellulose is very difficult.

  I maybe reading into this
> though. Derick.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of bob allen
> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 3:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethanol V's Methanol
> Derick, you are talking about "cellolosic ethanol", that is ethanol made
> from cellulose, rather than 
> from starch.  This is the "holy grail" of ethanol production. Very small
> amounts of ethanol can be 
> made from sulfuric acid digestion of cellulose, but the yield is abysmal
> the cost high.  My 
> position is it is not worth the time, trouble, and expense.  the problems
> are manifold.  First is 
> the fact that the lignin present, which binds the cellulose, is not easily
> separable from the 
> cellulose,and hydrolysis of cellulose to free the sugars is much more
> difficult that that of starch, 
> and finally the sugars released from cellulose fermentation are not easily
> fermentable with yeast.
> Big bucks have been spent trying to solve these problems since at least
> 70's with little or no 
> success.  Simply, if it were easy, it would be happening everywhere, as
> feedstock- cellulosic 
> wastes-are abundant.
> Derick Giorchino wrote:
>> No Keith am not confused. I do make biodiesel. I use methanol and until
> some
>> one has a better way that's what I will use. I was asking about the
>> production of ethanol to use in other family vehicles. 
>> Since they are gas engines. I read on J.T.F. way back when I was starting
>> the venture of bio. That ethanol can be made at home using wood chips
> /paper
>> and I think there may have been also a mention of dry grass and brush and
>> breaking it down with sulfuric acid. But I would need to go back and read
> it
>> over. My quarry was as to the amount of yield verses raw product used per
>> liter /gal or what ever.
>> Thanks Derick.  
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Keith Addison
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 6:40 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethanol V's Methanol
>>> What are you people talking about?????
>>> have you ever made any type of biofuel?
>>> Seems to me that you are confusing them all.
>>> Acid Base process and ethanol fuel?
>>> Methanol vs ethanol? It has sense in biodiesel production, but you are
>> talking
>>> alcohol fuel for petroleum engines.
>> Doug is being a bit confusing. He was talking about both ethanol fuel 
>> in gasoline engines and using ethanol to make biodiesel. Gasoline 
>> engines will run on 80% ethanol and 20% water (ie 160 proof) but to 
>> make ethyl esters biodiesel the ethanol must be dry, and Doug doesn't 
>> know how to make dry ethanol (absolute), he can't do better than 85% 
>> ( you should be able to get 95% by distillation). So Doug's question 
>> about ethanol vs methanol for making biodiesel doesn't make much 
>> sense to me either. I don't think Doug has made biodiesel, or he 
>> wouldn't ask anyway - ethanol biodiesel is difficult to make, not for 
>> novices, not even when the ethanol is dry, methanol biodiesel is the 
>> way to start. I don't think we know of any novices who've succeeded 
>> with ethyl esters biodiesel. I don't know how Doug was planning to 
>> make methanol, there's no small-scale backyard way of producing 
>> methanol. He seems to think you can make it by treating sawdust with 
>> concentrated acid, but that makes ethanol, not methanol. I also don't 
>> understand the reference to the acid-base process for producing 
>> ethanol, the acid-base process at JtF produces biodiesel, not 
>> ethanol. Oh well.
>> Has nobody yet discovered whether the castor oil method for producing 
>> absolute ethanol works or not? I've been after a source of 20 litres 
>> of castor oil here in Japan but I haven't found it yet. The method is 
>> here:
>> Separating Ethanol From Water Via Differential Miscibility -- using
>> oil
>> Best
>> Keith
>>> Does not make too much sense.
>>> Andrew
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Derick Giorchino
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 1:01 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Ethanol V's Methanol
>>> Hi Doug I am interested in the ethanol production you are using. 
>>> What is it can you point me in the right direction? Is it the acid 
>>> base as is explained at J.T.F.? As for the carb problems maybe a 
>>> marine carb is more tolerant of the alcohol fuel if not there are 
>>> places that could chrome or anodize the carb bowls for a price you 
>>> would need to re thread all the holes. Or maybe powder coating would 
>>> work.
>>> Good luck Derick
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of lres1
>>> Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 12:03 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Biofuel] Ethanol V's Methanol
>>> Would like to know the advantages if any of using Methanol instead 
>>> of Ethanol in making bio-diesel. It is very easy to make Ethanol 
>>> with down to 15% water. Seems kinda silly to make Ethanol and 
>>> Methanol if Ethanol will do all.
>>> Have now got a MPEFI Jeep running on 80% Ethanol and 20% water as a 
>>> straight injection. Have a few bugs to work out but total conversion 
>>> cost is less than US$20.00.
>>> To convert back to RUG is a flick of a switch on the dash.
>>> This makes more sense now to use the Ethanol instead of making 
>>> Methanol for bio-diesel production as I already make the ethanol and 
>>> it can replace RUG in a MPEFI engine or standard carb engine. I 
>>> still have no replies on how to lacquer or coat an alloy carburetor 
>>> to stop reactions with the Ethanol. At present The system is fully 
>>> drained and blown with compressed air to clear out all water and 
>>> Ethanol. Would be kinda nice to be able to shut the engines off and 
>>> just walk away and not have the cleaning time.
>>> I do not want to get rid of the water in my Ethanol replacement for 
>>> RUG as it gives much more power than RUG at 80 to 85% Ethanol and 15 
>>> to 20% water mix. The plasticized fuel tanks and lines can handle it 
>>> all the carbs can not.
>>> My next step is to try and run 502 C.I. V8 engines and 351 modified 
>>> engines and 350 C.I. engines with 4 barrel hollies on Ethanol but 
>>> need to clear up the carb reaction problems with the alloys involved.
>>> Would like to know how to get to 0.5% water for bio-diesel 
>>> processing. Same question as JJJN I guess
>>> Doug
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Bob Allen,
The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
justification for selfishness  JKG

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