has anybody thought of welding little chains to thier drums, say about 4ft long and locking them to the fence?

hasp and padlock on the lid?
   better yet, drill hole through the bolt on the lid ring and pad lock the ring

From: Jonathan Schearer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 7:53 AM
To: Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: [Biofuel] Stolen Grease

Well, it finally happened to me.  I had a 30 gallon steel drum full of waste grease behind the local pizzeria taken on me the other day.  I live in a small town where things like this don't happen-or do they?  I originally had the owner's permission to keep it there-right next to the large commercial grease dumpster.  The agreement he made with me was that he would keep filling the 30 gallon drum until it was full and the rest he would put into the commercial dumpster if I could not get it processed fast enough.  He asked me if I could provide a metal container because he preferred to pour his grease hot out of the fryer into the container and the plastic jugs would not work.  I did and it was working out nicely.  If anyone asked about it, he would tell them that it was his and for his use, since it was on his property.  I was driving to work yesterday and noticed it was not there.  That night, I went in and asked him if he knew where it was.  He said that he thought that I had taken it and didn't think anything of it.  He told me that the commercial grease hauler is bringing him a new bulk container with locks on it because they are experiencing more and more grease theft.  The owner does not particulary like to pay for grease disposal, but does not have many options since he wants to do the right thing when it comes to disposal.  I stated that I most likely would not put another metal drum behind his eatery because this would happen again.  He agreed.  Even though it is more work for him, the owner told me he would pour off the grease once cooled back into the 5 gal. polys that it comes in for me.  This will work out better for me anyways.  I just don't understand why people think they can take something that does not belong to them without asking first.  Most people get upset when you take something without asking, but if you ask first, many times they will give it to you.  Thanks to the members here for listening to me vent some frustration.      Jonathan.         

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