These September 11 memorials are extremely difficult for me because I do not 
now and have never believed this was the work of outside terrorists.

Several years ago I watched a documentary about the "bringing down" of .. I 
think it was the Sears building .. or some old icon in .. maybe Michigan (or 
some other state - details are fuzzy).

A demolition company specializing in this line of work was filmed from the 
planning stage .. as they inspected, planned, set the explosives, pushed the 
timer and brought that building down.  I remember very clearly the sight of 
how that building folded into itself.

This demolition was preceded by a miniscule inspection of the entire 
building .. crawling through walls and ceilings inspecting things like steel 
structure, riveting, any weakness that may have happened during the years 
since it was built.

The actual planning stage was using the original blue prints plus all 
updates over the years. These plus the inspection notes were used in 
deciding where the charges were to be placed. There were thousands of 
charges in all support positions on both the outside framing and interior 
stairwells and elevator shafts of this building.

The idea being that the interior charges would go fractions of moments 
before the exterior charges bringing the outside walls toward the center.

The second stage was the physical placing of the charges and the timers .. 
taking into account any of those now existing weaknesses .. a huge 
engineering task.

These charges must be placed in precision order and the timers must go off 
EXACTLY in the right order .. the results have the building folding in on 
itself floor by floor .. and in this documentary this was a successful 

.. in short .. there is weeks and months or longer of work involved to bring 
about a controlled demolition.

.. an explosion out of this precision order could topple the building .. 
having it "lay down" lengthwise.

2 planes hit and 3 buildings were "brought down" .. 1 building had a small 
fire that did not and could not have caused structural damage.

I don't believe I am the only one who watched that horrible day as those 
buildings collapsed perfectly down into themselves ... and had their blood 
run cold .. because, if what I was witnessing was true, then this attack 
could only have come from home.

There is no other way in my mind that anyone without official, authorized 
consent could possibly have had such intimate contact with those buildings 
over months of time .. because there is no other way that all 3 buildings 
could have happened the way they did.

I knew then and I know it now .. these were controlled demolitions.

I also know that the horror I feel is more so because I believe my own did 
it to me. My heart twists to know that there are so many others who believe 
as I do and have the additional burden of having lost a loved one in that 

Mary Lynn Schmidt

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