I'd say Vietnam suffered far more than the USA. I think something like
3 million Vietnamese died. Millions more wounded. We left mines, toxic 
big craters throughout the landscape, for them to
contend with.  But we Americans lost too. We lost any claims to being the 
"Good Guys".
It was an ugly war and totally useless. It was a money maker though for the 
industry though.
   It is amazing that so many Vietnamese have immigrated to the US and are 
friendly to Americans. My wife and I have some Vietnamese friends that have 
been in the US about
a year and they are so nice to us. It is uplifting that people can be so 
forgiving. I think they
realize that it is governments that make war and that ordinary people love 
    It seems like a war every fifteen years or so used to be good enough. 
But anymore,
war are coming more often. Now we glorify war. We spread democracy through 
war. We are ensuring energy security through war. War boosts our economy. 
Forget that our troops are dying and suffering
terrible wounds or that 100 Iraqis die each day. Or the 8 to 10 billion 
dollars a month the
war in Iraq costs. Or the total loss of the international respect that the 
USA used to have.  Argh!
Peace, D. Mindock

----- Original Message ----- 
From: leo bunyan
To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Disney

Wasn't Vietnam a draw????

Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
They could always pull out and declare victory like they did in Vietnam.


Fred Finch wrote:

> Let me get this straight...
> We goto Afganistan to get OBL, which had bipartisan support...
> But get sidetracked into Iraq to get "WMD" that never existed, had
> limited support, to get the inspectors back into Iraq, but went in
> because Saddam let the inspectors back in, to free an oppressed people
> in a war that would "last less than 6 months" and have nearly "Zero
> casualties," to bring democracy to the middle east, and bring
> specialists from Afganistan to get all the bad guys in Iraq, and have
> 2600+ American military casualties, plus countless Iraqi deaths, and
> civil war, and insurgents, debt to the tune of 2 billion a month, with
> limited water and electrical service... etc.
> What were we looking for in Afganistan again?
> When you get outmatched in a fight that you should not have started in
> the first place, it is worse than leaving the fight. America is
> getting it's international backside handed to them on a platter and
> you say that cutting and running is a bad idea.
> Well, let's stay the course then,
> you go first.
> fred

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