As we celebrate the 5th anniversary of Sept 11, more questions about what really happened that fateful day are surfacing. A businessman friend of mine who worked in the Twin Towers told me how everyone had to vacate their offices during innumerable fire drills months before Sept 11. These required they run to stairwells and wait for periods averaging 20 minutes. He recalls the bomb detecting dogs placed after the attack years ago were removed from then on. He is sure a demolition was planted then.
Many claim the buildings collapsed due to the intense heat melting the steel. Please see the video documentary based on real footage and witness’s narration during that day mentioned below. One sees people standing in the top floors in gaping walls near the flames, still motioning about. If they were not burnt how can steel be melting? Many jumped to their deaths intact. Molten steel is thick and like lava, flows slowly. These buildings, after only 50 minutes of limited fires in the top floors, imploded in 9 seconds to the ground. Molten steel would have taken a long time to buckle 100 stories down. The nearby building 7 also imploded that same day although small flames entered it! Its owner admits giving OK to have it imploded. Building 7 held active FBI and Wall Street investigation documents of on going cases. Some had investigations of the bankrupt savings and Loans that robbed billions of many. Some of the Bush brothers were responsible for that economic mess.
Video footage shows President Bush remains motionless for 20 minutes after he was notified again, this time, about the second twin tower crash. He sat there not interrupting the reading of grade school children. Why he did not react immediately? Why did all the rubble get sent immediately abroad, making sure surveillance GPS monitors tracked trucks delivery to ships, ordered by FEMA and approved by mayor Guliani? Should not that been kept for analysis of a crime scene? Why the black boxes with aircraft cockpit data did never appeared? Never have black boxes “melted” or disappeared in crashes. See below what former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis under the Bush administration has to say about these details.
When we review history, we remember how Bush had poor ratings, as many felt he had stolen the election. We know the Government, up to the last days prior Sept 11, catered Bin Laden. Is it conceivable that this administration along with Bin laden used these attacks as diversionary tactics for their own needs? How come Bin Laden has not been captured? By 2001, unlike in the Clinton years, Bin Laden was unquestionably involved in numerous terrorist attacks. Why was the Bin Laden family having safe airline passage out of the country on Sept 11, while everyone else could not fly at all?
Why would we want war? Because it is a multi billion dollar industry for the gun and ammo business, and for the likes of Halliburton, who “reconstruct” destroyed countries. Why would we accuse Saddam of weapons of mass destruction and accuse him of causing the attacks of the world trade center? We needed an excuse for war, and his oil. He was the perfect scapegoat, and a reason for more turmoil, further distracting from the truth. Why did we not go all out to destroy Iraq? We have done a half baked job with insufficient troops, which have emboldened the Arab world. WHY? Because this protracts the war, keeping us distracted from our internal woes. Desert Storm taught a lesson to Bush Jr. When we pulled out, although peace ensued, we the people concentrated in internal US affairs, and voted Bush Sr. OUT. Should he have continued that war, we would have re-elected him. Now you see why Rumsfeld is in charge. They just want a boiling pot to keep power in the white house.
When the truth is so ugly, denial ensues. When the Columbine school massacre took place, parents of the children who committed the murders were told about this, could not believe their children could cause such a heinous act. Same with some tragedies of immense proportions such as the twin towers. Many fear it is unpatriotic to question one’s government. Let us remember our roots. If our founding fathers would not have question King George, we would still be under the British flag. Let us remember our national mantra: ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. It does not say to give up our freedom to speak out; it does not say only our government has the right to be above the local and international law. Why would we want to switch from King George to King Bush? That is what we would be doing if we did not question authority, when their powers have abused us. Our children are dying for a lie. Our treasury is being depleted for a war that is a lie, while we become poorer and poorer, and the rich are getting richer.
Now the USA is the most hated nation by Islamic countries, taking us to the threshold of world war III. Never in the history of our nation, have we been so disrespected by the entire word. This is not the nation neither our founding fathers nor our present military is sacrificing their lives for. We must find the truth, and rise again as a noble country where lies are not the way of life, where no one is above the law. IT IS TIME TO SAY ENOUGH!

To see video footage that shows this documentary, go to Google, and download (using Google media player)
Read the synopsis of part of what the happened on Sept 11 show in the article of Prof Morgan Reynolds
Morgan Reynolds, PhD, is professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX. He served as chief economist for the US Department of Labor during 2001–2, George W. Bush's first term.

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