 I emailed and asked for Lou Dobbs to do a segment on this. Most
Americans have no clue as to the seriousness of GM crops. Perhaps if a few 
more on the
list would do this CNN might respond. Forwarding the email address below to 
and family would help even more. I put the info blurb on Jeffrey M Smith's 
background &
email  that ends the article into the email as a possible guest.
Contact CNN at:
Peace, D. Mindock

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 9:45 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Fwd: Rice Industry: Keep GE Varieties in the Lab By 
Jeffrey M. Smith

Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 00:47:11 EDT
Subject: Rice Industry: Keep GE Varieties in the Lab    By Jeffrey M. Smith

Spilling the Beans, October 2006

mfree,4990>Subscribe to e-newsletter Spilling the Beans

Dear friend,

Consider passing this article on to those in the food and
agricultural industries. It provides a reasonable, if not urgent,
strategy for them to protect their markets, while protecting our
health and environment at the same time.


Rice Industry: Keep Genetically Engineered Varieties in the Lab

By Jeffrey M. Smith

The US rice industry can take a lesson from Hawaiian coffee growers.
In 2004, the University of Hawaii and others were getting dangerously
close to conducting outdoor trials of genetically modified (GM)
coffee - plants whose DNA had been artificially inserted with genes
from other species. Growers throughout the state knew if their
premium coffee became contaminated with GM varieties, it would
threaten their markets.

The growers rejected claims that small buffer zones around GM fields
would protect them. Bees carry pollen for miles. GM crops can get
mixed up by human error. And everyone on the islands knows that seeds
naturally travel. (Consider Hawaii's conversion from lava rock to a
lush paradise.)

They extracted a promise from the University to discontinue studies
that could lead to outdoor GM coffee trials, saving their farms from
contamination. Not so for the rice industry, which just saw world
markets close and prices plummet after unapproved GM rice escaped
from field trials, contaminating US stocks. Japan stopped buying long
grain US rice, products were taken off shelves in Europe and the
industry may lose $150 million or more.

Amid the lawsuits and rejected shipments, the rice industry must now
decide whether to belatedly follow the coffee growers' example. They
can tell the government and five multinational GM crop companies, "No
more GM rice trials!" Or they can continue to risk costly episodes of
contamination. And for what? To share the fate of soybean and corn

In 1996, biotech companies introduced GM soy and corn varieties that
could either withstand herbicide or produce pesticides in every cell.
Although the new technology was largely hidden from American
shoppers, the European press did extensive coverage and consumers
there were not pleased. In a single week in April 1999, food
companies throughout the continent responded by vowing to remove GM
ingredients from their European brands. Japanese companies followed
suit and American agriculture has yet to recover.

The corn industry lost their $300 million European market; US soy
sales also plunged. The government poured an extra $2-3 billion per
year in price support subsidies. And many non-GM growers were forced
to pay for costly segregation programs just to keep their customers.
The promise of higher yields, lower chemical use and weed-free living
through GM crops turned into slightly lower average yields,
significantly higher herbicide use and the emergence of superweeds
that resist weed killer. Many who were once enthusiastic about GM
technology are saying "Come back in 50 to 100 years when you've done
your homework."

The Biotech PR firms want the rice industry and others to believe
that gene inserted crops are catching on around the world. In
reality, studies show that the more people learn about GM food, the
less they want to put it in their mouth. The main reason why most US
consumers are complacent is that they don't know about the issue.
Sixty percent say they have never eaten a GM food in their lives. In
truth, most eat it everyday - usually in the form of soy and corn
derivatives in processed foods.

When Americans find out that they have been eating GM ingredients,
they usually assume that the FDA has tested it and proven it safe.
Not true. Documents made public from a lawsuit revealed that FDA
scientists had repeatedly warned their superiors that GM foods might
create unpredictable, hard-to-detect allergies, toxins, new diseases
and nutritional problems. They urged political appointees to require
long-term safety studies. But the person in charge of FDA policy was
the former attorney (and later vice president) of biotech giant
Monsanto. And the agency was under orders from the White House to
promote GM crops. The policy that was adopted in 1992, and still
stands, is that no safety tests whatsoever are required by the FDA.
Thus, varieties that had never been rigorously safety tested with
animals, and probably never even fed to humans, were approved for

Evidence of adverse reactions is mounting. From the tiny number of
safety studies that have been conducted, animals treated with GM
crops show stunted growth, impaired immune systems, bleeding
stomachs, potentially precancerous cell growth, damaged and misshapen
cells, inflamed kidneys, smaller brains and testicles, enlarged
intestines, reduced digestive enzymes, higher blood sugar, inflamed
lung tissue, increased death rates and higher offspring mortality, to
name a few. Reports from the field are less encouraging. Two dozen US
farmers say that sterility in pigs or cows is related to GM corn
varieties. Seventy-one Indian shepherds report that 25% of their
sheep died from grazing on GM cotton plants. Filipinos in at least 5
villages fell sick when nearby GM corn was pollinating. And hundreds
of laborers in India developed allergic reactions after handling GM
cotton. Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK soon after GM soy
was introduced. And in the 1980s, a GM food supplement killed about
100 Americans and caused sickness and disability in another

If this information makes you uneasy, consider what will happen when
millions of US consumers learn that high-risk GM foods are in their
baby's formula and kids' breakfast cereal. The reaction may force US
food manufacturers to repeat the vows of their European counterparts.
The corn and soy growers would surely be hit even harder than before.

How will the rice industry fare? That depends on what they choose
now. But the choice is not just with rice growers. What about those
who deal in lettuce, barley, sunflowers and plums? Most vegetables,
fruits and grains have GM counterparts in some stage of development.
And behind that variety stands a biotech company, more than willing
to grow it field trials and risk the food industry's markets. Even
the US wheat growers remain in danger. They had forced Monsanto to
abandon plans to introduce GM wheat in May 2004, but unlike Hawaii's
coffee growers, they can still be contaminated from outdoor field

It is time that US producers take charge and say to the biotech
industry, "You can grow your GM crops only when we are ready to take
that risk. Until then, keep it in the lab."

Jeffrey M. Smith is the author of Seeds of Deception, the world's
bestselling book on GM foods. His forthcoming book, Genetic Roulette,
documents more than 60 health risks of GM foods in easy-to-read
two-page spreads, and demonstrates how current safety assessments are
not competent to protect consumers from the dangers. He is available
for media at

Spilling the Beans is a monthly column available at

Permission is granted to publishers and webmasters to reproduce
issues of Spilling the Beans in whole or in part. Just email us at
let us know who you are and what your circulation is, so we can keep

The Institute for Responsible Technology is working to end the
genetic engineering of our food supply and the outdoor release of GM
crops. We warmly welcome your donations and support.

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to become a member of the Institute for Responsible Technology.
Membership to the Institute for Responsible Technology costs $25 per
year. New members receive The GMO Trilogy, a three-disc set produced
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© copyright Jeffrey M. Smith 2006

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