Hi Mary;

"I've found curiosity in many things and have always
enjoyed the "wondering" process my mind can take."

Curiosity, wonderment, & imagination are some of the
most wonderful things that we experience, being not
only productive but probably essential, and really add
something of great beauty to life.  I am not
advocating the closure of doors; the possibilites are
always there (in an ironic sense, our inability to
know certainty keeps the wonder alive).  What I am
saying is that it is most beneficial to only ascribe a
degree of truth to an idea that is warranted by the
only objective measure we have: the evidence.  Every
idea must merit its status & any idea must be allowed
to fall accordingly.  It's the only way we will be
able to best understand our lives, which we must
before we can best manage them.  

Your example of the pet behavior is a completely valid
question that we should strive to understand & to
which we could easily apply science.  And, you are
right that outright dismissing such a phenomenon would
be to discard some of that wonderment & curiosity that
is so important in our lives.  The same goes for your
description of the coastal animals who seemed to
presage the Indian Ocean tsunami, which I had read &
wondered about.

"Reliable conclusions have existed through out our
existence.  That is the reason we survived.  Those
that reached unreliable conclusions can be counted
among the extinct."

That's exactly true & well said.

"Science has it's place but equally the wonder of the
mystics also need to be acknowledged."

I don't think science can or does degrade wonder.  It
revels & thrives in it, and it does slowly chip away
at what exactly we can so easily wonder about, often
to only reveal more mysteries than we began with, but
it does not close doors to what it cannot or has not
explained, or even to what it has explained.  It is
merely a method that allows us to choose the best
explanations given our current knowledge.  There will
always be reason to wonder.


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