Years ago I worked nights part time in admissions in a large hospital .. one 
night a drawer that was absolutely ALWAYS locked was somehow left open .. my 
co-worker and I, being the curious types couldn't resist taking a look.

.. there was a book that contained single spaced, double sided, legal sized 
paper filled with the names of the medical doctors that had hospital 
privileges but could not prescribe drugs and/or operate without supervision.

The desk drawer belonged to the individual who was responsible for 
scheduling operations.

When a request came in, she was the one that reserved the operating room .. 
and the competent medical doctor who was to "oversee" the incompetent 
medical doctor ..

That book was quite thick with hundreds of names .. quite a few well known.

I think it's fairly well known and accepted as fact that the medical 
profession does not police their own so, to my way of thinking, anyone who 
had their name on that list would have to be a rather frequent and serious 
repeat offender .. and so very, very many

.. And then there's that book "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" .. I believe that 2 
separate surveys have been taken that support the fact that medical doctors 
live 20 years less time than the non-medical doctor.

Just my thoughts on the matter .. with just my limited knowledge of what 
goes on inside a hospital I'm scared of going to a hospital .. I don't 
believe all medical doctors can actually believe their own BS.

I have that book around here somewhere .. maybe I'll go look up a few 

Mary Lynn
Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior Modification . 
Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy Practitioner 
. Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
The Animal Connection Healing Modalities

>From: Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines
>Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 00:37:06 +0200
>Talking about medicines natural or whatever. My father always said,
>that if they could make recipes on love and sex, it would be possible
>to cut the hospital beds in half. I have yet to find the physician
>that is not very scared to go to hospital and I have many friends who
>are physician. LOL
>At 00:01 16/10/2006, you wrote:
> >D. Mindock wrote:
> > > Hi Marylynn,
> > >    Thanks for this info on NZ!
> > >    Yeah, wow. I too am amazed that this study was done. It seems
> > that common
> > > sense and
> > > spine abounds in NZ.  God bless Wallace Bain!
> > >    The same problems Down Under will be here in the US fairly soon. 
> > > Pharma,
> > > along with the AMA and FDA is, imo, trying to snuff out alt
> > medicine before
> > > it largely
> > > replaces the drugs, surgery, radiation, and chemo used by the 
> > > health
> > > care industry. They can do all the "science" they want, but the
> > fact is that
> > > allopathic
> > > medicine is a failed model except for emergency care like heart 
> > > acute
> > > disease, etc. For chronic problems, alt medicine is the way to
> > go, where the
> > > whole
> > > person (mind, body, emotional state) is examined and treated.
> > >    The same is true here wrt to herbs, supplements, essential oils,
> > > vitamins. Most of
> > > the deaths attributable to these have been because of gross misuse. 
>When a
> > > young pro
> > > baseball player died a couple years ago because of his total misuse of
> > > ephedra the corporate
> > > friendly media was all over that story and really pounded it home. 
> > > failed to mention
> > > that he was trying to lose a lot of weight (winter fat) in a
> > hurry. He took
> > > a triple dose of ephedra plus
> > > was wearing extra clothes, practicing baseball in the hot sun of 
> > > Likely he was
> > > dehydrated too. When a few folks died after taking L-tryptophan, maybe 
> > > years ago,
> > > the FDA took advantage of that to pull it off the market, even though
> > > L-tryptophan
> > > is a common amino acid found in a number of foods and completely 
> > > The
> > > manufacturer (a Japanese company) was found later to have released a
> > > contaminated
> > > product which caused the deaths. Nontheless, L-tryptophan, an 
> > > amino acid, was kept off the market
> > > and is still unavailable.
> >
> >nonsense, you can get all tryptophan you want in 500 mg pills at
> >Live extension, or just eat
> >protein, it is full of tryptophan.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > >  Every year about 33 people die from contaminated soft cheese but it 
> > > never
> > > been pulled, as far as I know. Several baseball players are suspected 
> > > using performance
> > > enhancing steroids. So now, DHEA, a very useful supplement that 
> > > lean muscle
> > > mass, has anti-aging properties, and improves vitality, is the subject 
> > > legislation
> > > that will categorize it as an anabolic steroid, making it 
>non-available to
> > > millions of men
> > > and women who use it routinely. This is being done in secret with
> > no public
> > > discourse.
> > > Of course, the real granddaddy of all is the Codex
> > > Alimentarius whose aim is to clear the shelves of health food
> > stores of all
> > > the stuff we're
> > > used to taking to help us maintain optimal health. Use any search
> > engine to
> > > find more
> > > info on this. Likely the Codex is what's going on in Oz and now,
> > NZ. Here in
> > > the
> > > states there is not a word about it on the media, so most have no 
>clue. Dr
> > > Mathias
> > > Rath is leading the movement in Europe to stop the Codex.
> > > Here's his list of cancer studies, many of which are "natural":
> > >
> > > Big Pharma hates this guy & are doing all they can to discredit him. 
> > > they have been
> > > unsuccessful, you know he is the "real deal". Just like Dr Burzynski 
> > > Texas.
> > > Peace and light, D. Mindock
> > >
> > >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: <>
> > > Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2006 12:41 PM
> > > Subject: [Biofuel] NZ Coroners Report on Complementary Medicines
> > >
> > >
> > >> Interesting .. I'm amazed that this study was done ..
> > >>
> > >> Mary Lynn Schmidt
> > >>
> > >>> "Despite extensive research, coroner Dr Wallace Bain found no deaths 
> > >>> occurred in New Zealand due to natural medicines such as vitamins,
> > >>> minerals
> > >>> and herbal products."
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Dear Health Freedom Advocate,
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Dr Wallace Bain, Acting Chair of the Coroners' Council, has just 
> > >>> this report into deaths caused by natural health medicines in
> > New Zealand.
> > >>>
> > >>> He highlights the information in light of the push by the New 
> > >>> government for greater control over natural medicines by way of
> > >>> legislation
> > >>> to create the Australia New Zealand Therapeutics Products Authority
> > >>> (ANZTPA).
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Natural medicines - the safest way to avoid death
> > >>>
> > >>> A report just released by the Acting Chair of the Coroner's Council 
> > >>> shown natural medicines have the lowest fatality rate of all medical
> > >>> treatments in New Zealand.
> > >>>
> > >>> Despite extensive research, coroner Dr Wallace Bain found no deaths 
> > >>> occurred in New Zealand due to natural medicines such as vitamins,
> > >>> minerals
> > >>> and herbal products.
> > >>>
> > >>> Dr Bain, who is also a trained pharmacist and lawyer, undertook the 
> > >>> in light of growing opposition to new legislation that will see New
> > >>> Zealand's natural health industry come under Australian laws.
> > >>>
> > >>> The safety of natural products is often sited as a reason for
> > the need for
> > >>> such a move.
> > >>>
> > >>> The Labour government plans that the Australia New Zealand 
> > >>> Products Authority (ANZTPA) will soon replace the current Medsafe 
> > >>> as
> > >>> part of a `trans-Tasman harmonisation' push. Opponents fear
> > this move will
> > >>> decimate New Zealand's natural health industry as has already 
>occurred in
> > >>> Australia.
> > >>>
> > >>> At present lack of support from New Zealand First, the Maori and 
> > >>> parties is the only thing stopping the legislation coming into 
> > >>>
> > >>> Says Dr Bain: "In my capacity as Acting Chair of the Coroner's 
>Council, I
> > >>> enquired of all Coroners as to whether or not from a search of their
> > >>> Coronial findings they could find any instances where there had been 
> > >>> problem with any of these natural products.
> > >>>
> > >>> "They were asked to provide any information from inquests where 
> > >>> products had been involved whether or not a death had resulted. At 
> > >>> same
> > >>> time the Coronial records held by the Ministry of Justice in 
> > >>> were searched at my request by ministry staff."
> > >>>
> > >>> Dr Bain's study returned a finding of zero deaths from natural 
> > >>>
> > >>> His only findings were:
> > >>>
> > >>> * A three-year-old child who choked to death on a vitamin tablet in 
> > >>> that was too large for the child to swallow
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> * A woman who terminated her third pregnancy after a scan showed the
> > >>> foetus
> > >>> had spina bifida. The woman had been taking 300mg of folic acid a 
> > >>> rather than the recommended 800mg per day
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> * A man who died from non-viral hepatitis of unknown origin who
> > also had a
> > >>> pre-existing prostrate cancer condition. The man had been
> > taking an Indian
> > >>> herbal product K4. The Corner's report said despite no
> > certainty of a link
> > >>> with the herbal product, the remedy such be banned until more was 
> > >>> about its effects on liver toxicity
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> * Some ongoing inquests into party pills
> > >>>
> > >>> In contrast, deaths in 1998 (the last year of detailed official
> > statistics
> > >>> available) caused by adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs
> > killed 1524
> > >>> New Zealanders and deaths associated with medical injury (mistakes 
> > >>> doctors and medical staff) killed 4222 New Zealanders.
> > >>>
> > >>> Says Dr Bain: "A recent Australian study shows that 1 in 10 patients
> > >>> presenting to a general practitioner had an adverse pharmaceutical 
> > >>> event in the preceding six months with 50% of those being in the 
> > >>> to severe range and 8% requiring hospitalisation.
> > >>>
> > >>> "A New Zealand study reported in July of 2006 and referred to
> > Parliament's
> > >>> Health Committee pointed to previous research suggesting problems 
>such as
> > >>> hospital acquired infection, drug error and staff mistakes are 
> > >>> this
> > >>> country around $870 million a year. This prompted the Health 
>Minister to
> > >>> ensure that District Health Boards gave priority to reducing such 
> > >>> events - most clearly identified as being drug induced."
> > >>>
> > >>> Also in Dr Bain's report is mention of a US study that puts 
> > >>> resulting from medication errors in American hospitals at $US1.5 
> > >>> dollars per year. Studies also show that prescription drug
> > errors double a
> > >>> person's risk of dying in hospital. Another study put the cost
> > of a single
> > >>> adverse drug event to a hospital in the US at $US2,500.
> > >>>
> > >>> "The estimate of costs incurred by US hospitals as a result of
> > >>> drug-related
> > >>> injury or death was put at $US76.6 billion which was three times the 
> > >>> of all diabetes care in the United States," says Dr Bain.
> > >>>
> > >>> "What is ironic here is that what is being held out as a
> > justification for
> > >>> high regulation and compliance in the area of complementary 
>medicines and
> > >>> natural products in New Zealand is public safety and risk. Despite a
> > >>> diligent search of Coronial records and the literature, no instances 
> > >>> been found to demonstrate that in fact these products have any 
> > >>> public health issue or risk.
> > >>>
> > >>> "The problem is clearly with prescription and other drugs," says Dr 
> > >>> "The Coronial and literature searches in so far as natural products 
> > >>> concerned and linkages to public safety and risk can be described 
> > >>> as De minimis no curat lex. That is - of minimal risk importance.
> > >>>
> > >>> "The law does not and should not concern itself with such trifles."
> > >>>
> > >>> Dr Bain's report has been sent to Annette King.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Dr Bain is available for comment directly on 021 750 704 or via me,
> > >>> Kimberley Paterson on 09 4244218
> > >>>
> > >>> or 0273 454570. You can also contact Dr Bain directly on 021 750 704
> > >>>
> > >>> If you need more information, please contact me
> > >>>
> > >>> Kind regards
> > >>>
> > >>> Kimberley Paterson
> > >>> 09 4244218
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Michael Bending
> > >>> Alliance for Health Freedom Australia
> > >>>
> > >>> 'All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do 
> > >>> - Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Irish born writer and politician -
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > >
> > >
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> >Bob Allen,
> >=========================================================
> >The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises
> >in moral philosophy; that is,
> >the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness  JKG
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