I just started my winter pile, and I added about a gallon, I add more when I get it but it seems that gets things moving pretty fast.  It usually takes about a week before my pile really takes off. If it doesn’t go after a week I just add more HCA turn it maybe sprinkle a little soil on top and wash it in. If it still does not take off then I may change the ratio of greens a bit. Be patient is the best advice. I add HCA each time I turn the pile each week.  I just spread what I composted over the summer on my front lawn. I bet I hauled in 20 wheel barrows of stuff into it this summer including about 20 gallons of Biodiesel bi product and hauled out 2 when it was done.  I use some wood chips that I get free at work as my browns.  I have found that if you can chop and disperse your greens they eliminate faster and there is less chance of rot smell.  So far my compost has never given off a bad smell it is always a fresh earthy smell.
Well best of luck, composting is really worth the effort you just cannot believe the difference in everything from the vibrancy of your flowers to the health of your plants.  I even think plants get so healthy that they attract good insects as well as have something in them that discourages pests.  This year my Organic composted plot was almost weed free, I had zero bug loss and it doubled the yield when compared to the other plot that had all the best commercial fertilizers money could be wasted on. Next year I plan on being 100% organic and that includes my lawn.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:02 PM
Subject: [Biofuel] Some composting

So, I have an abundance of leaves (leafs to those in Canada!  haha).  Anyway, I would like to do some small scale, indoor composting (aerobic).  I was reading some notes on JTF but didn't seem to find the information of nitrogen ratio for the "Household Compost Activator."  I would like to use mostly leaves and some vegie scraps along with peat moss.  But, how much urine to add?  I'm looking at the 20 gallon container size.


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