An water with the I said, I drink it "neat" or straight up.  Not sure how that got into my thoughts on uses of distilled water...perhaps from memories of an earlier time when I was first acquiring the taste for it with blended Dewar's and water.  Ah well...been a weird day today.  MD
----- Original Message -----
From: M&K DuPree
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

Hi Tom...thanks for this post and especially your concern.  I probably shouldn't have said anything.  We've owned a distiller for years and have always enjoyed how the distilled water seems to make more pronounced the flavors of coffee, frozen oranje juice, various broths, stews, etc etc, and oh yeah, one of my favorites--scotch (single malt...Glen Moray, 12 year....neat...two the evening....delicious).  Never worry about (or taste) anything between the water and our drink.  But then I've always wondered about any leaching of stuff from my body, especially the bad stuff, because lord knows I dump enough vitamins and minerals in there to replace many times over whatever of the good stuff might be leached.  Of course, I walk daily, getting ready to go out now in fact and keep myself in shape in part that way.  I don't know, annual visits to my traditional westernized doc keep producing "healthy" results, except I have struggled with cholesterol until the last exam which was preceded by flax seed, soy milk, and increased exercise for several months prior to the exam and my cholesterol (the bad stuff) was way down, although the good stuff wasn't high enough for me, but my doc said it was okay. 
     Anyway, I'm going into all this to try and round out a big picture.  I know our water is a major piece of our overall health picture and my choices dictate distilled.  I don't trust the bottled water stuff.  I sure as heck don't trust the tap water.  Your speaker's artificially softened water claims don't surprise me at all.  I suppose I could go out and buy reverse osmosis which just sounds too weird to me.  In the end, I suppose I have to nod to the "Bob" in me and request the data, the research, the unequivocal science that says, hey buddy, distilled bad.  Even then, like I've said up front, I'd still be closed minded on this.  Something about distilled water is just too simple, too clean, too clear, and really refreshing. 
     But Tom, again, I mean this when I say it, thank you, thank you for your concern.  It means everything to me.  I hope you believe me.  Mike DuPree
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

    You wrote:
    "Plenty of other stuff to be drinking, like....uh, water....distilled of course...I know I know minerals etc etc...hey...distilled....period..."
    Please, no.
    This goes back many years, but I heard a presentation by a Dr. Shapiro of the Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Public Health in which he suggested that softened, or worse, distilled water increases one's risk of cardiovascular disease. His conclusion was based on studies of communities that "softened" their water and then went back to "hard" water. There was an increase in cardiovascular disease in the years following treatment to soften the water. There was a decrease in cardiovascular disease in the years following reverting back to hard water. (Zinc may have been the key element.)
      I believe that this is why cold water lines  ....  for drinking and food prep  ......  bypass water softeners when the water softeners are properly installed.
      There has been much discussion about practices that grow healthful foods, and processing that compromises the healthfulness of our food.
Please consider the water you drink as well. If you do not have access to good, healthful water, and distilled is your best option, I wonder if there is a way to restore it to a more natural state. I know that some beer brewers living in municipalities that soften their water, add something to restore the minerals.
                         Wishing you good health,
----- Original Message -----
From: M&K DuPree
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis asAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

Hi D and Mike...isn't homogenized milk whipped up into incredibly small particles that actually scar the lining of the esophagus and arteries, thereby, allowing cholesterol to more easily coagulate along the linings? Whether or not it does, I say "soy milk."  I know I know...tastes terrible, to some.  But I only use it on cereals and a couple of desserts.  Plenty of other stuff to be drinking, like....uh, water....distilled of course...I know I know minerals etc etc...hey...distilled....period...and don't bother me about taste...if you can taste it, it ain't water you're tasting!  Yeah, I'm closed minded on this one!!  LOL Mike DuPree
----- Original Message -----
From: "D. Mindock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)

> Hi Mike,
>   I think Weston Price would say to drink raw milk. When
> milk is pastuerized and homogenized, it becomes harmful
> to the body. So those drinking less of the bad milk in the
> Harvard study would actually be better off.
>  Myself, I don't drink milk unless I can get it raw and organic.
> Also, even better, is to add kefir culture to it. I think the Hunzas
> drink their milk cultured, not straight up.
> Peace, D. Mindock
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mike Weaver" <
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as Anesthesia
> WasTestimonials as Evidence)
>> From the can't-help-but-stick-my-toe-in dept.
>> Caveat:  No proof other than what I've read over the years.
>> It has always seemed to me that the maladies that people suffer from are
>> in large part due to environment/lifestyle.  In the third world,
>> disease is far more likely to be as a result of the lack of food and
>> adequate nutrition, wheras in the developed world, we suffer from the
>> diseaeses of affluence:  diabetis being the one that comes to mind,
>> along with obesity-related ailments such as heart disease, high blood
>> pressure, strokes and so on.  Smoking is another factor.
>> Another interesting item, from Harvard University's website:
>> In particular, these studies suggest that high calcium intake doesn't
>> actually appear to lower a person's risk for osteoporosis. For example,
>> in the large Harvard studies of male health professionals and female
>> nurses, individuals who drank one glass of milk (or less) per week were
>> at no greater risk of breaking a hip or forearm than were those who
>> drank two or more glasses per week.(2, 3
>> <>)
>> Other studies have found similar results.
>> It is odd human beings are the only animal that develop "a disease" if
>> they don't eat the milk of another species.  Dogs don't need cat milk.
>> bob allen wrote:
>>>Howdy Terry,
>>>Terry Dyck wrote:
>>>>HI Bob,
>>>>The Western world has the highest rate of Cancer, Heart disease,
>>>>Respiratory problems and other ailments in the world.
>>>oh really, and your source for these "facts" is?  are the data age
>>>adjusted, etc. and just what "other" ailments are included.  This is the
>>>issue I have with you and others, you make what I feel are overly broad
>>>statements as fact, without  little or no support.  So give me
>>>reference or two so I can draw my own conclusions.
>>>or how about just statistic at a time to discuss.   How about age
>>>adjusted cancer rates?  (age adjusting is necessary as cancer is
>>>essentially inevitable, the longer you live the more likely you are to
>>>get cancer.
>>>   show me the data please.
>>>>  On the other hand
>>>>there is a valley in the middle of the Himalayan mountains called
>>>>that is an almost disease free area.
>>>I have heard this canard before.  I googled hunzaland and about the only
>>>thing I got were people hawking their particular "cure"
>>>                   The Apricot Kernel Anti-Cancer Theory
>>>or how about 160+ year olds
>>>do really believe that?  really, you don't think someone could be less
>>>than forthright to make a point about a product the promote?
>>>or maybe it's the magnetized water
>>>> A pure organic food diet and almost no
>>>>pollution could be the reason for people having good health.
>>>or it could all be a bunch of hype. How do we know with out better
>>>>>Bob Allen,
>>>>>The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest exercises in
>>>>>moral philosophy; that is,
>>>>>the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness  JKG
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