From: Rachel's Democracy & Health News #878, Oct. 26, 2006

The Nordic Countries Know How To Create Sustainable Communities

The Natural Step for Communities

By Tim Montague

Sweden has a penchant for safety and cleanliness. Swedes invented the 
Volvo, one of the safest automobiles. Volvos are built to minimize 
harm to passengers during accidents, and they are built without toxic 
flame retardants. Swedes invented the safety- match and dynamite too 
-- much safer than the alternative it replaced, black powder. 
Recently, Sweden has become known for its innovations in sustainable 
development -- safer development.

Sweden recently 
that it will create an energy and transportation economy that runs 
free of oil by the year 2020. But the groundwork for this radical 
declaration was laid in the 1980s by Sweden's eco-municipality 
movement, which successfully incorporated sustainability into 
municipal planning and development.

Before former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland became a 
household name in international environmental circles, Sweden and 
Finland were stimulating local economic growth in ways that were good 
for people and the planet. The town of 
<>Overtornea -- 
Sweden's first eco-municipality -- was an early adopter of what we 
now call sustainable development, which "meets the needs of the 
present without compromising the ability of future generations to 
meet their own 
Brundtland Report, 1987].

Simultaneously, <>The 
Natural Step (TNS) was being developed by Swedish scientist 
Robert. The Natural Step began as a way for individual companies to 
create more environmentally and socially responsible practices; see 
Rachel's News 
<>#668, and 
<>#676. And TNS 
was quickly embraced by Swedish planners, government officials and 
residents who wanted to achieve their goals AND minimize harm to the 
environment and human health.

The Swedish economist and planner Torbjorn Lahti was one of the 
visionaries in 
<>Overtornea -- a town 
of 5,000 that had 25% unemployment and had lost 20% of its population 
during the previous 20 years. Lahti and his colleagues engaged the 
community -- getting participation from 10% of residents -- to create 
a shared vision of a local economy based on renewable energy, public 
transportation, organic agriculture, and rural land preservation. In 
2001 the town became 100% free of fossil fuels. Public transportation 
is free. The region is now the largest organic farming area in Sweden 
and more than 200 new businesses have sprung up.

The story of the eco-municipality movement is documented in the new 
book, <>The Natural Step for 
Communities; How Cities and Towns can Change to Sustainable Practices 
(2004; ISBN 0865714916) written by American planner 
<>Sarah James and Torbjorn Lahti. 
Today there are more than 60 eco-municipalities in Sweden -- 
representing 20 percent of the population -- and this movement for 
social and ecological sanity has spread throughout Norway, Finland 
and Denmark as well.

Here in North America, cities like 
<>Whistler, British 
Oregon, and <>Santa Monica, 
California are on the bleeding-green edge with city-wide master plans 
in which sustainability is more than just a buzzword. These cities 
are making the transition to renewable energy, mass-transit, green 
building, zero waste and open-space preservation. As a 
card on Santa Monica's progress shows, they have a long way to go, 
especially on the social-justice front, to meet the Brundtland Report 
definition of sustainability. But they are trending in the right 
direction. They are trying!

What is the Natural Step for Communities and how does it work?

Like the <>Precautionary 
Principle -- which is another lens for sustainability -- the Natural 
Step (TNS) says that the decision-making process must be inclusive 
and participatory. TNS recognizes that the communities we live in 
will be self-sustaining only when resources are justly distributed. 
You can have the greenest buildings, the cleanest energy in the 
world, and the best public transportation. But without a just social 
system, the community will not achieve sustainability.

The Natural Step has four 'system conditions' which, when achieved, 
will create sustainable conditions. In a sustainable society, nature 
is not subject to systematically increasing

1. concentrations of substances extracted from the Earth's crust;

2. concentrations of substances produced by society;

3. degradation by physical means

4. and, in that society human needs are met.

In other words, we should minimize harm to the earth and human 
health; we should use alternatives to fossil fuels, toxic metals, and 
other persistent toxic substances. We should achieve zero waste (or 
darn near). And we should protect and restore nature and the 
ecosystem services it provides. But most importantly, we should meet 
basic human needs for food, shelter, education and healthcare. I 
would add that basic human needs include a social environment free of 
social isolation bred of racism and classism, an environment that 
nurtures and respects everyone.

According to The Natural Step for Communities, social justice is a 
prerequisite that will either allow or prevent the other system 
conditions from being achieved. And while TNS for Communities is rich 
with examples of towns and cities that have improved their physical 
and natural environments, the examples of improved social 
environments are fewer and less concrete.

The indigenous <>Sami people 
-- a trans-arctic people living in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia 
-- are struggling to hold on to their traditional reindeer herding 
culture which is being crowded out by logging, development and 
environmental degradation. While some groups of Sami -- as suggested 
by TNS for Communities -- are transitioning to an economy based on 
eco-tourism, the growth of that phenomenon isn't necessarily 
socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. If the 
traditional Sami culture dies, then this movement has failed.

While there are obvious technological fixes to some of our 
environmental woes -- like wind energy and electric vehicles -- 
solving the issues of institutional racism are not specifically 
addressed by the Natural Step. Still, I believe TNS for Communities 
does hold several important pearls of wisdom for all cultures.

** Begin and guide a planning process with a community-defined vision 
of a desired future (set goals; involve residents in the process).

** Combine vision, planning, and action from the start and throughout 
the planning process (assess alternatives and choose the best one; 
pick the low-hanging fruit and dive into real projects that improve 

** Include the full range of community interests, values, and 
perspectives in a meaningful way (involve those most affected; use 
open, democratic decision-making).

** Plan in cycles, not just one linear pass (learn from your mistakes 
and oversights; correct course accordingly).

** Focus on finding agreement, not on resolving disagreement 
(consider the positive).

** Lead from the side (involve those most affected: let residents be 
the experts).

There is <>mounting 
evidence that the Nordic model -- including Sweden and Finland -- of 
free education, affordable healthcare, and cradle- to-grave social 
services COMBINED with high rates of investment in industrial 
research and development produces a high standard of living and a 
vibrant economy.

As we begin to acknowledge that the social determinants of health are 
MORE important than purely environmental factors, those of us who are 
building a movement for a sustainable urban environment have much to 
learn from the Natural Step and the eco-village movement.

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