Joe Street wrote:
> ' Hey Bob, where you goin with that gun in yer hand'.......careful 
> there Bob, you might shoot yourself in the foot.  If you are saying 
> that there is NOTHING in homeopathic products ( and repeating it 3 
> times) ( is that like tapping the heels of your shoes three 
> times? well then how can NOTHING do SOMETHING?  Harm or 
> otherwise?

the mere expectation of an outcome can bring on the outcome.  that is 
what the placebo effect is all about, and why it is necessary to do 
double blind , placebo controlled testing for efficacy.  What ever 
effect  a homeopathic nostrum does must be occurring via a placebo 
effect, as it can't be due to the chemical which is no longer there.

> Joe
> bob allen wrote:
>> Kirk McLoren wrote:
>>> In many trials the placebo is as profound as the pharmaceutical and 
>>> with no adverse side effects/toxicology.
>> checkout the nocebo effect  numerous examples of harm. 
>>> In many instances the act of doing something with an expectation 
>>> produces the desired effect. At least the homeopathic agent isnt toxic.
>> actually it can be.  see above
>>> More than can be said of many pharma nostrums.
>> Kirk
>>> */bob allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>>>     D. Mindock wrote:
>>>     > Bob, what you don't understand, you automatically do your
>>>     quackwatch
>>>     > routine.
>>>     > Asking you to try to go beyond your built-in wall of prejudices
>>>     is silly of
>>>     > me to
>>>     > ask of you. So I won't. Don't ask for references or "science".
>>>     I think this comment clearly dilineates the differences in our
>>>     positions. I seek rational explanations and reproducable evidence and
>>>     you accept testimony.
>>>     > You have
>>>     > your
>>>     > thoughts on things and that is the final word for you. Science
>>>     is only a
>>>     > method, a tool,
>>>     agreeed
>>>     > to get something believed to have a chance of being true to
>>>     > be
>>>     > verified. It doesn't explain the leap of intuition that creates the
>>>     > hypothesis in
>>>     > the first place. Homeopathy has been used successfully for quite
>>>     some time.
>>>     >
>>>     no it hasn't. maybe a placeobo effect has worked but that is not
>>>     homeopathy.
>>>     > That science cannot explain it does not mean it is not valid.
>>>     so explain it to me. How does something which is not there, do
>>>     something?
>>>     > Science
>>>     > is merely a method.
>>>     agreed
>>>     > Where did the hypothesis come from? Explain that.
>>>     >
>>>     who cares where it came from? if it is nonsense it is nonsense.
>>>     But if
>>>     you really want to know it came from a guy called Hahnemann, who
>>>     apparently had a very confused sense of cause and effect, and that
>>>     silliness has persisted to this day. So D if you really believe this
>>>     works , shouldn't the hypothesis be testable? Where is the data.?
>>>     > Peace and light, D. Mindock
>>>     >
>>>     > ----- Original Message -----
>>>     > From: "bob allen"
>>>     > To:
>>>     > Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 11:53 AM
>>>     > Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
>>>     > Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials asEvidence)
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >> Sorry but I have to jump in here with the mention of
>>>     homeopathy. This
>>>     >> is the silliest most counter-intuitive medical mubo-jumbo on the
>>>     >> planet. there is zero valid support for the idea that something
>>>     which
>>>     >> causes a symptom at high doses (what ever that means) is cured by
>>>     >> something at extremely low doses. And I mean extreme.
>>>     Substances are
>>>     >> diluted to 10 to the 120th power and more. At this
>>>     concentration there
>>>     >> is nothing left at all. A little critical thinking goes a long
>>>     way here.
>>>     >>
>>>     >> There may be some herbs out there for which there is credible
>>>     evidence
>>>     >> for efficacy, but as far as homeopathy goes- it is nonsense.
>>>     >>
>>>     >> Marylynn Schmidt wrote:
>>>     >>
>>>     >>> Just my thoughts on the matter of bone (or anything) re-growth ..
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>> We are a whole and the whole must be treated so going to a
>>>     dentist for
>>>     >>> bone
>>>     >>> re-growth and/or gum tissue re-growth is as much of a
>>>     separation of self
>>>     >>> as
>>>     >>> seeing the heart specialist for heart problems, the
>>>     dermatologist for
>>>     >>> skin
>>>     >>> problems, etc
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>> Your mouth, gums, jaw bone, teeth are still a part of the
>>>     whole ..
>>>     >>> nothing
>>>     >>> is going to exist in isolation inside the human physical body.
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>> Do you know a good herbalist? I'm thinking something missing
>>>     .. but if
>>>     >>> you
>>>     >>> have some level of toxic substance as a core problem (don't we
>>>     all), then
>>>     >>> homeopathy could be the road.
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>> Mary Lynn
>>>     >>> Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
>>>     >>> TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior
>>>     Modification
>>>     >>> .
>>>     >>> Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
>>>     >>> Practitioner
>>>     >>> . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy .
>>>     Polarity .
>>>     >>> The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>> From: "D. Mindock"
>>>     >>>> Reply-To:
>>>     >>>> To:
>>>     >>>> Subject: Re:
>>>     >>>> [Biofuel]Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials
>>>     >>>> asEvidence)
>>>     >>>> Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 09:48:58 -0500
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> Hi Mike,
>>>     >>>> Yep, Linus Pauling was a true truth seeker, a beautiful human
>>>     being.
>>>     >>>> I've been doing a bit of research on periodontal disease. It
>>>     seems
>>>     >>>> that
>>>     >>>> there is alot going on that my dentist doesn't know about. He
>>>     just wants
>>>     >>>> to
>>>     >>>> pull teeth and put in partial plates. But there are dentists
>>>     who can
>>>     >>>> stop
>>>     >>>> the
>>>     >>>> disease and get bone and gums to regrow. So I will try to
>>>     hook up with
>>>     >>>> one
>>>     >>>> and see if he can do something to save a couple teeth. I've
>>>     talked with
>>>     >>>> a
>>>     >>>> friend
>>>     >>>> who has partials and he hates them.
>>>     >>>> I agree that flu shots are a bad idea. My wife doesn't get
>>>     them even
>>>     >>>> if they're
>>>     >>>> free. Her company brought in a couple nurses and offered all
>>>     employees
>>>     >>>> free
>>>     >>>> flu
>>>     >>>> shots. She passed. She says she feels uncomfortable for a few
>>>     days after
>>>     >>>> getting the shot
>>>     >>>> doesn't like the feeling. You just don't know what's in there
>>>     besides
>>>     >>>> the
>>>     >>>> crippled virus.
>>>     >>>> She and I work at keeping ourselves as healthy as possible
>>>     and don't
>>>     >>>> take
>>>     >>>> our health
>>>     >>>> for granted.
>>>     >>>> Yep, being ornery does help. The mind-body connection is very
>>>     real.
>>>     >>>> The mind controls
>>>     >>>> your health to a large degree. Being stubbornly optimistic or
>>>     happy is a
>>>     >>>> good way to keep the sick
>>>     >>>> bugs at bay.
>>>     >>>> Peace and joy, D. Mindock
>>>     >>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>     >>>> From: M&K DuPree
>>>     >>>> To:
>>>     >>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 6:09 PM
>>>     >>>> Subject: Re:
>>>     >>>> [Biofuel]Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials
>>>     >>>> asEvidence)
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> Hi D...good idea collecting the water thru the Pur first then
>>>     >>>> distilling. Muy excellente!!!
>>>     >>>> Linus Pauling...a true hero.
>>>     >>>> Man, sorry to hear about the periodontal stuff. But glad you
>>>     >>>> have
>>>     >>>> a remedy.
>>>     >>>> The colloidal silver I keep hearing about, but haven't tried.
>>>     >>>> Just
>>>     >>>> haven't felt the need. The wife and I don't do the flu shot
>>>     stuff, but
>>>     >>>> with whatever else we're doing, the years keep rolling by so
>>>     far without
>>>     >>>> any viral problems. Maybe being a bit ornery helps.
>>>     >>>> Mike
>>>     >>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>     >>>> From: D. Mindock
>>>     >>>> To:
>>>     >>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 10:41 AM
>>>     >>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel]
>>>     >>>> Closed-Mindedness(WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as
>>>     Evidence)
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> Hi Mike,
>>>     >>>> Yeah, my distiller has that drip thingy too. But I don't trust it
>>>     >>>> very much. It is just
>>>     >>>> too small and the water merely flows over a the carbon
>>>     granules. So
>>>     >>>> I
>>>     >>>> use a faucet
>>>     >>>> mounted carbon block filter. It is a Pur but Brita and some
>>>     others
>>>     >>>> make them too.
>>>     >>>> I collect that filtered water and then distill it.
>>>     >>>> I am familiar with Bronson. I think that is the company that
>>>     >>>> Linus
>>>     >>>> Pauling used as
>>>     >>>> his source for vitamin C.
>>>     >>>> Ok about the vit & min supplement. You got your bases covered. I
>>>     >>>> take the same
>>>     >>>> stuff, basically. Because I have periodontal disease, I also take
>>>     >>>> grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract,
>>>     >>>> and MSM. If I layoff taking these, I get a bloody toothbrush that
>>>     >>>> reminds me that I need
>>>     >>>> to stay with the program. Oh, and I do take colloidal silver too.
>>>     >>>> Peace & light, D. Mindock
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>     >>>> From: M&K DuPree
>>>     >>>> To:
>>>     >>>> Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 1:37 PM
>>>     >>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness
>>>     >>>> (WasHypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> Hi D...regarding removing the gases, the distiller I use finishes
>>>     >>>> the process by dripping the water through a carbon filter. Is
>>>     this what
>>>     >>>> you're talking about?
>>>     >>>> Regarding the mineral replacement, I take a vitamin and
>>>     >>>> mineral
>>>     >>>> supplement from a company called Bronson. They call it "Insurance
>>>     >>>> Formula." It is a formulation based on a book written by a
>>>     Dr. Roger J.
>>>     >>>> Williams, The Wonderful World Within You (Bantam, 1977)
>>>     (How's that for
>>>     >>>> documentation, Bob?) It's been ages since I've read the book,
>>>     so can't
>>>     >>>> tell
>>>     >>>> you a damn thing about it. We buy direct from Bronson, not a
>>>     multilevel
>>>     >>>> deal or anything. Prices seem real good, so have never
>>>     considered
>>>     >>>> anything
>>>     >>>> else.
>>>     >>>> Mike DuPree
>>>     >>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>     >>>> From: D. Mindock
>>>     >>>> To:
>>>     >>>> Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 1:58 AM
>>>     >>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was
>>>     >>>> HypnosisasAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> Hi Mike,
>>>     >>>> Yep, homogenization breaks the particles down to such a
>>>     >>>> small
>>>     >>>> size that they
>>>     >>>> can pass through the gut into the body cavity where they put a
>>>     >>>> burden on the immune
>>>     >>>> system. Pastuerization adds to the problem by destroying the
>>>     >>>> "life
>>>     >>>> force" of the
>>>     >>>> milk, the enzymes. Of course the milk has to be from a healthy
>>>     >>>> animal that is grass
>>>     >>>> fed. Soy is controversial in that it has hormonal effects. Also
>>>     >>>> it
>>>     >>>> is a GM crop with
>>>     >>>> all that that implies. But if you seem to be thriving on it, eh,
>>>     >>>> what the heck?
>>>     >>>> WRT distilled water, just take an extra mineral tablet each
>>>     >>>> day.
>>>     >>>> That's what I do. The thing with distillers is that they are
>>>     >>>> poor
>>>     >>>> wrt to removing
>>>     >>>> volatile gases, like benzene, etc. So I run the water through a
>>>     >>>> carbon filter like
>>>     >>>> that from Pur to get those gases out. Also there's the removal
>>>     >>>> of
>>>     >>>> lead, cadmium,
>>>     >>>> etc., then the distiller cleans up the residual. So the water is
>>>     >>>> pretty clean. It is strange
>>>     >>>> though that the Pur filter allows the flouride to pass through.
>>>     >>>> Who needs that crap?
>>>     >>>> Anyway, the distiller removes it.
>>>     >>>> Peace and light, D. Mindock
>>>     >>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>     >>>> From: M&K DuPree
>>>     >>>> To:
>>>     >>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 9:39 AM
>>>     >>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis
>>>     >>>> asAnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> Hi D and Mike...isn't homogenized milk whipped up into
>>>     >>>> incredibly small particles that actually scar the lining of the
>>>     >>>> esophagus
>>>     >>>> and arteries, thereby, allowing cholesterol to more easily
>>>     coagulate
>>>     >>>> along
>>>     >>>> the linings? Whether or not it does, I say "soy milk." I know I
>>>     >>>> know...tastes terrible, to some. But I only use it on cereals
>>>     and a
>>>     >>>> couple
>>>     >>>> of desserts. Plenty of other stuff to be drinking, like....uh,
>>>     >>>> water....distilled of course...I know I know minerals etc
>>>     >>>> etc...hey...distilled....period...and don't bother me about
>>>     taste...if
>>>     >>>> you
>>>     >>>> can taste it, it ain't water you're tasting! Yeah, I'm closed
>>>     minded on
>>>     >>>> this one!! LOL Mike DuPree
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>     >>>> From: "D. Mindock"
>>>     >>>> To:
>>>     >>>> Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:56 AM
>>>     >>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as
>>>     >>>> AnesthesiaWasTestimonials as Evidence)
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>> > Hi Mike,
>>>     >>>> > I think Weston Price would say to drink raw milk. When
>>>     >>>> > milk is pastuerized and homogenized, it becomes harmful
>>>     >>>> > to the body. So those drinking less of the bad milk in the
>>>     >>>> > Harvard study would actually be better off.
>>>     >>>> > Myself, I don't drink milk unless I can get it raw and
>>>     >>>> organic.
>>>     >>>> > Also, even better, is to add kefir culture to it. I think
>>>     >>>> the
>>>     >>>> Hunzas
>>>     >>>> > drink their milk cultured, not straight up.
>>>     >>>> > Peace, D. Mindock
>>>     >>>> >
>>>     >>>> >
>>>     >>>> > ----- Original Message -----
>>>     >>>> > From: "Mike Weaver"
>>>     >>>> > To:
>>>     >>>> > Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:12 PM
>>>     >>>> > Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Closed-Mindedness (Was Hypnosis as
>>>     >>>> Anesthesia
>>>     >>>> > WasTestimonials as Evidence)
>>>     >>>> >
>>>     >>>> >
>>>     >>>> >> From the can't-help-but-stick-my-toe-in dept.
>>>     >>>> >>
>>>     >>>> >> Caveat: No proof other than what I've read over the years.
>>>     >>>> >>
>>>     >>>> >> It has always seemed to me that the maladies that people
>>>     >>>> suffer from are
>>>     >>>> >> in large part due to environment/lifestyle. In the third
>>>     >>>> world,
>>>     >>>> >> disease is far more likely to be as a result of the lack of
>>>     >>>> food and
>>>     >>>> >> adequate nutrition, wheras in the developed world, we
>>>     >>>> suffer
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >>> >from the
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>
>>>     >>>> >> diseaeses of affluence: diabetis being the one that comes
>>>     >>>> to
>>>     >>>> mind,
>>>     >>>> >> along with obesity-related ailments such as heart disease,
>>>     >>>> high blood
>>>     >>>> >> pressure, strokes and so on. Smoking is another factor.
>>>     >>>> >>
>>>     >>>> >> Another interesting item, from Harvard University's
>>>     >>>> website:
>>>     >>>> >>
>>>     >>>> >> In particular, these studies suggest that high calcium
>>>     >>>> intake
>>>     >>>> doesn't
>>>     >>>> >> actually appear to lower a person's risk for osteoporosis.
>>>     >>>> For example,
>>>     >>>> >> in the large Harvard studies of male health professionals
>>>     >>>> and
>>>     >>>> female
>>>     >>>> >> nurses, individuals who drank one glass of milk (or less)
>>>     >>>> per
>>>     >>>> week were
>>>     >>>> >> at no greater risk of breaking a hip or forearm than were
>>>     >>>> those who
>>>     >>>> >> drank two or more glasses per week.(2, 3
>>>     >>>> >>
>>>     >>>> )
>>>     >>>> >> Other studies have found similar results.
>>>     >>>> >>
>>>     >>>> >> It is odd human beings are the only animal that develop "a
>>>     >>>> disease" if
>>>     >>>> >> they don't eat the milk of another species. Dogs don't
>>>     >>>> need
>>>     >>>> cat milk.
>>>     >>>> >>
>>>     >>>> >> bob allen wrote:
>>>     >>>> >>
>>>     >>>> >>>Howdy Terry,
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>Terry Dyck wrote:
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>>HI Bob,
>>>     >>>> >>>>
>>>     >>>> >>>>The Western world has the highest rate of Cancer, Heart
>>>     >>>> disease,
>>>     >>>> >>>>Diabetes,
>>>     >>>> >>>>Respiratory problems and other ailments in the world.
>>>     >>>> >>>>
>>>     >>>> >>>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>oh really, and your source for these "facts" is? are the
>>>     >>>> data age
>>>     >>>> >>>adjusted, etc. and just what "other" ailments are included.
>>>     >>>> This is the
>>>     >>>> >>>issue I have with you and others, you make what I feel are
>>>     >>>> overly broad
>>>     >>>> >>>statements as fact, without little or no support. So give
>>>     >>>> me
>>>     >>>> >>>reference or two so I can draw my own conclusions.
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>or how about just statistic at a time to discuss. How
>>>     >>>> about
>>>     >>>> age
>>>     >>>> >>>adjusted cancer rates? (age adjusting is necessary as
>>>     >>>> cancer
>>>     >>>> is
>>>     >>>> >>>essentially inevitable, the longer you live the more likely
>>>     >>>> you are to
>>>     >>>> >>>get cancer.
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>> show me the data please.
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>> On the other hand
>>>     >>>> >>>>there is a valley in the middle of the Himalayan mountains
>>>     >>>> called
>>>     >>>> >>>>Hunzaland
>>>     >>>> >>>>that is an almost disease free area.
>>>     >>>> >>>>
>>>     >>>> >>>>
>>>     >>>> >>>I have heard this canard before. I googled hunzaland and
>>>     >>>> about the only
>>>     >>>> >>>thing I got were people hawking their particular "cure"
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>> The Apricot Kernel Anti-Cancer Theory
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>or how about 160+ year olds
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>do really believe that? really, you don't think someone
>>>     >>>> could be less
>>>     >>>> >>>than forthright to make a point about a product the
>>>     >>>> promote?
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>or maybe it's the magnetized water
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>> A pure organic food diet and almost no
>>>     >>>> >>>>pollution could be the reason for people having good
>>>     >>>> health.
>>>     >>>> >>>>
>>>     >>>> >>>>
>>>     >>>> >>>>
>>>     >>>> >>>or it could all be a bunch of hype. How do we know with out
>>>     >>>> better
>>>     >>>> >>>documentation?
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>
>>>     >>>> >>>>>--
>>>     >>>> >>>>>Bob Allen,
>>>     >>>> >>>>>=========================================================
>>>     >>>> >>>>>The modern conservative is engaged in one of Man's oldest
>>>     >>>> exercises in
>>>     >>>> >>>>>moral philosophy; that is,
>>>     >>>> >>>>>the search for a superior moral justification for
>>>     >>>> selfishness JKG
>>>     >>>> >>>>>
>>>     >>>> >
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >>>>
>>>     >> --
>>>     >>
>>>     >>
>>>     >> Bob Allen,
>>>     >> ------------------------------
>>>     >> Actually we are all atheists. When you understand why you have
>>>     >> rejected every other God but one, then you will understand why
>>>     I have
>>>     >> rejected yours. -Author unknown
>>>     >>
>>>     >>
>>>     >>
>>>     >>
>>>     >>
>>>     >
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>>>     -- 
>>>     Bob Allen,
>>>     ------------------------------
>>>     Actually we are all atheists. When you understand why you have
>>>     rejected every other God but one, then you will understand why I have
>>>     rejected yours. -Author unknown
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Bob Allen,
Actually we are all atheists.  When you understand why you have 
rejected every other God but one, then you will understand why I have 
rejected yours.   -Author unknown

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