GRAIN | "Against the grain" | 2006 |

Sustainable Monoculture? No, thanks!

Debunking agribusiness greenwash

June 2006

"Sustainable development" has always been a chameleon-like concept, 
easily used to mystify environmental destruction. Agribusiness has a 
particularly talent for such greenwashing. Its latest trick is to 
present industrial monocultures as sustainable. Today such 
corporate-backed projects are popping up across the world, ranging 
from "sustainable palm oil plantations" to "sustainable salmon 
farms". This is only to be expected from agribusiness. But what is 
more disturbing however is that NGOs and farmers' groups are also 
participating in these corporate projects.

This Against the grain takes a critical look at some of these 
projects and the new disguises, new players and new language that 
they utilise for the same old purpose of turning our food and 
biodiversity into global commodities.

Sustainable Oil Palm?

Oil palm is the most productive and versatile of all oil crops. A 
hectare of it can produce five tonnes of crude palm oil (CPO), which 
is widely used in food manufacturing and in pharmaceutical, chemical 
and cosmetic industries. At US$ 43 per barrel, it is the cheapest 
vegetable oil in the international market.

With rising demand for palm oil, the area of land devoted to oil palm 
plantations has increased dramatically over recent years. The area 
under oil palm plantations has increased by over 40% since the early 
1990s, most of which has been in Malaysia and Indonesia, the world 's 
biggest producers of palm oil.[1] The Indonesian government has plans 
to build the world 's largest oil palm plantation covering about 
three million hectares in Borneo and has recently signed an $8 
billion financing deal with the China Development Bank to develop 
another oil palm plantation half the size of the Netherlands.

The notion of "sustainability"

The concept of sustainability first appeared in the 1987 Brundtland 
Report. It offered a watered-down vision of "sustainable development" 
that merely tinkered with the dominant economic growth model. The 
proposal recognised that this model of predatory development was 
leading the planet to a breakdown but left its fundamentals intact 
and safe from debate. The report also sidestepped major 
socio-economic problems, like the growth of global poverty and the 
expanding gap between rich and poor.

At the Earth Summit, theologist Leonardo Boff stated that what we 
needed was not sustainable development but sustainable societies. 
Ever since, different sectors of society have appropriated the term 
"sustainability" in their own way. One of the environmental movements 
more notable attempts to define the term grew out of the "Sustainable 
Southern Cone" process in South America.[2] It defined four necessary 
dimensions to sustainability:

* The ecological dimension implies preserving and enhancing the 
diversity and complexity of ecosystems, their productivity, natural 
cycles and biodiversity. The ecological crisis is not an abstract 
problem of interest only to the middle class of Northern countries, 
who have already met their basic needs and can afford to worry about 
their natural surroundings. The ecological crisis is directly linked 
to the physical and cultural survival of the planet's excluded 
communities and social groups.
* The social dimension refers to equitable access to environmental 
goods, both intra- and inter-generationally, as well as between 
genders and among cultures. The social dimension of sustainability 
allows us to appreciate the importance of the fair distribution of 
environmental goods in a world of increasing inequity.
* The economic dimension requires a new definition for economic 
activity, based on material and immaterial needs, interpreted not 
only as shortages but also as potentials. New economic activities 
must rely on diversified, local production, adapted to ecosystems in 
order to use them sustainably.
* The political dimension refers to the direct participation of 
persons in decision-making, in defining their collective future and 
in managing environmental goods through decentralised, democratic 
governmental structures. It means giving new significance to politics 
and generating new practices based on the direct participation and 
actions by people in the quest for alternatives, which must 
necessarily grow out of horizontal relations, rather than from 
top-down, centralised, power-concentrating arrangements. 
Sustainability will only be possible if it returns decision-making 
powers to the people.

Far from these ideals, however, and in clear opposition to the 
environmental movement, major corporations also started to stake 
their own claims to "sustainability", through initiatives such as the 
Business Council for Sustainable Development. Today 's "sustainable" 
monoculture projects are its direct descendants.

This cheap oil carries hidden costs. For the most part, palm oil is 
sourced from industrial monoculture oil palm plantations that are 
notorious for pesticide use and poor working conditions. Plus, new 
oil palm plantations are generally grown in tropical forests. In 
Malaysia alone, oil palm plantations were responsible for 87% of the 
deforestation from 1985-2000.[3] The conversion of forests to 
monoculture plantations leads to an irreplaceable loss of 
biodiversity and, in Malaysia, several species of mammals, reptiles 
and birds have been completely lost to oil palm development. But the 
forest clearing has not only infringed on the habitat of the animal 
kingdom. Since the expansion of oil palm plantations typically 
encroaches upon native customary lands, indigenous communities are 
regularly displaced and robbed of their forest-based livelihoods, 
further compromising their identity and survival as peoples.

Faced with mounting international criticism, the Roundtable on 
Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was established to supposedly set a new 
'sustainable ' course for the industry.[4] Its objective is to define 
a set of principles and criteria that address the social and 
environmental issues associated with palm oil. But local groups and 
coalitions are doubtful, especially with the involvement of NGOs who, 
they believe, are simply greenwashing foreign industries.

Greening the industry or industrialising greenery?

The Roundtable 's history dates back to 2001 when the World Wide Fund 
for Nature (WWF) assigned a Dutch consultant to look into the 
possibilities of an informal co-operation among oil palm industry 
players to respond to civil society concerns about oil palm 
plantations. The first meeting brought together Aarhus United UK Ltd, 
Golden Hope Plantations Berhad, Migros, Malaysian Palm Oil 
Association, Sainsbury's, Unilever and WWF in 2002.[5] Since then 
more organisations have joined and, in November 2005, the Roundtable, 
now composed of over a hundred members, had its third meeting where 
it presented the RSPO Principles & Criteria for Sustainable Palm Oil 
Production. Some elements of the Principles & Criteria include 
certification, consultation with local communities and regard for the 

The thinking behind this Roundtable is to bring stakeholders together 
- growers, millers, manufacturers, financiers, and representatives of 
social and environmental NGOs - to generate demand for 'sustainable 
palm oil '. By reorienting the demand side, the proponents claim that 
the supply side will change for the better.

But for all the talk of sustainability, there is no way for the RSPO 
to skirt its inherent contradiction. The problem with industrial palm 
oil production is that it depends on large scale oil palm plantations 
that can hardly be considered sustainable. An oil palm plantation is 
an intensive monoculture enterprise that relies heavily on inputs 
like fertilisers and pesticides. It requires vast tracks of land that 
it tends to take from natural and primeval forest. And because it 
rapidly drains soil fertility, it has to constantly expand or shift 
to other areas. Oil palm plantations are so damaging that they are 
often abandoned after just 25 years.

This constant expansion of oil palm plantations is at the core of the 
conflicts between the industry and local communities. In the 
Malaysian State of Sarawak, for instance, the majority of the 130 
on-going land dispute cases involve the conversion of native 
customary land by Malaysian oil palm companies.[6] But the bottom 
line for the RSPO 's member companies is that they will not agree to 
any measure that jeopardises their supply of oil palm. It 's no 
surprise then that the RSPO 's Principles and Criteria make no 
mention of stopping the expansion of oil palm plantations or reducing 
the global consumption of palm oil. The RSPO is simply not going to 
stand in the way of the continued expansion of oil palm plantations, 
even if this makes a mockery of its intentions to promote 
"sustainable" palm oil.

The real priority for the RSPO is the sustainability of the palm oil 
supply not sustainable oil palm production. It 's happy to sit back 
and issue broad Principles and Criteria or advocate for 'better 
management practices ', but when it comes to actually making oil palm 
farming sustainable, the RSPO leaves it to the producers to figure 
out how to turn water into wine.

Dangerous liaisons

So why are some NGOs signing up for membership to the RSPO? Some NGOs 
in Indonesia see engagement as a strategy to influence the Indonesian 
government 's pro-investor stance. There are also some who believe 
that NGOs can act as the voice of the community and the bridge to the 
oil palm industry. One NGO says that some local communities are now 
in a better position to be heard by the oil palm industry because of 
the participation of NGOs in the RSPO. Some NGOs hope to make gains 
with specific issues, such as improved working conditions for 
plantation workers.

But others, especially indigenous communities, see this as a 
dangerous liaison. They make the point that there are too few groups 
to be representing the interests of so many affected people. While 
each member gets one vote, providing they pay the annual US$ 2,600 
membership fee, of the 103 RSPO members, there is not a single member 
representing local communities or indigenous peoples. There are 11 
NGOs, but pretty much all of the other 92 members represent various 
sectors of the industry.

There is also a more fundamental concern with the RSPO. Some groups 
see it as a way for the industry to undermine opposition to the 
expansion of oil palm production. In Papua New Guinea, where a 
preferential trade agreement with the European Union is attracting 
interest in oil palm development from foreign investors, a coalition 
of local groups and communities has called on the RSPO to keep out of 
the country. The coalition issued a statement when representatives of 
the RSPO visited the country in 2005.[7] It criticised the RSPO for 
diverting public attention from the social and environmental damage 
caused by oil palm and for undermining local people and 
organisations. In their experience, and that of other groups in 
neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia, oil palm "inevitably causes 
social disharmony and environmental pollution, and deprives local 
people of the right to use their land for their own economic and 
social development".

Sustainable soybeans, Responsible Soybeans- More Soybeans

"Soybean expansion in Latin America represents a recent and powerful 
threat to biodiversity in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. GM 
soybeans are much more environmentally damaging than other crops, 
partly because of their unsustainable production requirements, and 
partly because their export focus requires massive transportation 
infrastructure projects, which open up vast tracts of land to other 
environmentally unsound economic and extractive activities. The 
production of herbicide-resistant soybean leads to environmental 
problems such as deforestation, soil degradation, pesticide and 
genetic contamination. Socio-economic consequences include severe 
concentration of land and income, the expulsion of rural populations 
to the Amazonian frontier and to urban areas, compounding the 
concentration of the poor in cities. Soybean expansion also diverts 
government funds otherwise usable in education, health, and 
alternative, far more sustainable agroecological methods."[8]

On 17-18 March 2005, the Conference of the Sustainable Soybean Forum 
held its first meeting in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, bringing together a 
range of NGOs and corporations. As with the RSPO, which it was 
modelled upon, the leading players were the WWF and companies like 
Unilever. Also present on the organising committee were Brazil 's 
André Maggi Group, the Swiss COOP supermarket chain, the Dutch 
development agency Cordaid and the Federation of Small Farmers' 
Associations from Southern Brazil (Fetraf-Sul/CUT).

The initiative was immediately met with widespread criticism from 
civil-society and peasant organisations. They organised a parallel 
counter-event to expose the project 's underlying agenda, under a 
slogan of "No Sustainable Soy".[9] A statement from the NGOs at the 
counter-event denounced "the false concept of sustainable soya 
monocrops, officially promoted at the First Round Table Conference on 
Sustainable Soy in the interests of the North and of agribusiness, 
with the scandalous support of some large, supposedly 
environmentalist, national and international NGOs. Sustainability and 
monoculture are fundamentally irreconcilable, as are the interests of 
peasant societies and agribusiness."

Participating peasants issued their own statement denouncing 
agribusiness for the commodification of life and land and governments 
for their failure to pursue agrarian reform. They pledged to "defend 
the cultures, territories and traditional economies of indigenous 
peoples and peasants, while building unity with the struggles of 
urban social movements."

This popular resistance forced the industry to pull the plug on the 
"Sustainable Soy" project within a few months and even shut down the 
project 's website. Yet, shortly afterwards, the project was 
resuscitated under a new name, "Responsible Soy", and a second 
conference is set for August 2006 in Asunción, Paraguay.[10]

Meanwhile, other NGO-corporate initiatives remain active. The 
"Articulação Soja" (Soybean Web) in central Brazil promotes soybean 
"production with lower social and environmental impacts" and puts 
forth "criteria for the social responsibility of companies that 
purchase soybeans." Cargill and The Nature Conservancy, a US-based 
NGO, also have their own " 'responsible sourcing ' demonstration 
project for soy that seeks to be a catalyst for protecting valuable 
environmental resources in and around the Santarém region." The final 
objective of this project is "to define and develop acceptable 
strategies for helping all farmers in the region come into full 
compliance with Brazilian environmental laws". The Cargill initiative 
was broadly rejected by the Brazilian Forum of NGOs and Social 
Movements which met during the March 2006 COP8 meeting of the 
Convention on Biological Diversity in Curitiba Brazil.

Industrial monocultures are not sustainable

Sustainability is meaningless unless it is rooted in a basic respect 
for the lives of communities and their surroundings. Industrial, 
commodity-producing monocultures are entirely devoid of such respect. 
Thus we see that sustainable monoculture projects are always 
conceived and defined by those who hold the economic power. They are 
therefore always geared towards export-oriented agribusiness 
commodity production, which inevitably displaces local food 
production with industrial or feed crops that have little to do with 
community needs. In this manner the projects contribute to tearing 
the social fabric of solidarity, exchange and self-regulation at the 
core of local food systems, leaving people to depend on the "market" 
for their food supply. In these industrial agriculture projects there 
is no room for peasants and their food and agricultural systems.

Monocultures also, by definition, defy diversity-another critical 
element to sustainability. No matter how hard they try to regulate or 
"enhance" themselves, they will always have irreparable impacts on 
peoples, ecosystems and the soil. Globally, this narrowing down of 
the planet's food supply to a few monocultures, relying on an 
extremely narrow genetic base of genetically modified and patented 
seeds, raises dire and unpredictable risks for the global food 
system, especially for the world 's poor.

In the "alliances" between corporations, NGOs and farmers to advance 
these sustainable monoculture projects such fundamental issues are 
set aside. There are no ecosystemic visions, merely fragmented 
outlooks. Nor is there a genuine interest to go deeper. The affected 
communities that could speak to their fundamental problems are 
generally not properly informed, consulted or involved in the 
projects. Instead, the projects typically try to win over local 
organisations with trinkets and coloured beads. When money comes into 
play, of course, the "consensus" that is realised only benefits the 
few. The loose objective of sustainability thus becomes little more 
than an exercise in enhancing the social image of the industry.

Local organisations are speaking out against these attempts to use 
"sustainability" as a smokescreen for agribusiness ' continued 
exploitation, plunder and destruction of their lands. They have made 
it clear that unless the starting point of a project is the full and 
active participation of local communities, in a manner that respects 
their own forms of organisation, it is absurd to imagine a 
"sustainable" outcome. Only full and profound democracy based on each 
community's own rules will ever produce authentic sustainability. In 
these times of global action we must not forget that agriculture is 
created in each community and local space. It is there, in the 
distinctiveness of the land and in the souls of men and women 
peasants who still communicate with the land, that the answers we 
seek will also be found.

Websites on "sustainable" monoculture

* WWF website describing both the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil 
and the Round Table on Responsible Soy, "Our solutions: Forest 
Conversion Initiative",
* Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil website:
* Round Table on Responsible Soy website:
* "Articulação Soja" (Soybean Web)
* Cargill and The Nature Conservancy, Responsible Sourcing in the 
Amazon: A partnership between Cargill and The Nature Conservancy, 
Pilot Project Status Report, February 2006 (PDF)



[1] RSPO, The Palm Oil Industry, May 2005,

[2] Programa Argentina Sustentable,

[3] Friends of the Earth, Palm Oil, the survival of the orang-utan 
and UK company law reform, May 2006,

[4] The Ram 's Horn, Energy and Oil Palm, The Ram 's Horn, Number 
235, January 2006:

[5] RSPO, History of RSPO, May 2005,

[6] Hillary Chiew, Disappearing haven, Malaysian Star, 27 December 

[7] Various organisations, Palm Oil Not welcome in PNG, Joint Media 
Release, 18 April 2005,

[8] Altieri M and Pengue W, GM Soybean: Latin America 's New 
Coloniser, Seedling, January 2006:

[9] Biodiversidad, ¡No a la "soja sustentable"!, Revista 
Biodiversidad, July 2005,

[10] Round Table on Responsible Soy website

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