I agree and feel like you, but my 87 year old mom is probably in better 
health than us both!  She chooses not to get the shot.  That said I still 
agree with you about those at risk and leading a risky style - in example a 
certain person I work with is at high risk of Pnumonia, smokes, overweight 
and on and on - the washcloths may not be a good choice.

Thats what the modern health care is all about - its to keep gluttons alive 
and well so they can consume and continue on.  It is that way because 
wealthy gluttons will payfor it. Doctors have just fallen into the reactive 
side of the business as the mechanics of survival.

The root causes for our demise go much deeper than society will acknowlege.  
If we had spent half the money we spend on health care on prevention type 
scientific studies not influenced by corporation we surely would have better 
sound data to live by.

I think there is a good chance that Exercise is 1st by a long long lead then 
diet 2 and environment 3 (close tie with 2) in determining health.  I also 
think the level of and types of exercise is far more extensive than most 
people would exert for health.  Just my intuition and no data to support it.


>From: "Thomas Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] FW: Why You Might Not Want The Flu Shot
>Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 16:28:35 -0500
>      OK  You know the flu to be what it is. You survived the "real deal".
>      You know that it can kill. The problem is not fever alone, but
>respiratory involvement and complications from dehydration. Elderly,
>especially smokers, asthmatics, people with emphysema or a history of
>pneumonia, and those with compromised immune systems (including
>malnourished) are especially at risk.
>      I'm not sure that I'd like to be armed with just some cool wash 
>if my 84 year old mother came down with the "real deal."
>      I will not get a flu shot. I am not "at risk". I dread the thought of
>another ordeal with the flu, but I think my lifestyle promotes a healthy
>immune system. I am free to choose what's right for me and I'm going with 
>immune system.   .....  no objection from my doctor.
>      My point is that there is a large segment of the population 
>that is "at risk"  .....  meaning that if they get the flu, i.e. the "real
>deal   ... as you and I have gotten, they could very well die. I do not
>criticize those who opt for a flu shot (if available), nor do I criticize
>their doctors for recommending it to them.
>      My concern with flu shots and I suppose vaccinations, is that they
>should not be replacements for healthy lifestyles. (What many people need 
>food. and water.) Take responsibility for your health. Eat good food. Drink
>good water. Exercise. Sleep. Laugh. Sing songs/dance even when the radio
>isn't on. Find joy in the simple "mundane tasks". Don't take on the weight
>of responsibility by limiting other people's choices.
>      Please feel free to disagree with me and to follow whatever course of
>action (or inaction) you think is in your best interest.
>             My best wishes to all for health and happiness
>                                                          Tom
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Marylynn Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: <>
>Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 12:51 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] FW: Why You Might Not Want The Flu Shot
> > Hi Tom .. I've also had the flu .. the real deal and after driving to my
> > parents home to take care of the youngest because both my parents were
> > functioning, but down with it and then to my oldest sister to do the 
> > thing with her 2 small children because she was also sick, I woke up
> > several
> > days later in my own apartment to find my brother sitting beside my bed 
> >
> > .. I have no memory on how I got home or when my brother came.
> >
> > .. a bad flu and yes, for some reason my (our) immune system had failed
> > some
> > of us.
> >
> > It is the one and only time in my life that I have been that sick.
> >
> > Today I would take other precautions if I knew a bad flu was out there 
> > getting real close .. there's quite a selection to chose from .. sea 
> > colloidal silver .. and yes, even that famous .. urine therapy.
> >
> > Unless the information has been removed there should still be statistics
> > that date back to mid or early 90's prior to lumping every thing 
> > to
> > make the figures larger .. should also be listed exactly what falls 
> > that category of "FLU" .. but I believe the published statistics during
> > that
> > time was less than 2000 individuals world wide that died from the real 
> > .. all immune compromised .. and it was stated.
> >
> > .. The flu was lumped more or less with having a winter cold .. annoying
> > and
> > uncomfortable ..
> >
> > Sorry, I had the links prior to computer clean but who knows where it is
> > now
> > .. but the UN did actually keep those records .. and I would think they
> > should still be there.
> >
> > Because of that one time flu episode I found out a few things about 
> > ..
> > 1st, it's good .. it's actually burning out what's making you sick so 
> > do
> > need to let it run it's course .. BUT .. you don't want it to last
> > over-long
> > and you don't want it to be up too high .. 104/105 (F) .. and the best 
> > to control that is with alcohol mixed with water .. just a bit cooler 
> > room temp .. you simply take a wash cloth and place them in the groin 
> > and in the arm pits re-wetting and changing them as they absorb the body
> > heat.
> >
> > .. also gently wash down chest, back, neck area with the same alcohol 
> > water mix .. if you can keep the fever below that Brain Damage level it
> > can
> > do a great job in healing the body and the alcohol water mix is one of 
> > best ways to do that because you have the ability to control it and 
> > the body in doing it's job.
> >
> > Mary Lynn
> > Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
> > TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior 
> > .
> > Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
> > Practitioner
> > . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
> > The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: "Thomas Kelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Reply-To:
> >>To: <>
> >>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] FW: Why You Might Not Want The Flu Shot
> >>Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:24:08 -0500
> >>
> >>October 2006 Free NewsletterKen,
> >>
> >>      I have heard people say that they had "a touch of the flu" or they
> >>missed work for a day or two because they "had the flu. Marylynn's post 
> >>one point includes the flu, with colds, as being "uncomfortable".
> >>
> >>"In conclusion
> >>Rather than see the flu, colds, fevers and nasal discharge solely as
> >>uncomfortable, we should know that they operate in our best interest: to
> >>heal us, to cleanse us and to detoxify us."
> >>
> >>      I know what the flu can be. In February of 2005 I experienced the
> >>real deal. A cough and fever turned to deliriums while a blizzard raged
> >>outside. I was shivering constantly. The bed  sheets were soaked with
> >>sweat. My wife tells me I drank 2 gallons of fluid (water,  juice,
> >>Gatorade) a day, yet I don't remember urinating. I didn't sleep, at 
> >>as I know sleep, for three days. When I closed my eyes, lights flashes,
> >>scenes shifted, images morphed grotesquely; jet engines wailed, dogs
> >>barked, and for hours on end, a two bar Robert Johnson phrase played
> >>repeatedly. My head pounded; I coughed  andcoughed.
> >>
> >> By
> >>  the time the roads were clear and I got to my doctor, I was greatly
> >>improved. The dogs had stopped barking and I had slept a bit the night
> >>before. He said I had the flu; "The real deal". Since I don't smoke, 
> >>have asthma, or a history of respiratory problems  .....  in fact no
> >>history of illness, he let me go home. I babbled a bit about what I had
> >>gone through. He said "You are healthy and strong. You got the virus and
> >>for some reason your immune system failed you. You succumbed and had to
> >>weather the full blast.You can see why people die from it. It can be a
> >>killer."
> >>
> >>  I am scared by the flu  ... "the real deal". Though old (56), I'm 
> >>frail. I got a flu shot (1st time ever) last year (Nov 2005), but am not
> >>getting one this year.  "For some reason your immune system failed you"
> >>sticks in my mind.  I think I know why my immune system failed me that
> >>time. I think I can avoid it now. I firmly believe that good food and
> >>water, exercise, and sleep, along with stress management and plenty of
> >>song
> >>and laughter are the cornerstones of good health.
> >>      I certainly would not criticize anyone, especially one who is 
> >>(including a compromised immune system) from getting a flu shot. I'll
> >>induce a mild fever, sweat and detox with a 30 minute run each day, but
> >>keep tylenol or ibuprophen on hand in case someone's fever starts to
> >>approach meltdown.
> >>                    Best of Health to All,
> >>                                         Tom
> >>
> >>
> >>----- Original Message -----
> >>   From: Ken Riznyk
> >>   To:
> >>   Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 9:22 PM
> >>   Subject: Re: [Biofuel] FW: Why You Might Not Want The Flu Shot
> >>
> >>
> >>   I guess you can read what you want to read, but I went to the CDC
> >>website and they say that infleunza is responsible for an average of
> >>36,000
> >>deaths and 114,000 hospitalizations each year. Where does this woman get
> >>her information?
> >>
> >>   It's comforting to know that it is mostly frail, sickly, unhealthy
> >>people die from the flu. As I get older and may become frail and sickly
> >>I'll be very glad that a simple vaccine will be able to prevent my
> >>premature demise.
> >>   Ken
> >>
> >>
> >>   ----- Original Message ----
> >>   From: Marylynn Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>   To:
> >>   Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 1:07:44 PM
> >>   Subject: [Biofuel] FW: Why You Might Not Want The Flu Shot
> >>
> >>
> >>   Personally, I never get the flu shot and now reading this tells me 
> >>I've
> >>   made some good choices in that matter.
> >>
> >>   Mary Lynn
> >>   Rev. Mary Lynn Schmidt, Ordained Minister
> >>   TTouch . Reiki . Pet Loss Grief Counseling . Animal Behavior
> >>Modification .
> >>   Shamanic Spiritual Travel . Behavior Problems . Psionic Energy
> >>Practitioner
> >>   . Radionics . Herbs . Dowsing . Nutrition . Homeopathy . Polarity .
> >>   The Animal Connection Healing Modalities
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>         Special Flu Shot Report
> >>
> >>         "Here come the fear mongers...just in time for the flu vaccine
> >>marketing season.. Fear is used to persuade Americans to roll up their
> >>sleeves and hand over their children to be vaccinated. Years ago, people
> >>developed resistance the old fashioned way: By getting the flu. And then
> >>when that type of flu came around again years or decades later, they
> >>either
> >>didn't get sick or had only a mild case. The vaccine marketeers want to
> >>take that away from our population. What will that make us? Vaccine
> >>dependent, of course." - Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National
> >>Vaccine Information Center
> >>
> >>         Three important reasons to avoid the flu shot:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>           1.. The flu shot contains formaldehyde, gelatin and traces of
> >>chicken cells.
> >>           2.. The flu shot contains viral contaminants that have been
> >>linked to cancer.
> >>           3.. You can get the flu shot - and all the risks that go with
> >> it
> >>- and still get the flu!
> >>         From the OsteoMed newsletter. To subscribe, go to
> >>
> >>         Another good reason to avoid the shot:  to avoid Alzheimer's
> >>Disease
> >>
> >>         According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading
> >>immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our time (over 850
> >>papers in peer reviewed journals), if an individual has five consecutive
> >>flu shots their chance of getting Alzheimer's is ten times higher! (1)
> >>
> >>         How does the flu shot cause Alzheimer's? Dr. Fudenberg states 
> >>mercury and aluminum in flu shots (and many childhood shots as well as
> >>some
> >>RhoGam shots) cross the blood-brain barrier causing brain damage.
> >>Alzheimer's is expected to quadruple. Are flu shots the reason? (2)
> >>
> >>         Flu hysteria is on the way (again)
> >>
> >>
> >>         Reports claim that "Influenza kills 30,000 to 40,000 Americans
> >>every year." (3) That is simply not the case. According to the Centers 
> >>Disease Control, the number of people who die of the flu are a fraction 
> >>that. Here is what the CDC says:
> >>
> >>         In 2002: 753 died of the flu (4)
> >>         In 2001: 267 died of the flu (5)
> >>         In 2000: 2,175 died of the flu (6)
> >>         In 1999: 1,685 died of the flu (7)
> >>
> >>         Those who die of the flu are mostly frail, sickly, weak,
> >>malnourished and unhealthy to begin with. For people in reasonably good
> >>health, dying from the flu is, in fact, very rare - research even shows
> >>the
> >>flu shot does not affect mortality of elderly people. In conclusion - 
> >>flu shot is dangerous and useless.
> >>
> >>         Flu shot does not save lives
> >>
> >>         The ads say "The flu shot saves lives," but research reveals 
> >>not so.   The flu vaccine isn't preventing death in the elderly, the 
> >>risk group" that is told to get a flu shot to reduce mortality, 
> >>to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine. (8)
> >>
> >>         Although immunization rates in those over 65 have increased 50%
> >> in
> >>the past 20 years, there has been no decline in flu-related deaths. In
> >>addition to ineffectiveness, the flu shot's typical ingredients include
> >>aluminum (associated with Alzheimer's and seizures), mercury (linked to
> >>brain damage, ADHD and autism) and phenol (a carcinogen).
> >>
> >>         In fact, mortality rates for those over 85 between 1968 and 
> >>showed no change as well. The authors add: "Studies substantially
> >>overestimate vaccination benefit"; a diplomatic way of saying it's
> >>useless.
> >>
> >>         If you get the flu avoid aspirin and TylenolT
> >>
> >>         Researchers found that flu sufferers who took aspirin or
> >>acetaminophen (Tylenol) stayed sick an average of 3.5 days longer than
> >>people who did not take the drugs.
> >>
> >>         The researchers discuss the purpose of a fever and note how
> >>confused the medical profession is when it comes to fever. "In spite of
> >>centuries of clinical experience and recent intense investigation, it is
> >>still not clear whether fever is noxious per se, or if the benefits of
> >>antipyretic therapy outweigh its costs." (9)
> >>
> >>         Natural healthcare providers have always understood the value 
> >>fever in fighting infection and cleansing the body of toxins. This was
> >>recently underlined in a paper showing the following:
> >>
> >>         The flu protects against cancer
> >>
> >>         In a research study appearing in The Journal of Cancer Research
> >>and Clinical Oncology, scientists discovered that those with a history 
> >>colds and flu also had less breast, colon, rectal, stomach and ovarian
> >>cancer.
> >>
> >>           The association between.infectious diseases and cancer risk 
> >>investigated. [Those with] carcinomas of the stomach, colon, rectum,
> >>breast, and ovary.were interviewed. A history of common colds or
> >>gastro-enteric influenza prior to the interview was found to be 
> >>with a decreased cancer risk. (10)
> >>
> >>         In another study, subjects who reported a history of colds, flu
> >>and other infectious diseases had a 30% reduction in risk of brain 
> >>(11)
> >>
> >>         Natural healthcare providers have traditionally warned against
> >>suppressing the symptoms of colds and flu stressing that's how your body
> >>heals, detoxifies and cleanses - which are protective against cancer.
> >>
> >>         Do you have a caterpillar egg deficiency?
> >>
> >>         The FluBlok flu shot has caterpillar ovaries as one of its
> >>ingredients. Don't believe it? Go to Concord Monitor Online Article -
> >>Biotech firms developing egg-less flu vaccine - Your News Source - 03301
> >>(12)
> >>
> >>         Long-term consequences of flu shots - immune system damage?
> >>
> >>         Researchers have discovered that repeated vaccination at a 
> >>age substantially increases the risk of influenza at older ages. This is
> >>possibly due to overall weakening of the immune system. However, getting
> >>the infection naturally appears to strengthen the immune system and
> >>decreases the risk of being re-infected. Natural appears to be better.
> >>(13)
> >>Note: The authors did not even look for Alzheimer's increases due to flu
> >>shots, a subject increasingly under discussion.
> >>
> >>         Good news - majority not getting flu shot. Common sense is 
> >>alive!
> >>
> >>         In a National Foundation for Infectious Diseases survey 
> >>Aug. 31-Sept. 3, over half of those interviewed said they would not get
> >>the
> >>flu shot. Among reasons cited: 43% said the flu is not serious enough to
> >>warrant vaccination and 23% said they still got the flu even after being
> >>immunized. (14)
> >>
> >>         In conclusion
> >>
> >>         Rather than see the flu, colds, fevers and nasal discharge 
> >>as uncomfortable, we should know that they operate in our best interest:
> >>to
> >>heal us, to cleanse us and to detoxify us. Preventing symptoms from
> >>expressing themselves may set us up for more serious disease in the
> >>future.
> >>That doesn't mean we should ignore a sick person. Illness is a time of
> >>rest
> >>and recuperation. Ill people need comfort, proper nutrition and support.
> >>
> >>         Many people who wish to avoid medical suppressive therapies 
> >>as aspirin, Tylenol, antihistamines, decongestants and other drugs
> >>designed
> >>to prevent symptoms instead turn to nutrition, chiropractic, homeopathy,
> >>naturopathy, acupuncture and many other natural "expressive" healthcare
> >>systems so their bodies will get the full benefit from their symptoms -
> >>cleansing, healing and improved health.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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