Fred Oliff wrote:

> Who gets riich when they build this new fence?

    Some company affiliated with congressmen and senators.

>   And is there going to be one on the northern borders as well?

    Yes.  This has been a topic of derision among people in BC for the 
last several weeks.  I have a newspaper cartoon that shows Mr. Bush 
extoling the virtues of America's border with Canada.  He's shouting 
through a megaphone from the top of a barbed wire topped fence, complete 
with security cameras and a mine field.  An astonished Canadian, walking 
a dog, approaches the US border to hear Mr. Bush say:

    "I cherish the unique and special relationship we have between our 
two countries.  Now, keep your hands where I can see them and step away 
from the wall!"

> Fences are meant to keep people/animals in or keep people/animals 
> out?  Just asking...

    They're supposed to protect America from all those terrorists 
invading from Canada that the US Customs agency can't seem to screen at 
the border, despite all the harassment they give to our allies and friends.

> I thought Al Gore's comment in "An Inconvenient Truth" about terrorism 
> vs the environment (and I cannot recall the exact words), was very 
> telling of the present plight we all face. Which, after all, is easier 
> to fix?  Admitting there is a problem (has been difficult), awareness 
> that there is a problem is easy (maybe not AS easy) but taking action 
> (on the environment) is just not very popular.  No video games were 
> made/sold in the resolution of global climate change (warming).

    Dealing with the climate issue will have an indirect consequence of 
significantly reducing our need to project power into the Persian Gulf 
to defend oil supplies.  That would go a long way toward ameliorating 
the hostility towards us that has been brewing in that region for the 
past fifty years or so.  The other side of the equation, however, will 
involve solving the Palestinian issue.

    Of course, I've been talking this way for thirty years now and no 
one seems willing to listen.  My mother thinks we should bomb the rest 
of the planet, calls my wife an "ignorant foreigner" (for suggesting 
that the US spend less money on "defense" and more on infrastructure and 
a social safety net) and told me to "go to hell" for suggesting that 
people who claim to be Christians should actually reflect a Christ-like 
attitude.  Sadly, this kind of mentality is common enough among American 
citizens that no substantive policy changes will ever occur.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind

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