- December 28, 2006 - The New York Sun
U.S. Embassy Is Warning Beijing on Iran Gas Deal

Staff Reporter of the Sun
December 28, 2006

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration and Congress are warning that a 
proposed $16 billion deal between a Chinese company and Iran could 
trigger economic penalties under an American law aimed at starving 
Iran of funding for terrorism and nuclear weapons.

Officials at the American embassy in China delivered a demarche 
Saturday in Beijing. They demanded an explanation of the deal from 
Chinese government officials and warned them that it could trigger a 
1996 law, the Iran Libya Sanctions Act. The law prohibits foreign 
firms that invest more than $10 million in Iran's energy sector from 
raising capital in American financial markets.

The Democrat from California who will take over next week as chairman 
of the House International Relations Committee, Tom Lantos, said his 
panel will "closely examine" the deal next week to see if the 
sanctions would apply. The ranking Republican on that committee, Rep. 
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican from Florida, said she will also be 
looking closely at the deal.

The Chinese company involved in the deal, the Chinese National 
Offshore Oil Corporation, or CNOOC, is state controlled but has some 
independent directors, including a former vice chairman of Goldman 
Sachs Asia. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The company 
attracted American press attention in 2005, when it launched a $18.5 
billion bid for the American oil company Unocal that it eventually 
withdrew amid congressional opposition.

The deal with Iran will test the effectiveness of the recently 
reauthorized Iran Libya Sanctions Act, which was originally 
championed by a senator from New York, Alfonse D'Amato. The deal also 
poses a direct challenge to America's financial war against Iran. For 
the past year, the Treasury Department has discreetly pressured 
Japanese and European banks to divest from Iran and end their 
relations with Iranian companies and banks, warning that such deals 
could risk the banks' own access to American financial markets.

Because the Iran- China deal was announced on December 22, only a day 
before the U.N. Security Council unanimously approved new sanctions 
against Iran's nuclear program, it also signaled China's willingness 
to soften any economic blow to the new sanctions would inflict on 
Iran. Others say that the China- Iran deal is driven on the Chinese 
side not by geopolitical considerations but strictly by economics, as 
China struggles to find affordable energy to support its booming 
economic growth.

Yesterday, a State Department official who requested anonymity said 
Foggy Bottom was trying to determine whether the deal with CNOOC is 
to purchase liquefied gas or whether it would actually entail CNOOC's 
investment in new facilities in Iran to liquefy the natural gas for 

"Obviously, if this would involve some investment in gas 
liquefication facilities - we don't know that it does - then that 
would be a violation of the Iran Libya Sanctions Act. A strict 
purchase raises political concerns, but not legal concerns," the 
official said. When asked about those political concerns, the 
official said, "It would mean the Iranians would have another $16 
billion for international terrorism and to pursue weapons programs."

Lawmakers were similarly blunt in warning of the consequences of the 
deal. Mr. Lantos said, "When the Congress convenes next week, the 
International Relations Committee will closely examine the reported 
$16 Billion Memorandum of Understanding China's state-owned oil 
company signed with Iran to develop Iranian gas fields." He added 
that his committee would specifically examine whether the deal would 
trigger penalties envisioned under the new Iran sanctions law. " 
China needs to be warned of the serious penalties it may incur if it 
pursues implementation of this agreement," he said.

Ms. Ros-Lehtinen said she would examine whether the deal would 
trigger penalties. "If this investment is confirmed, I will seek to 
ensure that this Chinese entity is penalized to the fullest extent. 
Chinese entities have a nefarious history of providing critical 
assistance to rogue regimes for their missile and unconventional 
weapons programs, and China also provides an economic lifeline to 
these threats to global peace and security," she said. "As such, we 
must carefully review any activity that would indirectly benefit or 
reward Chinese rogue clients like Iran and Syria."

Despite the tough talk, there is no precedent for enforcing the 
ten-year-old secondary sanctions that are on the books for foreign 
investments in Iran's energy sector. When Russia's Gazprom, France's 
Total and Malaysia's Petronas companies signed a $2 billion deal to 
develop Iran's South Pars gas field in 1997, the Clinton 
administration waived any sanctions required by law.

The deputy director of research at the Washington Institute for Near 
East Affairs, Patrick Clawson, said yesterday that it was unclear 
whether the Chinese government had approved the deal CNOOC announced 
last week, noting that Chinese companies in the past have pursued 
investments without checking with Beijing. But he added that if the 
deal was approved by the Chinese foreign ministry, it would hurt 
American efforts to present effective disincentives to Iran for its 
nuclear program.

"If in fact Chinese companies are prepared to make major investments 
in Iran, it is going to be more difficult for America to achieve its 
goals to pressure Iran on weapons of mass destruction and delivery 
systems," Mr. Clawson said.

The president of the Center for Security Policy, Frank Gaffney, said 
he was not holding out hope that any government sanctions would be 
applied to CNOOC. "The president keeps waiving the sanctions on 
foreign firms," he said. "We have come up with as an alternative 
approach. Americans investing in companies like CNOOC ought to divest 
from those companies if they are doing business with our enemies. 
This is not only inconsistent with the investor's moral values, but 
inconsistent with the national interest and a fiduciary risk."

One investor in CNOOC is the New York City retirement fund, which 
owns more than $8 million worth of CNOOC stock. Yesterday, a 
spokeswoman for New York City comptroller William Thompson said the 
comptroller's office is looking into those holdings.

The New York State Common Retirement Fund directly owned $5.2 million 
worth of CNOOC Ltd. as of March 31, according to the fund's annual 

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