Somewhat US-centric but never mind, it's a global phenomenon. - K


The 2006 You Didn't Hear About

By Rebecca Solnit, AlterNet. Posted December 29, 2006.

While many of the big stories in 2006 were bad news, there were 
hundreds of activist successes in 2006 that permanently changed the 

The big news is usually the bad news, and this year the biggest 
stories weren't even news -- climate change and the war in Iraq were 
trouble that had begun well before 2006. But dozens of small stories 
set another tone -- the tone of that graffiti in Seattle during the 
shutdown of the World Trade Organization there in 1999: "We are 
winning" -- not the same as "we have won" and can stop; "we are 
winning" is a call to action. Activists won dozens of small and 
not-so-small victories for human rights and the environment in 2006. 
The fabric of the world is woven out of small gestures; the large 
ones mostly just rend it and leave more to mend. And the small 
gestures continue. Here are some of them.

On December 31, 2005, Black Mesa Coal shut down its mine on 
indigenous land in Arizona because that mine fed all its coal -- as 
water-depleting slurry pumped 300 miles across the desert -- to the 
Mojave Power Station that cranked out obscene quantities of 
particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and all manner of other nasty 
things during the decades of its operation. The mainstream media 
played it as a jobs story; the alternative media mostly missed what 
had a decade earlier been a big environmental cause.

In February indigenous leaders, forest activists and logging 
companies reached a historic deal that protected five million acres 
outright and limited logging on another 10 million acres of the Great 
Bear Wilderness in north-coast British Columbia. That's an area more 
than twice the size of Yellowstone National Park wholly preserved 
with another four or so Yellowstones protected -- and not just set 
aside as national parks are, but put under the joint jurisdiction of 
the First Nations people from the region and of the provincial 

Indigenous peoples won victories all over the world in 2006, perhaps 
beginning with the inauguration of labor leader Evo Morales as 
president of Bolivia on January 22nd, the first indigenous president 
of the largely indigenous nation since the Spanish invasion almost 
five centuries before. He made good on his campaign promises to 
nationalize energy resources and negotiated contracts giving the 
impoverished nation far higher percentages of profits from 
natural-gas extraction. In November, the Achuar people of the 
Peru-Ecuador rainforest blockaded a major oil producer and forced it 
and the Peruvian government to implement environmental reforms.

Similarly, on July 20th, the Nigerian courts ordered Shell 
Corporation to pay $1.5 billion to the Ijaw people of the Niger 
Delta, who had been fighting the oil company for compensation for 
environmental devastation since 2000. In December, in Botswana, the 
San people -- sometimes called the Bushmen -- won the court case over 
their eviction from their homeland. The decision restored their right 
to live, hunt, and travel on their ancestral lands.

While the Navajo still fight an attempt to site a new power plant on 
their reservation, there were other victories against the 
environmental destructiveness of energy production when Congress 
banned all new oil, gas, and mineral drilling leases on the Rocky 
Mountain Front region of Montana, one portion of the west chewed up 
by the Bush-era extraction stampede.

There were domestic victories on other fronts. One major U.S. citizen 
achievement was the October defeat of attempts to privatize and jack 
up usage fees on the Internet, despite $200 million in corporate 
spending on the issue. A new grassroots movement defeated the telecom 
industry's attempt to take over this major new zone of global 
communication for its own profit. A minor but sweet victory for 
independent thinking and bold opposition was Stephen Colbert's April 
dressing down of the Bush Administration, to the president's face, at 
the White House Press Corps dinner. The mainstream media, also 
excoriated by the bold Colbert, ignored the spectacular verbal attack 
until the alternative media made the story impossible to ignore. Such 
trajectories -- major stories investigated, exposed and explained by 
the alternative media until the mainstream can no longer ignore the 
news -- are one of the reasons why net neutrality matters.

Another grassroots groundswell that mattered was the immigrants' 
rights marches of last spring, which were launched with the 
surprising turnout in Los Angeles -- not the easiest city for walking 
and marching -- of more than a million Latinos and others defiant of 
crackdowns against immigrants. Similarly huge and passionate 
demonstrations, many organized by text messaging, Spanish-language 
radio, and other means, swept the nation. They demonstrated that 
immigrants were not going to be so easy to bully; the force of their 
numbers and passion left Republican plans to repress and to demonize 
immigrants, undocumented and otherwise, in disarray. The marches were 
jubilant and powerful, one of those no-going-back moments when a 
group decides never to be a silent victim again. The culminating 
marches on May Day were the first time in many decades that the U.S. 
had adequately joined the rest of the world in commemorating this 
worker's holiday that commemorates the anniversary of the Chicago 
labor march and rally in 1886.

Mexicans rose up in 2006, and the country seems to be on the brink of 
revolution, if citizen discontent is any measure. The city of Oaxaca 
was seized by its citizens and for many months functioned as an 
autonomous zone akin to the Paris Commune of 1871, until violent 
repression in November. After the stolen presidential election in the 
summer, millions of Mexicans took up residence in the streets of the 
capital to protest the corruption and model an alternative -- the 
huge occupation of the central zocalo (or plaza) and surrounding area 
experimented with mass democracy meetings in the open air, while 
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the Mexico-City mayor who probably 
actually won the election, set up a shadow government. The 
Zapatistas, a dozen years after their appearance on the world stage, 
continued to play a role in Mexican politics.

The Bush Administration continued its slide into ignominy as even the 
craven politicians who had waved flags and followed orders during the 
long patriotic nightmare after 9/11 found it safe and useful to 
attack the administration. Many Republican candidates declined to 
appear with the president, and Cheney made his mark this year largely 
by shooting a major campaign contributor in the face while attempting 
to shoot birds just released from cages for the purpose -- perhaps an 
allegory for the voting public. Though some good candidates won 
election and Congress and the Senate went to the Democrats, the 
Democrats as a whole will at best endorse victories won elsewhere, 
which is why the grassroots matter so much.

It was a lousy year to be a Republican president, though not nearly 
as bad as being a U.S. soldier or an Iraqi citizen. A number of 
highly visible defections from the war in Iraq made a difference in 
2006, notably that of Lieutenant Ehren Watada, a Japanese-American 
officer from Hawaii who refused to serve in what he called "an 
illegal and immoral war." Recruiting kids to serve in the military 
became harder than ever, and recruiters fought back with 
ever-lowering standards, ballooning bonuses and, according to many 
sources, packs of lies.

Five central Asian nations -- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, 
Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan -- signed a treaty foreswearing nuclear 
weapons anywhere on their considerable territory in September, 
further upsetting the Bush Administration which hoped to reserve the 
option of siting a few nukes there. Donald Rumsfeld was obliged to 
resign after the 2006 elections, and he may join Henry Kissinger as 
thugs who don't like to travel abroad -- the U.S.-based Center for 
Constitutional Rights filed a lawsuit against the former Secretary of 
Defense in Germany, on behalf of torture victims from Abu Ghraib and 
Guantanamo. This picked up where the lawsuits against Chilean 
ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet -- hounded by justice the last eight 
years of his life, until his death earlier this month -- left off.

It wasn't such a great year to be a free-trade advocate, either. The 
United States's most fervent advocate, Thomas Friedman, was outed by 
independent journalist Norman Solomon as a person so insanely rich -- 
through marriage into one of the wealthiest families in the country 
-- that his opinions are deeply contaminated by membership in the 
ultra-elite that prospers by policies that bankrupt the rest of us. 
The Free Trade Area of the Americas was already sabotaged by 
left-wing leaders in South America in 2005; in 2006, Ecuador canceled 
a contract with Occidental Petroleum, so annoying the Bush 
Administration that it broke off trade talks with the country. The 
World Trade Organization continued to falter -- some activists 
pronounced the once-fearsome organization dead this summer, when the 
long-floundering Doha round of negotiations fell apart.

Though binational trade agreements -- such as the U.S.-Peru agreement 
signed earlier this month -- continue to threaten local power, labor 
and the environment, the failure of the WTO to become the world's 
economic superpower is evidence of the power of resistance. Hugo 
Chavez's Bolivarian revolution continued to evolve, most notably with 
the early December meeting at which South American leaders looked at 
forming an economic bloc along the lines of the European Union -- an 
alternative not just to corporate "free trade," but to the 
colonialism that has long drained the wealth of the region.

Wal-Mart too met with major setbacks, starting with an 
ever-increasing bad image around the world, thanks to activist 
exposes. Domestic sales slumped in the US by November; South Korean 
sales were so dismal that Wal-Mart sold its 16 stores to a Koran 
discount chain; the world's largest corporation also announced last 
July that it would pull out of Germany. In January, Maryland 
legislators overrode the corporation's pressure and their own 
Republican governor to force Wal-Mart to spend more on healthcare for 
workers in the state.

Halliburton was so besieged by citizen-opponents in Texas that it 
held its annual shareholder's meeting in Duncan, Oklahoma, and was 
even there surrounded by people chanting "shame!" Bechtel, driven to 
move its headquarters out of San Francisco by frequent protest, 
withdrew from Iraq in ignominy this year, its contracts canceled and 
its reputation sullied. The children's hospital in Basra that Bechtel 
was supposed to build and Laura Bush loudly championed as evidence of 
American virtue was put "on hold" in July far behind schedule and far 
over budget.

Late this year, even the European Union struck a blow against the 
reign of the corporations when it adapted the Reach Regulation, a set 
of laws that essentially implements the precautionary principle: 
corporations will have to prove that their chemicals are safe, rather 
than requiring government agencies to prove they are dangerous. 
Austria banned Monsanto's genetically engineered canola and 
genetically modified corn; Romania banned genetically modified soy.

Meanwhile, in the United States, cities, regions, and states continue 
their withdrawal from the federal scheme of things. The Supreme Court 
is still out on whether the Environmental Protection Agency can and 
must, as Massachusetts argues, regulate greenhouse gases, but the 
September passage of the Global Warming Solutions Act in California 
is a landmark in states doing what the federales refuse to do: 
address the obscenely disproportionate American contribution to 
climate change.

And forest activists didn't just protect the Great Bear Wilderness in 
British Columbia. They won a huge Canada-based victory over 
Victoria's Secret, which this month caved in after a long campaign 
and agreed to use recycled and sustainable paper in its 350 million 
catalogues per year. The catalogues had been produced from paper made 
from trees logged in Canada's endangered boreal forests; the activist 
group ForestEthics led the campaign.

What all these victories add up to is a message that the grim 
superpowers of militaries and corporations can be resisted, and that 
the power of small activist groups, of workers, of citizens, of 
indigenous tribes, of people of conscience matters. 2007 will be a 
very interesting year.

Rebecca Solnit is the author of 'Hope in the Dark: Untold Histories, 
Wild Possibilities'.

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