Chuckles...good to sea sum humur creeping back into
this thread...

--- Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Kieth,
> As a clone myself, I resent this whole line of
> discussion.
> -Waever
> Keith Addison wrote:
> >>Hello Luke
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >Sorry, should have been Leo. On the other hand...
> >
> >  
> >
> >>>I think you are wrong Kieth
> >>>      
> >>>
> >
> >That's not my name either.
> >
> >Best
> >
> >Keith
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> >>But you've left out what I said. Here it is:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>Leo, I think you're making a mistake in assuming
> that there's some
> >>>kind of free choice at work. There isn't, much -
> yes, it is possible
> >>>to exercise individual choice, but in the face of
> a massive,
> >>>pervasive and effective barrage of persuasion
> such as the world has
> >>>never before seen from the extremely well-funded
> and well-connected
> >>>opinion manufacturing industry, the fragment of
> the populace actually
> >>>capable of making their own free choice is kept
> small enough to make
> >>>sure it will never be a popular decision, and the
> rest get the wrong
> >>>information anyway, no thanks to a supine media.
> >>>
> >>>With many of these issues, what all the
> externalisations end up
> >>>amounting to is that, free choice or not, nobody
> is excluded in the
> >>>end from the manufactured non-decisions of the
> masses, as Robert has
> >>>just been lamenting: "We simply can't get away
> from the problem
> >>>anymore."
> >>>
> >>>So please don't leave such things for the magic
> of the marketplace to
> >>>provide solutions, because any such magic has
> long ago been hijacked.
> >>>We have to see these things coming in time to
> stop them if necessary,
> >>>or at least to enforce due precaution.
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>Anyway...
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>I think you are wrong Kieth
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>I did say "yes, it is possible to exercise
> individual choice", 
> >>please remember.
> >>
> >>Sorry to say so (really!), but it's apparent that
> you're not aware of
> >>the shitstorm of spin you live in. That's the
> whole idea. That the
> >>manufacturers manufacture what the consumers want
> to consume is an
> >>idea that climbs a couple of steps up the ladder,
> sits down and goes
> >>to sleep. The consumers end up wanting whatever
> the manufacturers
> >>choose to manufacture, and the essential
> manufactured product is not
> >>made in factories, it's bought elsewhere, paid
> for, manufactured and
> >>delivered, and it's called "consent".
> >>
> >>It's very important for most Americans to believe
> they have freedom
> >>of choice, it's a major plank in most of the great
> American myths.
> >>
> >>But Americans are essentially living in a society
> for which there is
> >>no precedent when it comes to the sheer quantity,
> spread, reach,
> >>penetration and effectiveness of manufactured and
> implanted opinion.
> >>This affects all the industrialised societies, but
> particularly
> >>America (to an extent which leaves the rest of the
> world gobsmacked
> >>on a daily basis), and at this pitch - a total
> onslaught - it's not
> >>just a matter of degree, it becomes a different
> thing.
> >>
> >>Spin has always been effective, since it was first
> deployed (in the
> >>US) in 1916. But again, it's become a different
> thing in the last 30
> >>years of corporatism and corporate globalisation,
> and it makes a
> >>crucial difference.
> >>
> >>Many people, especially in the last few years, are
> saying that it's
> >>something you can only see from outside America,
> and there's a lot to
> >>be said for that, we've seen it at work here,
> often, some classic
> >>cases.
> >>
> >>Among the great successes of the opinion
> manufacturing industry are
> >>the ones who think they know about spin and think
> they're immune to
> >>it.
> >>
> >>Spin doesn't work with facts, no need to - so much
> easier if it can
> >>be arranged that people *want* to believe your
> message, which is
> >>easily arranged: then *they* will argue the
> "facts" for you. So to
> >>speak... this is what generally happens:
> >>
> >>"One of the fundamental findings of cognitive
> science is that people
> >>think in terms of frames and metaphors -
> conceptual structures. The
> >>frames are in the synapses of our brains -
> physically present in the
> >>form of neural circuitry. When the facts don't fit
> the frames, the
> >>frames are kept and the facts ignored." - George
> Lakoff
> >>
> >>Denial, in other words.
> >>
> >>Consumer choice, LOL!
> >>
> >>How about some examples? For instance, do you
> think the massive
> >>preponderance of SUV gas-guzzlers on US roads, far
> more than
> >>elsewhere, is a reflection of the true and natural
> innate desires and
> >>free consumer choices of American drivers? Please
> DON'T start that
> >>whole discussion again, it's ALL in the archives,
> several times over.
> >>If you do think that, do some research, see how
> much free choice
> >>you're left with in the end.
> >>
> >>Do you think you can't buy an electric car in the
> US because the
> >>consumers don't want them, as Detroit claims? Ask
> an American
> >>electric car freak about that (also in the
> archives).
> >>
> >>Have you heard of the PNGV program? More and more
> Americans want to
> >>buy hybrids these days eh? We've even (often) had
> people asking why
> >>there aren't any diesel hybrids. A majority of
> Americans now want
> >>independence from foreign oil (another myth) - yet
> right there, in
> >>the multi-billion-dollar PNGV program that got
> stashed away on
> >>various backroom shelves in Detroit and
> Washington, are (were) three
> >>diesel hybrids that ran at 80mpg and were only a
> year or two away
> >>    
> >>
=== message truncated ===

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