Note: ALA is alpha lipoic acid. Chelorex is used to chelate heavy metals from 
the entire body, including the
brain. I think the Codex backers want it in place sometime in 2009. We must 
fight "harmonization" all the way. Codex is the art of double-speak at its 
best.  Peace, D. Mindock

Ivy Greenwell, writing for Life Extension Magazine said, "It has been known for 
almost a decade that lipoic acid effectively inhibits the replication of the 
AIDS virus in vitro. This is not surprising in view of our knowledge that 
lipoic acid inhibits the activation of Nuclear Factor kappa B (NFkB), which is 
believed to play an important role in the activation of the HIV virus. 
Essentially, the latent virus is activated by certain inflammatory cytokines 
that result from the activation of NFkB. These cytokines include Tumor Necrosis 
Factor alpha (TNF alpha)-hence the goal of reducing TNF alpha, and the 
similarity between alternative treatments against AIDS and hepatitis, Dr. 
Patrick pointed out. Both protocols emphasize lipoic acid, selenium and a 
combination of various other antioxidants. In addition, many AIDS patients are 
co-infected with Hepatitis C. "All AIDS patients need liver support," Patrick 
said. In addition to 500 mg of lipoic acid/day, she also uses silymarin, shown 
to be remarkably effective in restoring liver health."

The core of my personal health and longevity program is heavy daily doses of 
natural magnesium chloride applied transdermally, along with spirulina and 
Chelorex. Even calcium bentonite clay for oral intake is in that program. They 
make up the core of the protocol I will present later this year in my upcoming 
book Survival Medicine for the 21st Century. Believe me the day is going to 
come that we all will wish we had the foresight to stock up on survival 
medicines, for not only are our economic lives going to change drastically but: 

Everything is slowly being in put in place for global laws which will 
affect all countries - so called 'harmonization'. The drug companies
are desperate to stem the tide of popularity of natural medicine 
and are leaning on governments to create legislation against them.
(A must see video on Codex)

This means there are people out there who have a vested interest in keeping 
people sick. The sickness, insanity and awful terrorism of the pharmaceutical 
industry are accepted lamely by the masses yet it was not too long ago that 
many pushed the American government (and pushed hard) to keep their hands off 
of peoples' right to choose the supplements they want. 

Today, in Europe and America wherever chemicals are likely to become the 
subject of criticism, the companies move in, balancing, propagandizing, 
controlling, mediating protests, funding pseudo-scientific research, buying 
people off and funding social ventures to enhance their reputation.[xxxix]

Unfortunately for the public that the western medical establishment is against 
their principle to use safe medicines like ALA[xl] and magnesium chloride. Both 
are extremely useful in treating disease and protecting the body against the 
daily assaults that lead to disease and aging. It is also unfortunate to be 
living in an age where our access to such natural and safe substances cannot be 
taken for granted. Health This freedom is being threatened by new laws[xli] 
that once again sustain a most dangerous form of medicine, one that assumes the 
best and most appropriate way to treat disease is to poison people with toxic 

We are now in a position to witness the unfolding of the
greatest medical tragedy of all time - never before in history
has the medical establishment knowingly created a life threatening
nutrient deficiency in millions of otherwise healthy people.
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