Has anyone filed criminal charges against the BBC reporter?  It
certainly seems that it would be warranted.

On 1/8/07, D. Mindock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Stores selling vit B-17 are being shut down here in the USA too. Jim Wright
> though was
> shut down in a particularly mean-spirited way. The FDA has shown itself to
> be capable
> of the same behavior, if not moreso.  Big Pharma wants to keep ordinary
> people from keeping
> themselves healthy by natural means without the use of unnatural allopathic
> medicine. The FDA is the junk yard bulldog for Big Pharma. Vit B-17 also
> known as laetrile. See:
> http://www.cancure.org/laetrile.htm for more info.
> Peace, D. Mindock
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Press Release: Vitamin Seller Made a Criminal
> Jim Wright, from Port Talbot in South West Wales (U.K.), ran a small
> business selling natural products. Like many involved in natural health, Jim
> wanted to help not only his family and himself, but also others. Jim's
> caring nature and concern for the suffering of others ultimately got him
> into trouble. In fact, it made him a criminal. Find out how the UK medicines
> regulator, in cahoots with the BBC, set him up. This is an astonishing case
> about persecution and prosecution. Yesterday, Jim received his sentence from
> Swansea's Crown Court. Jim and his family have been through hell and back,
> yet he's not beaten - he's going to appeal.
> To download the full press release (which has this morning been circulated
> to the entire UK media) as a PDF document, including the Editor's Notes that
> provide more details on this important case, please click the following
> link:
> http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_docs/ANHwebsiteDoc_263.pdf
> The text of the release is given below:
> Vitamin seller made a criminal
> After three years of apparent persecution by the UK medicines regulator, a
> Swansea man, Jim Wright, was yesterday criminalised by the Swansea Crown
> Court for selling vitamins and herbs.
> Jim Wright had operated a small business selling natural health products for
> some years before being raided for the first time in May 2003, then again
> two years later, by the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Authority
> (MHRA). During these unannounced dawn raids, his stock was taken, thus
> preventing him from running his business. The vast majority of his stock
> comprised common garden herbal products the like of which can legally be
> bought from high street health food stores across the UK.
> Emerging from the Court room, Wright said, 'I think given the wealth of
> false evidence that was presented in Court, the whole thing's been a total
> farce. Yet in the process they've managed to make me a criminal. The Judge
> gave me a £1000 fine, £1000 that I haven't got, and 120 hours of unpaid
> community service. I was accused of selling products that I wasn't selling
> and we even showed the Court that the supplier of vitamin B-17, as found in
> apricot kernels, was itself shut down by the US Food & Drug Administration
> on 30th September 2003. They found nothing in two raids on my house. I was
> set up.'
> Wright, like others who had been selling vitamin B-17 up until it was made
> illegal in 2002, was made aware of the change in government policy and
> withdrew the product from sale. He had always made a point of complying with
> any advice or requests by the UK medicines enforcement agency.
> In 2003, the MHRA worked with BBC Wales to entrap Wright. A women and her
> partner who, he was told, had a myeloma in the leg that had been operated on
> and that had subsequently spread, approached Jim Wright with a view to
> buying products that would help the cancer patient. The couple forced Wright
> to meet them in a car park on two separate occasions to deliver a range of
> natural health products. Wright thought this a most strange request, yet the
> customers were adamant this is how they wanted their products delivered.
> They filmed him covertly the first time, but on the second occasion, the
> cameras were revealed as he passed over the products. He was devastated to
> find the customers were really a BBC reporter and her perfectly healthy
> colleague.
> Shortly after this, Wright saw himself on the BBC, being made out to be a
> criminal, despite the fact the products he was selling were 100% legal.
> About one week later, the MHRA raided him, confiscating all of his stock,
> and so handicapping his small business operation.
> No legal proceedings followed, but Mr Wright's stock was also not returned
> even after three requests. The enforcers went peculiarly quiet on Mr Wright.
> Two years later, Wright received an order for vitamin B-17. Unknown to him,
> the order was from an MHRA enforcer who, posing as a member of the public,
> presented a heart-wrenching story about her husband dying of prostate
> cancer. The lady was very specific about her desire for vitamin B-17, that
> Wright was well aware had been banned some years earlier. Wright made it
> clear that he could no longer sell B-17 and had none in stock. After
> continuous pressure, however, Wright succumbed to providing a single pot
> that he still had in his home office that had been returned to him by a
> customer and that he hadn't yet posted back to the original supplier in
> Mexico. He was given a mailing address that happened to be the accommodation
> address for the MHRA. On receipt of the product, a warrant was obtained the
> same day from Bow Street Magistrates and Wright was raided for a second
> time, in May 2005.
> Speaking about this second raid, Jim Wright said, 'They were hoping to find
> a big stash of vitamin B-17 - that was what they said they were after when
> they barged into my home. They of course found nothing. So they again took
> all my stock, all my accounts, a folder with all of my correspondence with
> the MHRA and another with thank-you letters and customer contact details. It
> was frightening - and deeply disturbing.'
> Dr Robert Verkerk, executive director of the Alliance for Natural Health
> responded today to Wright's sentencing, 'The Swansea Crown Court Judge took
> the opportunity to condemn the natural products industry. He said the
> manufacturers of these supplements are exploiting people's misery and making
> lots of money out of them. Jim Wright, he said, was a victim, and clearly
> hadn't made a lot of money himself.'
> Reflecting on the sentencing, Verkerk added, 'To prey on someone's intent to
> help others - to set them up like this - is astonishing and deeply
> unethical. Jim Wright and his family have been through hell and back - his
> business has been irreparably damaged, yet no illegal products were found in
> either raid. The lack of reasons given during and after the raids, and the
> confiscation of legal stock that included extra virgin olive oil, beggars
> belief. We are heartened to hear that Jim Wright and his legal counsel have
> every intention of mounting an Appeal.'
> It is expected that Jim Wright's Appeal against his prosecution will be
> launched within 9 months.
> Contact point for all media (UK and international):
> Dr Robert Verkerk or Meleni Aldridge
> Alliance for Natural Health
> The Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking RH4 1XA, UK
> Tel: +44 (0)1306 646 600
> Fax: +44 (0)1306 646 552
> To unsubscribe, please go to
> www.alliance-natural-health.org/index.cfm?action=unsub
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